Summary: This message came about when I recently had to drop everything in the United States and move to the Philippines to conduct revivals. There, I met a young, lonely, fatherless boy who needed to feel and experience the majestic, enduring Love of God.


(John 3:16-17) (16) "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him Should not perish but have eternal life." (17) "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."

(I John 4:9) "In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him."

(Romans 5:8) "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

(Psalms 46:1) "the Lord is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in the day of trouble."

(1Peter1:18-19) (18) " For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers," (19) " but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect."

(Romans8:35-37) (35) "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger, or sword?" (36) " As it is written: "For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered." (37) "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."

(Romans8:38-39) (38) "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come," (39) "Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."


The majestic, enduring love of God is a concept that speaks to the infinite and boundless nature of God's love. This love is not fleeting or conditional but rather steadfast and everlasting. It is a love that surpasses all understanding and can never be exhausted or depleted.

The majestic, enduring love of God is an all-encompassing love that extends to all of creation, and it is a love that is available to everyone, regardless of their circumstances or station in life. This love constantly reminds us that we are never alone and always loved and valued, no matter what. It is a love that brings hope, comfort, and joy to all who experience it and a love that endures forever.

Dear reader, after a forty-three-year career in trucking, I felt a calling from God to move to the Philippines to help with the beginning stages of the end-time revival. This meant leaving behind a new car and several new suits I had just purchased.

After a few revivals, I realized that some people in the Philippines had trouble understanding me when I presented my message in a loud, emotional way that I was used to in the United States. So, I worked on developing a new way to deliver my message that would resonate with the audience in the Philippines.

One day, I was scheduled to speak at a church service on "The Majestic Love of God." However, I soon realized that God had given me this message to prepare me for a young, troubled boy who had just lost his father.

My wife and I met the nineteen-year-old boy at a Christian bookstore. He had lost his father while they were visiting another country, and he was now stranded in the Philippines with his mother. Feeling lonely and confused, he sought refuge in the bookstore and would often read books about understanding the love of God.

The store manager, a kind-hearted woman, became friends with the boy and allowed him to browse and read through the books in the store. My wife and I, along with the store manager, spent a few days ministering to the boy and were able to lead him to Christ.

It's incredible how God can send someone thousands of miles away to answer questions and demonstrate His love to a confused young boy that is missing the love of his earthly father. I hope this message touches your heart as much as it did mine.


"God's Love is a Proven Love" is a testament to the enduring strength and constancy of God's love. God's love has been tried and tested through the ages and has stood the test of time.

God's majestic love, is an unwavering and unchanging love, not subject to the whims of circumstance or the indecisiveness of human emotion. This love is steadfast and sure, a constant source of comfort and support for those who believe in it. God's love is not a fleeting or temporary emotion but a deep and abiding force that endures through all life's trials and tribulations.

This love is visible in the testimony's of past generations that God is a benevolent and loving force that seeks to guide us toward a life of purpose and fulfillment. It is a love that provides comfort and security, knowing that we are never alone and always loved, no matter what.

Beloved, whether going through a difficult time or experiencing great joy, may we embrace God's love that is a constant presence in our lives, reminding us of our inherent worth and value as human beings created in his image.

Throughout the ages, countless individuals have experienced the undeniable power of God's unwavering, unrelenting, and all-encompassing love. It will fill you with warmth, comfort, and peace and guide you through life's journey, no matter the challenges that come your way.

It's interesting to note that even though we can attempt to categorize God's love into seven distinct categories, it's still not enough to comprehend or fully describe the depth of that love. God's love encompasses so much more than words can express, and it's boundless, unconditional, and selfless. It's a love that surpasses all understanding and one we can never fully fathom, no matter how much we try.

In the third chapter of Ephesians, the author emphasizes the profound and incomprehensible nature of the love of Christ. The love of Christ is not just a fleeting emotion or a temporary feeling but rather a deep and abiding love that surpasses human understanding. It is a sacrificial, unconditional, and all-encompassing love, and it is available to all who seek it.

This love is not limited by time, space, or circumstance, but rather, it is a constant and unchanging presence that sustains us through all of life's challenges. The writer of Ephesians reminds us that this love is a gift that we can never earn or deserve but one that is freely offered to us through faith in Jesus Christ.

Beloved, we can rejoice in the fact that we have the blessing of an unconditional love that has been tested by being thrown into a den of lions, and what about the three Hebrew children being thrown into a blazing furnace afterward, coming out unscathed and not even the smell of smoke on their clothes?

Dear reader, I want to share some fantastic news about God's love. It is not just a mere concept or idea but a demonstrated reality that has been proven time and time again. God's love was shown to us in the most remarkable way possible when He sent His only begotten Son to the cross to die for the sins of the world. Through His ultimate sacrifice, He made a way for fallen humanity to be redeemed by the blood of His Son.

This is the most significant news on earth! For those who have accepted God's free pardon for their sins, let us strive to prove our love for Christ by offering our bodies as a living sacrifice for His cause and purpose. In doing so, we can leave His signature to future generations.

God longs for us to recognize Him as a loving Father who welcomes His children with open arms of unconditional love and acceptance. He yearns for us to fully grasp that we have a high priest, Jesus Christ, who can truly comprehend our weaknesses and struggles because He has experienced them Himself.

