Proverbs 14:34 The Death Of Our Nation
Contributed by William D. Brown on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: God is removing His strong arm of protection and blessing from our country because of what we have allowed to happen, evidently the majority of the voters this past election felt that Obama and his cohorts was the best route for the nation, but in reali
Proverbs 14:34 THE DEATH OF OUR NATION 3-9-13
I believe any reasonable thinking person can see and understand that our nation is in big trouble, it's in big trouble with God.
* Listen as I read today's text found in Proverbs 14:34;
Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.
God is removing His strong arm of protection and blessing from our country because of what we have allowed to happen, evidently the majority of the voters this past election felt that Obama and his cohorts was the best route for the nation, but in reality this administration is the worst in the history of the nation.
* God can not bless any nation with such a mind-set as this.
>>Proverbs 25:19 Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint.
>>Psalms 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.
We that are saved know that God's chosen people is Israel, but God will bless any nation that proclaims Jehovah as it's God, and we that are believers gladly proclaim that Jehovah is God, He is the only real and true God, and His Only begotten Son the Lord Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour.
Every Sunday morning where I attend church, the first thing we do is pledge allegiance to the Bible God's Word, and then the Christian flag, and then the American flag.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands; one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
* LISTEN: I found this as I was putting this message together.
The Warren Supreme Court (1963) are the men who banned School Prayer, and Bible reading in our public schools.
----- listen;
There are three landmark cases that changed the meaning of the First Amendment as it was previously understood and practiced in America.
In all three cases a parent of a child in school petitioned the courts to stop the school from exposing their child to prayer in school and reading the Bible in school. -- LISTEN; American Civil Liberties Union;
The ACLU Lawyers used Thomas Jefferson's letter in the argument for the plaintiffs. They argued that the founding fathers wanted a "wall of separation between church and State"; therefore, the government should be neutral to religion in schools, and as a result the Warren Court ruled that there would be no prayer in school or Bible reading.
The court's "majority ruling" reasoned that being neutral or not favoring one religion over another was the same as not allowing religious practices in school. But;
>> Justice Potter Stewart, the one dissenting vote blasted the ruling saying, "It led not to true neutrality with respect to religion, but to the establishment of a religion of secularism." -- Meaning, the social or political process of rejecting all forms of religious faith.
* True neutrality would not favor one religion over another,
But the court's ruling favored atheism over all the religions of the world that believe in God. -- LISTEN;
Atheism has been declared a religion by the U.S. Supreme Court, so the Court did not act neutrally, but instead favored one religion over another.
If the Court had really been true to its intention of neutrality; it would have been impartial to the students, by neither forcing non believers to pray, nor prohibiting believers from prayer.
>Therefore the Warren Supreme court's actions were not neutral. --
>After the June 17, 1963 ruling the Wall Street Journal commented that atheism was now "the one belief to which the state's power will extend its protection."
====== LISTEN,
Today, many Americans think that the First Amendment says "Separation of Church and State." The Courts and the media will often refer to a ruling as being in violation of the "Separation of Church and State." A recent national poll showed that 69% of Americans believe that the First Amendment says "Separation of Church and State." But it does not.
* You may be surprised to learn that these words do not appear in the First Amendment or anywhere else in the Constitution!
* Here is what the First Amendment actually does say. LISTEN CLOSELY.
The First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances".
LISTEN; so where did the words "Separation of Church and State." come from? They can be traced back to a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote back in 1802.