
Summary: from a series on Nehemiah.

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Title: “Confessing Sin” Scripture: Neh. 9

Type: Expository Where: GNBC 10-29-06

Intro: In 1884 Grover Cleveland was running against James G. Blaine for the presidency of the U.S. Blaine supporters discovered that Cleveland, who was a bachelor at the time, had fathered a son by Mrs. Maria Crofts Halpin, an attractive widow who had been on friendly terms with several politicians. Subsequently, Republicans tried to pin an immorality tag on Democrat Cleveland by distributing handbills showing an infant labeled “One more vote for Cleveland” and by having paraders chant, “Ma, Ma, where’s my pa? Gone to the White House, Ha, Ha, Ha!” The move, however, backfired badly. Rather than deny the story, Cleveland decided to tell the truth and admit the intimacy. This candor helped defuse the issue, and Cleveland was elected president. As some of our politicians today (and every person on the face of the planet) need to learn, confession of sin is ultimately a good thing.

Prop: In Neh. 9 we’ll notice 4 truths about God that are better understood when we confess our sin. (REPEAT)

BG: 1. Last week saw how the people had heard the Law for 1st time, with meaning and explanation and result was instantly being smitten. However leadership wanted be a joyful occasion and encouraged to rejoice in re-establishing right relationship with God. 2. Now, however, about three weeks later, and people are assembling for a national service of repentance. 3. The author of the book, Nehemiah’s name, means: “Jehovah comforts”. With the rebuilding of the wall and the national service of repentance, Israel was once again feeling the comfort of the Lord.

I. When We Confess our Sins We Acknowledge God’s Peerlessness – vv. 5-6

A. This passage confirms the Truth that God has no rivals!

1. The Levites Cry out God’s Praise as they Confirm His Peerlessness.

a. vv. 5-6 – Read – God’s Name is above all other names. God’s position is unique – No other Gods – God’s powers in creation are unique – made heaven and earth and sea! God alone “gives life” – chayah – to live to exist. God is worshipped as unique – angels, cherubim, seraphim, all bow down to Him.

b. Pride is the mother of all sins. Yet if polled a group of people as to the worst of all sins, would rank very low on the list if at all. We are more likely to see pride as a virtue rather than a vice. Pride is the vice we overlook in ourselves and despise in others. One reason not as severe on pride is cause not too clear on its opposite – humility. The first step to becoming humble is realize you are proud! Illust – IN The Grat Divorce, Lewis said: “Only 2 types of people – those who say to God “Thy will be done.” And those to whom God says, “Thy will be done.”

2. Do you understand the fact that God is w/o equal in the universe? (How big is your God?)

a. Illust – In our Bill of Rights, VI Amendment gives right to trial by impartial jury. Often that was defined as a jury by “peers” or people of similar station and circumstances in life.

b. You see, God has no peers, He has no equal. In fact, if you and I are eaten up with pride and yet tell ourselves that we are religious you are in fact deluded and worship an imaginary God.

B. God is Creative and is in fact the Creator God of the Universe.

1. God has created all there is and it is His handiwork we see daily.

a. Illust – A kindergarten SS class was asked by their teacher what they knew about God. One particularly precocious pupil spoke up and said: “I know that He’s an artist.” “How so my dear?” was the reply of the surprised teacher. “Because Jesus Himself said: “Our Father Who does art in heaven!” (Credit – Paul Decker sermon.)

b. When we look at the universe and the beauty of the earth we naturally want to know it all simply happens to be what it is for no reason at all or if there is a power behind it which makes it exist. Often, in pride, people say that since they cannot physically see God in nature He therefore does not exist. This is weak thinking. If there is a controlling power outside the universe it could not show itself to us as one of the facts inside the universe any more than an architect of a house could actually be a wall or staircase or fireplace within that house. (Adapted from Lewis, Mere Christianity, p. 19)

2. Although God is w/o rival or peer He finds Himself in Competition w/inferior things man attempts to worship

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