"i Will Be Diligent: Part 2" Series
Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Mar 10, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: The man of God is to not follow trends, fads, feelings, what people would like to hear, or preach messages that make them feel "good", but instead preach the Gospel without compromise or apology and to stay committed no matter what happens.
The previous message based on 2 Timothy began with the definition of diligence. It means being constant in your efforts, finish what you started, stay committed to the task and not quit or become distracted. Preparation and thought are a part of this process. Never start anything without going over all the details to see if the idea, task, project, or ministry will be worth the effort and time. This is sound advice from the Lord Jesus when it comes to the issue of total commitment to Him in being His disciple. I believe that this is why some churches, for example, do not use an "altar call", because it tends to draw people to the front by making a "decision" for Jesus Christ in a state of emotion, or being pressured to "go forward" by a well-meaning friend, family member, or the cries of the pastor after singing "one more verse". There is usually no sign of the potential "convert" ever coming back to church again following the brief spiritual "euphoria" they experienced. This is an example of not just a false convert, but a lack, or sheer ignorance of diligence as it pertains to the condition of one's soul before God. Imagine the shock and terror facing that individual when he hears the Lord Jesus say that He never knew them (Matthew 7:21-23).
For the man who occupies the pulpit and holds the office and responsibility of a pastor/elder, diligence refers to not just a solid testimony and example of personal godliness, but includes humility and a reverent attitude before God, a love for His people, and to fearlessly preach the Word of God in spirit and truth. Diligence has been one of the characteristics for every true man of God called to "preach the Word" (2 Tim.4:1-5). They desire to see that everyone hear the Gospel. Paul desired to see that same diligence in Timothy, possessing that determination to excel in his work at Ephesus. Diligence in ministry means getting the job done in the power of the Word and Spirit despite what the world thinks or does.
Timothy had problems with his flock, like all pastors have, both then and now. He had to deal with issues such as false teachers, congregational prejudice concerning his youth, varied conflicts concerning the care of widows, how to rebuke older members in love who espoused incorrect belief or doctrines, the threat of persecution from both the authorities and citizens who supported pagan deities such as Artemis, and the sexual deviancy that was considered worship and devotion. As if the young pastor did not have enough on his plate, he also suffered from acute stomach problems that gave him constant discomfort, possibly the beginnings of an ulcer. Paul's letter to Timothy was both a charge to persevere and to affirm that he was God's man for the job.
Paul encouraged Timothy to be diligent about what lay ahead (2:14-16). He had to prepare the next generation of elders to teach the truth of the Word. He was also to prepare himself as someone whose work and ministry had been approved by God and never be ashamed of what he has done for the LORD in teaching the Scriptures and sound doctrine. Every God-called man has to stand firm in their convictions. Timothy, along with his elders were instructed to withstand and rebuke any teaching or idle words that were contrary to Scripture, leading to ungodly conduct and lives. Scripture is to govern our growth and development, and not someone's "revelation", opinion, experience, or "feelings".
The issue of false teaching was always a concern to Paul. He urged Timothy to act on it and stop it in its tracks before it spread like a cancer and enveloped the church. Heretics like Hymenaeus and Alexander had travelled throughout the region, proclaiming that there had never been a physical resurrection of Christ, but instead was a spiritual occurrence. This heresy was known as Gnosticism, a collection of false doctrines that were a clear violation of the teaching of the Lord Jesus (John 5:24-30) and Paul (Acts 24:15). These two men were nothing more than rank apostates (Hebrews.6:4-6) who had denied the faith and deserved the open rebuke from Paul. Timothy would have to correct this deception and assure his people that what he had been preaching to them was the truth from Scripture (John 17:17; 2 Timothy 2:19, 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12; 2 Peter 1:19-21).
Paul instructed Timothy and his people to be diligent in their usefulness (2:20-21). Every member of the body of Christ has a purpose and calling in different areas and levels of responsibilities and should serve with an attitude of joy and contentment. We are not to seek favors, attention, or popularity, but know that whatever we do for the LORD will not be overlooked (Matthew 25:21, 23; 2 Corinthians 5:10). As vessels for the LORD'S service, we are to remain clean in thought, word, and deed. We cannot do this in our own strength, but only through submission to His will and direction. We are to maintain a love for God and the brethren (v.22). and not get involved in quarrels and foolish arguments that take our focus away from the work that God has entrusted to us (vv.23-26).