
Summary: Your attitude determines your altitude

There is a problem that affects everyone of us this morning. Our problem is this: we are forgetful. We remember all kinds of things, especially what people have done to is. We remember you betrayed, lied, or talked about us. But we tend to forget that which the lord has done for us. We have a long memory when it comes to our hurt, sorrow, and dissippointment, but a very short memory when it come to recalling how good God has been to us.

When we forget who God is, where God found us, and what he has done for us, we allow our problems, responsibilities,and bills to cause us to complain, criticized, cuss, and cut folks off. Psalm 103 reminds us of the many wonderful blessings that God has bestowed upon our lives. You owe him some appreciation, applause, and gratitude this morning. Thank him for what he has done for you.

Praise the blesser

The word bless means to speak well of. We speak well about our parents, spouse, and children because they have been good to you. God has been good to you too. I don't need somebody to tell me to praise the lord. Think about the ways he has made, doors he has open, and what he has carried you through. They don't know like you know what the lord has done for you.

Personally stir up your own Inner being

He holds a self communion beginning with self examination. What is wrong with me? He may have made it through some great traial, loss, or disappointment. Why am I so slow to be thankful? You can't wait for others to stir you up. Be your own cheerleader. We don't always feel like praising, blessing his name, and giving thanks. The soul can motivate the hands-clap, feet-stomping, and mouth-moving.

Ponder on your benefits

Benefits are hook ups that you and I did not deserve. You on a job that you are not qualified for, raise your children on a single person income, put yourself through college on a hope and prayer, paid your boils and had enough to stop by Krispy Kreme, and made it through when everybody else gave up on you. That is a benefit. Maybe have forgotten his benefits.

Have God ever hooked you in ways that know body could do it but him. Your mama, dad, boss, boo, friends, or family could not do it. I want you to think about the sins he forgiven, sickness he heal, situation he rescued, strengthen he gave, and satisfied you with good things. When I think of the goodness of Jesus and all that he has done for me, my souls cried hallilua.

David closes this Psalm, he calls on all of creation to join him in his praise of the Lord. Angels, saints, servants and sinners, along with all of creation, are called upon to offer God the praise, glory and adoration He deserves.

 We have only scratched the surface of His blessings! Think of your family, your church, your job, your material blessings, your health, you food, your air, your home, your water, your clothing, your friends, etc. your blessings are enormous! Ill. Our thanksgiving and our praise ought to be in direct proportion to our blessings. Are they?

 It would be a great time to take a spiritual inventory and thank Him for everything He has done for us in Jesus!

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