Jesus Christ fulfilled God's plan to reconcile the world to Himself by enduring the cross, bearing the weight of humanity's sins, and sacrificing His life for us. He also prayed for strength in the garden, showing us that even in our darkest moments, we can turn to God for help and guidance.

Through Jesus Christ, we can have a deep and intimate relationship with God, knowing we are loved and accepted just as we are. Remember and hold on to this truth, even amid life's challenges.

It is essential to understand that God has provided us with a high priest in Jesus Christ who can fully relate to our weaknesses, struggles, and temptations. Through His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus fulfilled God's plan to redeem the world and reconcile humanity to Him. Even knowing the pain and suffering that awaited Him, Jesus accepted His mission and prayed for strength in the garden.

This obedience and surrender to God's will is a testament to His love for us and the depth of His sacrifice. In times of trial, it is comforting to remember that we have a high priest who understands our struggles and can intercede on our behalf before God.

God's love for us is not simply an abstract concept but a demonstrated reality. This is evident in the fact that He sent His only begotten Son to die for us, thus making it possible for us to be reconciled to Him. Through this ultimate sacrifice, we can be redeemed by the blood of Jesus and find forgiveness for our sins. The incredible depth of God's love is seen in His willingness to go to such lengths to redeem us and make us His own.

As believers, we must embrace this love and strive to live a life that honors Him. This means living in a way that reflects the love that He has shown us and seeking to follow His will for our lives. It means recognizing that we are forgiven and accepted by Him and living in the freedom that comes from that knowledge.

In short, God's love is not just a feeling or a sentiment but a demonstrated reality that can transform our lives. Let us embrace this love and live in a way that honors the One who has shown it to us.

Beloved, this is why my favorite scripture throughout the entire bible is found in (Psalms 19:14) "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer."

Saints, as we journey through this life, we must consider the legacy we will leave behind. We should strive to leave a lasting impact on this world, rooted in God's love and compassion. To achieve this, we must consciously empty ourselves of our desires and ego and instead fill our hearts with love for others.

By allowing God to fill our hearts with love for others, we can create a ripple effect that will be felt for generations to come and leave a lasting legacy of kindness and goodness that will inspire those who come after us. Therefore, let us commit ourselves to living entirely of love and strive to leave behind a brighter world because of our presence.


The love of God is a pure and unconditional affection that is beyond human understanding. It does not discriminate, do not judge, and do not seek anything in return. It is always present, even in the darkest moments of our lives. This love is a source of comfort and strength and the foundation of our faith. It is a love that brings hope, peace, and joy to our hearts and souls.

God's love is incomparable and surpasses all other forms of love known to humanity. It is the purest and most unconditional form of love that never fades away. It is unwavering and everlasting and knows no boundaries, limitations, or conditions. It transcends all human understanding and brings hope, peace, and joy to those who embrace it.

We can find rest in our souls when we discover God's love. We can experience a peace that surpasses all understanding and shields our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. His love is pure and unmatched, with no hidden ulterior motives. It is a love that is freely given and not based on any merit or work we have done.

God's love for us is immutable and never changes. His love is demonstrated through the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who made a way for us to become children of his royal family. By His grace, we are called heirs of God and joint with Christ. God's love is not based on our performance but on his perfect love for us.

Unlike the world, where love often comes with hidden strings and motives, God's love is pure and unselfish. He loves us with a pure, unconditional love that holds no boundaries, including the color of our skin, our gender, or our moral standing. He loves us just the way we are, and his love transforms us from the inside out.

God loves to bless us and desires that we extend our love for Him to others we meet and come in contact with. Love is an action word, and when we love others, we reflect the love of God in us. Love is one of the foundational stones for the gifts of the Spirit to operate in our lives and ministries. It is by love that we bear fruit that glorifies God.

Beloved, remember that God's love is the answer to every question, the solution to every problem, and the source of every blessing. According to the scriptures, we know we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren, and people can tell if our love is genuine. We are called to love one another as Christ has loved us.

God's love is a pure and divine love that transforms our lives and brings hope, peace, and joy. It is a love that surpasses all understanding and knows no boundaries. As we receive his love, we are called to extend it to others and bear fruit that glorifies God.

God's love is the purest form of love known to humanity. It is unconditional, unwavering, and everlasting. It knows no boundaries, limitations, or conditions. It transcends all human understanding and brings hope, peace, and joy to those who embrace it. So, if you are looking for a love that will never fade away, look no further than God's pure and divine love.


The love of God surpasses all understanding. It is perfect, absolute, and faultless, and it stands in stark contrast to the flawed and conditional love that we often find in the world. God's love is unconditional and eternal, and it is given freely to us without any expectation of reciprocity or reward.

God's love is all-encompassing, embracing every aspect of our being and extending to every person, regardless of race, gender, or creed. This means that God's love is not just for those who believe in him but for everyone, irrespective of their background or beliefs.

God's love is steadfast in adversity and endures through all trials and tribulations. It is a love that is not shaken by the challenges or difficulties we encounter in life. Instead, it remains constant and unwavering, providing us with the strength and support to face whatever comes our way.

This perfect love is a gift we could never earn or deserve, but it is given freely, without any conditions or expectations. It is always present, no matter what we say or do, and it is a constant reminder of our value and worth in God's eyes.

Ultimately, God's perfect love is a gift that we should cherish and strive to emulate in our own lives. Living with love, kindness, and compassion towards others can reflect God's love and bring hope and healing to a world that so desperately needs it.

My dear friend, I want to share with you the importance of understanding that searching for perfect love in any human relationship is an exercise in futility. No matter how strong, human love will always have flaws and disappointments. We should not expect perfection in our relationships with others, as they are fallible and imperfect creatures, just like ourselves.

There is hope for experiencing true, perfect love, and that is in the love of God. God's love is ideal, exemplified through the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. In Christ, we see the perfect expression of God's love, and we can experience and appreciate its perfections.

Loneliness can often be a difficult and painful experience. But for those who feel lonely, there is hope. God wants to comfort and reassure them that they are not alone in this world. He wants to remind widows, widowers, and anyone struggling with loneliness that they have a place in His royal family.

God's love is not limited to a select few. It is available to all who seek it and are willing to accept it. He offers His love unconditionally, without any judgment or expectation. When we turn towards God, He embraces us with open arms, ready to provide us with the comfort, guidance, and support we need to overcome our struggles.

If you are feeling lonely, know that God is with you. He sees your pain and wants to help you overcome it. All you need to do is reach out to Him and accept His love. Even for those who have experienced the most profound forms of suffering, such as lonely mothers who may have a son or daughter on death row, there is hope for comfort in a True, Loving Heavenly Father who wants nothing but the best for them and their families. God's love is infinite and unending and available to all who seek it.

As we come to a close, it is essential to remember that true and perfect love can only be found in the love of God. This love manifests through the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ, who demonstrated the ultimate act of love by sacrificing himself for us all. Through this love, we can appreciate and experience the perfections of love as exemplified in God's love, which is selfless, sacrificial, and unconditional.

No matter what we have been through or are currently facing, God's love is always available. It offers comfort in times of distress, hope in times of despair, and peace in times of turmoil. It is a love that transcends all boundaries, knows no limits, and endures forever. When we embrace and accept this love, we are filled with a deep sense of joy, contentment, and fulfillment, knowing that we are loved by the Creator of the universe.

God's love is all-encompassing and infinite, surpassing all understanding. It is the essence of his being, the ultimate source of love. Through his passion, we can experience the fullness of life he intended. This love is unconditional, selfless, sacrificial, and freely given to all who seek it. It is a love that transforms, heals, and brings hope and joy. When we embrace God's love and allow it to fill our hearts, we are renewed and empowered to live a life of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.

(1 Corinthians 8:3) "But if any man love God, the same is known of him."

(Romans 8:37) “Who can separate us from the love of Christ, shall trouble, hardship, persecution, hunger, poverty, danger, or death, “Nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” A-Men


The love of God is a potent force that can transform lives. It is unconditional, never-ending, and all-encompassing. When we experience God's love, we feel a sense of peace and joy that cannot be found anywhere else. It knows no boundaries and reaches out to everyone, regardless of who they are or what they have done.

God's love is not just a feeling but an action. It is the way He cares for us, protects us, and guides us through life's journey. It is the reason we can find hope in times of darkness, strength in times of weakness, and comfort in times of sorrow.

In a harsh and unforgiving world, God's love is a beacon of hope that shines brightly. It is a love that we can count on, no matter what. So, let us embrace this powerful force and allow it to fill our hearts and guide us in all we do.

I want to share some thoughts regarding God's matchless love for us. The more storms and experiences we face in life, the more we understand that God's love is not weak and can never be diminished. The holy scriptures emphasize this love, which states that the Lord has redeemed us with His precious blood. This means that we are highly valuable in His sight, and He will never allow anyone or anything to take us away from Him.

Did you know that a single human soul is more precious to God than the world? This is a testament to the value that God places on us. As we navigate life's challenges, we can find peace knowing that God's love for us is unfailing and everlasting. We were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, and nothing can separate us from His love. The Apostle Paul knew this to be accurate and considered God's love an anchor for our souls.

As believers in God, it is essential to recognize that any temptation we face must be allowed by Him before it can come our way. This means that even the trials and tribulations of life are ultimately under His control and can be used for our good and His glory.

By trusting in His sovereignty, we can be confident that our heavenly Father loves us with a pure, intimate, providing, and unconditional love that surpasses all understanding, and as believers, we are privileged to approach God confidently and boldly in prayer.

Beloved, we can rest assured that He hears every request and petition we bring before Him. However, it is essential to come before Him with humility and gratitude, acknowledging that we depend entirely on Him and His goodness.

God's wisdom, power, and goodness are beyond our understanding, and it is crucial to recognize this truth continually. When we face challenges in our personal lives, relationships, or careers, we can rest assured that God is with us every step of the way. He is guiding us towards His perfect will for our lives, and His plans for us are always good, even if we cannot see them at the time.

It is our faith in God that allows us to overcome any obstacle. When we fully trust Him, we can emerge from difficult circumstances more robust, resilient, and faithful than ever before. Our loving heavenly Father is always there to hear our prayers and provide for our every need. Let us confidently approach the throne of grace, knowing that we serve a God who loves us unconditionally and desires our best.

May we thank God our Father for extending His grace so we can come boldly to Him with praise and thanksgiving? We are His adopted children, whom He has engraved on the palm of His hands. We can have confidence in knowing that God promises never to let anyone or anything take us away from Him. In the Lord's prayer, we are instructed to "Deliver us from evil." We do not know what dangers we may encounter, so we need God's hand of protection to protect us and keep us safe.

God's love for us is beyond compare, unmatched, and unchanging. It is a love that is unconditional and eternal. Despite our flaws and imperfections, He sees us as precious and valuable. Nothing can ever separate us from this love - no matter how far we stray or how many mistakes we make.

Beloved, we can find comfort in having a Heavenly Father who is always there for us, watching over us and caring for us deeply. His love is a constant presence in our lives - guiding, protecting, and providing for us in every way possible. When we feel lost or alone, we can turn to Him and find peace in His unfailing love.


Beloved, did you know that God's Love is a Protective Love that offers security and comfort to those who receive it? It is a love that is always there, watching over you and guiding you through life's challenges. When you experience God's love, you will feel embraced by a powerful force that offers protection and safety.

This love is like a shield that surrounds you, keeping you safe from harm and giving you the strength to face difficult times. You can trust God's love to be there for you no matter what happens. It is a love that will never leave you and will always be there to comfort you in times of distress. So, open your heart to God's love and feel its protective embrace.

Dear reader, I want to share the incredible truth about God's love. It is a protective love that guards us from both seen and unseen harm and danger. This love is available to all who seek it and rely on it, and it is an essential aspect of the Christian faith.

Throughout my life, I have experienced many difficulties and hardships. I was used and abused by those whom I thought loved me, and I was left feeling hurt and alone. However, I understand that God uses our life experiences, heartaches, and disappointments to develop our character, mature us, and use us for His glory.

I am now a Board-Certified Mental Health Coach through the American Christian Counselors Association. I have seen firsthand the incredible power of God's love in healing and transforming people's lives. I encourage you to seek and trust God's love, even when things seem complex or uncertain.

God is the creator of all things, both seen and unseen. He is the Father of creation and holy in character and deed. He is not bound by space and time, which separates Him from all other created things. Through prayer, we can enter His divine presence and discover His Spirit is here on Earth with us.

Prayer is a sacred and powerful practice that allows us to communicate with God. It is a way to connect with Him and receive guidance, comfort, and peace. When we pray, we express our desires, fears, and hopes to God and seek His wisdom, direction, and support.

Through prayer, we get to know God more intimately and deepen our relationship with Him. We get to understand His character, His ways, and His purposes. We get to experience His love, His grace, and His mercy. We also learn about ourselves, our strengths, and our weaknesses and become more humble, grateful, and trusting.

Prayer is a means to satisfy our longing to be in God's presence. It is a way to go beyond the physical world and enter the spiritual realm. It is a way to transcend time and space and connect with God in an eternal dimension. Prayer is not just a way to ask for things; it is a way to worship, praise, and adore God. It is a way to thank Him for His blessings and acknowledge His sovereignty.

Prayer is also a way to gain perspective on life. It reminds us that we are not alone, that we are part of a larger story, and that we have a purpose to fulfill. It helps us see beyond our circumstances and trust that God is in control. It gives us hope, courage, and peace amid trials and challenges.

Prayer is not a magic formula and does not guarantee immediate results. Sometimes, we may have to wait long to see the fruit of our prayers. But prayer changes us, and it aligns us with God's will. It helps us to surrender our will to His and to trust that His ways are higher than ours. It also helps us to see the world through His eyes and to respond to it with love, compassion, and justice.

Prayer is a vital and transformative practice every believer should cultivate. It is a way to deepen our relationship with God, to gain insight into life, and to be transformed into His image. When we pray, it's important to remember that God is not just listening to our words but is also aware of the people around us. Everyone is unique, and God sees and understands the intricate details of their lives. He observes the impact of our answered prayers on them and considers their needs and circumstances.

Praying for others, especially those who are hurting, lost, or in need of God's love, is crucial. Our prayers for them can bring hope, comfort, and healing to their lives. It's also essential to pray with sincerity, humility, and a heart full of compassion. When we pray for others, we become channels of God's grace and love, and we can make a positive difference in their lives.

Beloved, I want to remind you that God is a Father to the Fatherless. The world is filled with hurting people who bear the memory of a rough childhood with an abusive father who showed very little love toward his family. But God is different. He loves us unconditionally and wants to be our Father. I encourage you to seek His love and trust it, even when things seem complex or uncertain. Dear reader, I never heard, "Son, I am proud of You."

I want to share something personal with you. Growing up, my father always told me that I would never amount to anything and behaved as if he were competing with me. It was a painful experience that left me feeling discouraged and unsupported.

However, as I've grown older and studied the Bible, I've realized that our Heavenly Father is nothing like my earthly father. Unlike my father, God desires to develop a loving relationship with us, His children. He doesn't compete with or tear us down but builds us up and encourages us to reach our full potential.

God's word clearly outlines the characteristics of a model father: patient, kind, and loving. He provides for our needs and protects us from harm. Most importantly, He is always there for us, listening to our prayers and offering us guidance and wisdom.

So, if you've had a complicated relationship with your father, I want you to know there is hope. Our Heavenly Father is waiting for you with open arms, ready to offer you the love and support you deserve. All you have to do is reach out to Him and ask for His help.

Beloved, the word states in (Matthew 23:9) for us to call no man on earth father but beloved. The writer expresses that in Greek, the word instructs us not to refer to any man on earth as the model father because beloved, only God can fulfill that position.

Paul's first letter to the Corinthian church describes his role as a spiritual father to the people he converted to Christianity. Paul's use of the term "father" is metaphorical, implying that he was responsible for their spiritual upbringing and well-being.

Throughout his ministry, Paul traveled extensively throughout the Roman Empire, spreading the gospel and establishing Christian communities. In the passage you mentioned, he reminds the Corinthians that he was the one who brought the good news of Christ to them and helped them to grow in their faith.

By referring to himself as the "father of the gospel," Paul emphasizes the importance of his role as a spiritual mentor and leader. He takes responsibility for the well-being of the Corinthians and urges them to follow his example and teachings. This passage is a powerful reminder of the importance of spiritual guidance and the role mentors can play in helping us grow in our faith.

If we are looking for a perfect model of a father, we need not look any further than God's Holy Word. The Bible tells us that God's love for us is like a Father's love. He has a Father's Heart, full of warmth, compassion, and care for His people. His love for us is unconditional and never-ending.

Moreover, God has a Father's Strength, evident in His power to create and sustain the universe. He is almighty and can do anything. His strength reflects His love for us and His desire always to protect us.

God also has a Father's Concern for His people. He cares about our every need, whether big or small. He is always there to listen to our prayers and guide us through the difficult times. His concern for us is a testament to His love and compassion.

Therefore, we can take comfort in knowing that we have a Father who will never change or lose His power. His love, strength, and concern for us will remain constant. Let us rejoice in this beautiful truth and trust His unwavering love for us.

(Isaiah 9:6) For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Beloved, this scripture reveals to us the attributes of God our Father, and here we might comment that something is lovely, but God says let me show you wonderfully as you view the risen glorified Christ that has been made both Lord and Christ who is mediating and representing you before the courts of Heaven.

Let us take a moment to reflect on the words of the prophet Isaiah as he describes the power of God available to us. Isaiah presents God as an Everlasting Father who is unchanging in His love for us and possesses immeasurable power to save us from temptation and bad habits.

As believers, we are adopted into God's royal family and have peace with Him as His sons and daughters. This peace is not like the peace that the world offers, but it is a peace that comes from being recognized as a part of God's family. It is the love of a real Father that we experience, a love that is unconditional and everlasting.

Through the cross, we were predestined to become God's children. We take the first step in this journey by accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. We are called to approach God as our loving Father who desires a relationship with us rather than as a deity who requires us to earn His favor through our actions.

We must recognize that our perception of God influences how we approach Him in prayer. Our understanding of God's character affects how we make our requests known to Him. Just as a child who has been abused may approach their father with fear and hesitation, our understanding of God can impact how we come to Him in prayer.

I hope you will come to know God as a loving and merciful Father who deeply desires a relationship with you. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we have been granted access to His never-ending grace and mercy.

We should confidently approach Him, knowing He loves us unconditionally and desires only the best. His love for us is beyond measure, and His kindness toward us is immeasurable. May we always remember that we are His beloved children and can always find comfort and guidance in Him.

Dear reader, may I ask you to think for a moment and think about how would a child who has an abusive father approach their father?

1. What will they ask for, and how will they approach them?

2. Will they be fearful that he may burst into an emotional uproar?

I want to take a moment to reflect on an important question that has the potential to significantly impact our lives, our families, and our ministries. As children of God, evaluating our approach when we come before Him is essential. Do we approach Him with fear and trepidation, thinking He is waiting for us to fail? Or can we approach Him as a loving, compassionate Father who desires to see us succeed and flourish in every area of our lives?


Beloved, God's divine love is characterized by unrelenting patience and compassion. It is a love not limited by time, circumstances, or human failings. Instead, it is a love that is all-encompassing and endures through all situations.

God's love is the most pure and beautiful manifestation of care and concern for humanity. It is a love marked by compassion, grace, and forgiveness and is a fundamental aspect of the Christian faith, making it unique and compelling. This love calls us to extend patience and kindness to others, just as we have received them from God.

God's love will never give up on us, no matter how long it takes. It is a gentle and caring love, always seeking the best for those it loves. Let us strive to emulate this love, showing kindness and patience to those around us.

Did you know that the more you live through the uncertainties that life may send, the more you discover that God's matchless, never-changing love is patient and kind? God desires us to maintain a deep and loving family relationship, even though He already knows our needs. He wants us to come to Him, trusting and believing He can meet our needs.

As God's beloved children, we have the privilege of asking Him for the blessings and gifts He already desires for us. Our prayer life enables us to come into His presence and receive instruction and guidance from Him. Through prayer, we can also experience the joy and peace that come from knowing that we are loved and cared for by our Heavenly Father.

When we come to God with our burdens, we can trust that He will never turn us away. As members of His family, we hold a unique and cherished place in His heart, and He longs for us to seek His help. Whether we need comfort in times of sorrow, guidance in moments of uncertainty, or simply someone to listen to our troubles, God is always there for us. He is an ever-present help in times of trouble and promises never to leave or forsake us.

When we turn to Him, we can rest assured that He will provide us with the strength, wisdom, and grace to face whatever challenges lie ahead. As we trust Him and put our faith in His unfailing love, we will find peace, joy, and hope amid life's struggles. Let us come to God with open hearts and minds, ready to receive the blessings and gifts He has in store for us. Let us also remember that our prayer life is a vital part of our relationship with Him and that we can deepen our faith and grow closer to Him each day through prayer.

God's love is an unshakable foundation we can rely on, even in our imperfections and mistakes. It is a love that does not destroy or condemn us for our failures but lifts us and brings us closer to God. As we grow in our faith and knowledge of God, we see He is a patient and merciful God, slow to anger and quick to forgive.

Our loving God desires for all of us to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth, and He waits patiently for us to conform to the image of His Son through the work of the Holy Spirit.

I want to encourage you that every day presents us with the chance to become more like Jesus. We can do this by reflecting His love, character, and compassion towards the world around us. Jesus lived a life of love and service, and we can strive to emulate His example.

In closing, let me say that God's love for us is truly unique and beyond words. It is an everlasting and unchanging love that surpasses all human understanding. We cannot fully comprehend its depth and vastness, but we know it is genuine. This love knows no bounds and extends from the highest heaven to the lowest hell, encompassing all creation.

Let us take comfort in that God loves us and can aim to reflect that love on others. May we seek to grow in our relationship with Him each day so that we can better understand and share His love with the world around us. Despite our flaws and imperfections, God's love for us remains steadfast and unshakable.

God's love is a love that is not based on our actions or accomplishments but on who God is and His desire to have a relationship with us. This love is the greatest love of all and a gift that we can never fully comprehend or repay. It is freely given to us, not because of anything we have done, but because of God's infinite grace and mercy.

In a world where love is often conditional and fleeting, God's love stands out as a beacon of hope and security. It is a love that will never fade or diminish and is available to all who seek it. May we ever be grateful for His matchless grace, mercy, and kind, patient love towards us. Remember to rejoice in knowing that we are a purchased possession, bought with a price, the blood of Christ.

May we ever be thankful for His redeeming love that made us be adopted into His family as sons and daughters in His kingdom. And finally, may we find consolation in knowing that God has our names engraved on the palms of His hands, a constant reminder of His love for us.


Beloved, when we talk about God's love, we refer to a love characterized by its enduring nature. This love is not temporary or fleeting; instead, it endures forever. It's a love that remains constant even when everything else around us seems to be changing.

God's love is an incomparable love that surpasses any human understanding. It is pure, selfless, and unconditional, not based on anything we do or don't do. This love is given freely without any expectations or demands. It transcends all barriers, be they race, gender, or religion.

When we encounter adversity, it's common to feel overwhelmed, lost, and unsure of what to do next. However, the love of God serves as a beacon of hope that we can cling to during these trying times. It's a love that surpasses all understanding and can heal our deepest wounds and restore our faith. This love reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles. It shows us that a higher power is looking out for us, guiding us through the darkness towards the light. It's a source of comfort and strength we can draw upon when we feel weak or vulnerable.

God's love is a powerful force that can make us whole again. It can help us find meaning and purpose in our lives, even amid chaos and turmoil. It's a reminder that we are loved unconditionally, no matter what mistakes we may have made. With this love in our hearts, we can face any challenge and become more assertive on the other side.

God's Love is a providing love because it meets our needs where we are. It is an enduring love because it is wrapped up in His mercy. The entire one hundred thirty-sixth chapter of Psalms explains His providing enduring love in great detail. It encourages us to praise Him for His goodness and mercy, which shall endure forever.

God’s love is also an enduring love, for we find in the Holy Scriptures that He said, in John the fourteenth chapter and the twenty-third verse, that the Father and the Son will come to the one who loves Him. Where love is in a demonstration, the presence of God and Christ together make their home in the hearts of the believer.

Throughout history, God's never-ending mercy, lovingkindness, grace, and enduring love have never stopped finding ways to bless and help His people. His unconditional love has prepared great blessings and treasures for us to enjoy throughout all eternity. It assures us that we are never alone, for His love is an oasis of indwelling love.

The love of God is the most potent and unchanging force in our lives. It is the foundation on which we can build our entire existence. This love is unyielding and never fades away. It is unwavering and never fails, even when we feel lost or alone. We can always depend on this love to guide us through the ups and downs of life.

The love of God is an unparalleled force that can bring us immense peace, happiness, and fulfillment in life. When we hold on to this love, we find the strength and courage to face and overcome our challenges. It is a love that never judges us for our faults but accepts us for who we are, flaws and all.

The love of God is an unmatched source of comfort and strength that carries us through even the most difficult times. Pure, unwavering, and unconditional love envelops us in peace and tranquility, no matter what obstacles we face. This divine love helps us navigate the storms of life, offering us hope and a sense of purpose. Whether we are struggling with illness, loss, or other challenges, we can always rely on the love of God to guide and support us.

God’s love reminds us of his constant presence, ever-faithful and never-failing, that brings us closer to a sense of wholeness and completeness in our lives. When we allow God's love to guide us, it can transform our lives in the most beautiful ways.

God’s enduring love gives us a sense of security and comfort that nothing else can match. It can give us a sense of purpose and direction and a deep understanding of joy and contentment that comes from knowing that we are loved and cherished by a force greater than ourselves. It is a constant reminder that we are never alone and that someone always cares for us.

When everything around us seems out of order, we can rest in knowing that we can rely on this love to guide us through our journey in life, and it will never disappoint us. It gives us hope and assurance that everything will work out for our highest good, even in difficult times. So, let us hold on to God's love and let it transform our lives.


How you approach God can have a profound impact on your spiritual journey. Whether through prayer, meditation, or quiet reflection, taking intentional steps toward connecting with him can bring immense peace and clarity to your life. Approaching God is a profoundly personal and meaningful experience, depending on your beliefs and traditions, such as consecrated prayer, attending church, or reading your Bible.

Reflect on your beliefs and values and what you hope to gain from your connection with God. Set aside time each day for prayer, meditation, or reflection. Seek a community of like-minded individuals who can support and guide you on your spiritual journey. Approaching God with an open heart and mind can deepen your connection to him and cause you to experience greater peace, joy, and fulfillment.

If God were to give you a blank check, what would you do with it? Would you use it to benefit yourself, or would you use it to help advance the Kingdom of God? We must ponder This critical question because it reveals our heart's desires and priorities.

When we pray to God, it's crucial to consider timing. We must seek His presence and allow Him to burden our hearts with what He wants us to pray for. By doing so, we can be confident that we are praying according to His will, which increases our chances of receiving an answer.

Saints, I would like to emphasize the importance of understanding the profound impact that our prayers have on our own lives and the lives of those around us. When we pray, we are invoking the power of the divine to intervene in our lives and the world around us.

It is imperative that we consider everything that will be affected by our prayers and how they will impact others. For instance, praying for success in our personal lives may affect our family, friends, and colleagues who are connected to us in some way. Similarly, if we pray for healing, it may impact our health, our loved ones, and the community at large.

Let us, therefore, be mindful of the power of our prayers and use them wisely for the greater good. Our prayers can heal, transform, and uplift those around us. Let us pray with a pure heart and a clear intention, knowing that our prayers can change the world, one person at a time. We need a fresh perspective and strength every day to face our challenges. What helped us yesterday may not be enough to tackle our current obstacles.

Beloved, when we come before God to express our needs, we must remember that the Bible instructs us to ask because God is always concerned about the needs of His children. He wants to see us succeed and overcome every obstacle that comes our way.

If we know God as our Father, we can confidently come before Him, knowing He can answer our prayers and fulfill our needs. As He does, In a world where many people are searching for meaning and purpose, it's important to remember that we have the power to make a difference.

Each of us can leave our unique mark on the world, and in doing so, we can help provide the answers and reasons others are looking for. This can take many forms, from creating something new and innovative to giving kindness and support to those around us. By leaving our signature on the world, we can contribute to a better future for ourselves and others.

I woke up this morning at 2:30 AM with a song, "He Lifts Me to Stand on Mountains." I want to remind you that our God will always lift us when we fall. He is our comfort in times of sorrow and will lift us when we feel broken.

Dear Reader, I wanted to share with you a beautiful poem called "Two Sets of Footprints." The poem tells the story of a man who has been walking on the beach with God and, as he looks back, sees two sets of footprints in the sand. He realizes that one set of footprints is his, and the other set belongs to God.

However, as the man looks closer, he realizes that there is only one set of footprints during the most challenging times in his life. Confused and hurt, the man asks God why He abandoned him during his most difficult moments. God then tenderly responds, "My precious child, I love you and would never leave you.

Beloved, during your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you." This poem reminds us that we are never alone, even during our darkest moments. I hope it brings you as much comfort as it has to me.

As we conclude our conversation, I am reminded of a beautiful hymn called "Lord, I'm coming home." This song reminds us that no matter how far we may have strayed from God, it is never too late to turn back to Him. The song's lyrics speak of a deep longing to return to the loving embrace of our Heavenly Father.

In the parable of the prodigal son, we see a father who eagerly awaits the return of his wayward child. Similarly, God is always ready to receive us with open arms, no matter how far we may have wandered away.

If you ever feel lost, alone, or disconnected from God, it's important to remember that you are not alone. You can always turn to Him in prayer, confess your sins, and ask for forgiveness. God's love and mercy are infinite; nothing can separate you from His love. When you feel lost, take a moment to reflect on your life and your relationship with God. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you and to help you find your way back to Him.

I have discovered by experience that God will always be there, waiting for you with open arms, no matter how far you may have strayed. Confessing your sins and asking for forgiveness is not always easy, but it is necessary for healing and restoration. God's forgiveness is complete and unconditional, and He is always ready to forgive you when you come to Him in humility and sincerity.

Beloved, no matter what you have done or how far you have strayed from God, it's never too late to come home to Him. He loves you unconditionally and always waits for you to return to Him. So, if you ever feel lost, alone, or disconnected from God, take heart and know He is always with you, guiding you back to the path of righteousness and peace.


As we come to the end of this message, let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of having a high priest who can understand our struggles and empathize with our infirmities. This is a comforting thought, especially during difficult times when we may feel alone and misunderstood.

The high priest serves as a mediator between us and a higher power, offering us hope and guidance when we need it the most. Through this connection, we can find solace and strength, knowing that we are not alone in our struggles. So, let us take a moment to be grateful for this gift and draw strength from it as we move forward.

Jesus Christ, our Lord, was once a man with a human soul and spirit like us, and God raised him to become both Lord and Christ, a perfect and spotless sacrifice for the redemption of humanity.

It's important to note that Christ had to be fully human to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins. If he were anything that Adam lacked, he wouldn't be qualified to become the supreme sacrifice needed to make the way for sinful man to get back in fellowship with a perfect Holy God.

It's for this reason that God left him on the cross, and when he committed his spirit into God's hands, he was committing his human spirit. This act of love is a testament to his passion for humanity and his desire to see us redeemed and restored to his image, to bear him just as he bore our earthly image.

After living a sinless life, Christ took on our sinful nature, becoming a sin for us and making way for his children to bear his heavenly image. This profound truth speaks to God's love for us and his desire to restore us to his image.

Christ didn't come into this world to start another religion. Instead, he came to pay the sin debt, which would pave the way for sinful man to be redeemed and be accepted back in fellowship with our creator. This demonstrates the fantastic love of almighty God, who gave his only begotten son for our redemption.

As we close this study, let us be reminded that prayer is a powerful tool God has given us to access his holy presence. Prayer can be defined as denying self and coming unto him in consecration. It requires us to lay aside some things we like to give God preeminence in our lives, giving him the time to implant His burden in our hearts. This divine intimacy with God is where we will experience victory as we obey the Spirit’s promptings, allowing the Holy Spirit to control our lives and ministries.

In conclusion, let us confidently live out and demonstrate the teachings of the Gospel of the Kingdom to those who are lost and hurting. God has chosen a remnant, and even the most minor efforts we make for Him in this dark and confused world can make a big difference. When we let our light shine for the Kingdom of God in a confused and dark world, we become that flame of hope that can bring hope out of despair.

International Evangelist

Jerry W. Hulse, Ph.D.

Miracle Life Church International


Dear Lord, I am grateful for allowing me to end this message with a prayer. I pray for those who will take the time to read this message with an open heart. Father, I ask that you bless each person who has surrendered more to your purpose through this message and intensify the work that you have started in their lives and ministries.

Lord, I pray in Jesus' name that you touch, heal, and deliver all who read this prayer and call upon your name. I pray that you meet their needs right where they are and break all curses and negative words spoken against them.

Father, I ask that you empower them in these last days and make their lives count for your purpose. May you awaken the gifts and talents placed in them from birth so they can unite in the faith with other believers, realizing the need to work together in harmony like a finely tuned orchestra in the master's hands.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your tremendous love and blessings over our lives. I am grateful for your promise never to leave or forsake us as your children and to be with us all the way, even to the end of the world.

Lord, I ask for your forgiveness for forgetting that you know our needs before we ask. You understand our struggles, for you were once one of us, tempted in all points like us. You went to the cross to pay our sin debt so that we could be adopted into your royal family as Sons and Daughters sharing with you in your glory. Thank you, Jesus.

Dear Lord, I ask that you enlarge our borders and place your hand of blessing upon us to guide us on the path you have chosen for us. We need your divine guidance so that we might walk fully in your blessing and goodness as you lead us by your Spirit to divine appointments. Please deliver us from evil so that we will not be tempted or cause pain to others.

Lord, I pray that your blessed and holy name might be glorified throughout the Earth as you leave your signature through us to future generations. Lord, I ask that you assign an Angel to accompany this work into the homes of every person who will take the time to read it.

Father, help us stand firm together, activating our faith, for it is in these trying times, through your grace, that we can find rest in knowing that we can depend on you, our God, "Our Father," to come on the scene to direct our path and to guide our footsteps, helping us to understand our dependence for survival upon you.

Dear Lord, help us realize that we represent your glorious body on Earth. Therefore, Lord, help us also understand that there is strength in numbers, and we need each other to be fruitful and live prosperous lives as your people.

Lord, please help us not to be careless and prideful in our Christian walk or resemble a bunch of used body parts. Help us realize, Lord, that we are part of something bigger than ourselves and part of your glorious body as sons and daughters in your royal family and kingdom.

Father, I pray that you stir us up and burden our hearts for true revival, yes, Lord, in every country worldwide. Demonstrate to the people in these countries that you are the Unchanging God, for your word declares that what you were yesterday, you are today and will be tomorrow! (Hebrews 13:8)

Dear Heavenly Father, I ask that you bless each person who has taken the time to read this message and humbly surrendered their life more to your purpose. I ask that you intensify the work that you have started in their lives and ministries in Jesus' name.

Father, I ask that you bless them spiritually, financially, physically, relationally, and emotionally so that their life may be blessed to enrich the lives of others, and dear Lord, I ask that your will, purpose, word, and Spirit have a free course in their life and everyone they meet.

Dear Lord, I ask you to awaken the gifts and talents placed in them at birth so they may become unified in the faith with other believers, realizing the need to work together in harmony like a finely tuned orchestra in the master's hands.

Father, I pray that if anyone reading this prayer needs deliverance from some oppressive spirit, including illnesses that may be attacking their body, Lord, I pray that your Holy Spirit would raise a standard against these attacks and set these people free. May your love and grace be evident in their lives, and may they experience the fullness of your blessings. Thank you, Lord, for hearing and answering our prayers. Amen.

Lord, I pray that the power of your written and spoken word be activated through the authority that is made available unto us that is in the name of Jesus, and we apply the following scriptures to our prayer believing that you have heard and answered us according to your divine will and purpose, for it is in Jesus mighty name we pray and ask these favors. A-Men

(John 16:23) "And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you."

(Psalms 34:15) "The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.

YouTube Channel: Jerry & TinTin Hulse - video=The Majestic Love of God

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