
Summary: Let's talk about the value of godliness in the present life based on 1 Timothy 4:7-8

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Have children’s come up and do Children’s Minute with them

Objects needed: Alex’s barbells and sit up machine, glass of milk, and a pillow

What is the next holiday? New Years! Who can tell me what a new year’s resolution is? (a promise to do something new or differently this upcoming year) Did anyone make a new year’s resolution? The resolution that the most people make is to get into shape.

So let’s talk about how we get into shape. Begin with 3 things…1. exercise, 2. eat right – what is good for you 3. get proper rest I brought all some of the things I use to get into shape. Demonstrate Alex’s equipment

The Bible talks about exercise. “Train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:7, 8, NIV. Exercise has some value – but we need to practice what God tells us that will benefit us now and in heaven.

The Bible also talks about milk. This is what it says…

“Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation,” 1 Peter 2:2, NIV. Drink some of the milk

Last let’s talk about rest. What did God do on the after he created heaven and earth on the seventh day? He rested. The Bible in many places tells us to rest. That is so important! God wants us to rest, but he also demands that we stop work and rest for him. Show them the pillow and lay down. Rest on Sunday but I rest on Friday.

Get into shape by exercising our faith, drinking spiritual milk (the Bible), and resting. (adapted from Let’s pray


Several ways to look at this but let’s start by looking at the 5 “M’s” and the Great Commandment. The Great Commandment is given by Jesus: ““Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”” Matthew 22:36-40, NIV.

The 5 “M’s” of the church fit with this nicely. It all begins with responding to the gospel message through Jesus Christ. We are born again as children of God. We do not want to stay babies so we mature by craving pure spiritual milk (the Bible). Mature is first M word. Through this we love the Lord more and more with our whole being. Magnify- give thanks and praise God, 2nd M. Many times worship in the Bible involves worshipping together so this leads into ministry- 3rd M. We want to minister to others especially those of the family of believers. Since we love our neighbors we are on a mission to see them respond to the gospel- mission is 4th M. We want them to respond to the gospel but also we want them to be in the membership (fellowship) of church, 5th M word. It begins with maturity.

This brings us to 1 Timothy 4:7-8.

Train yourself- discipline (vs. 7) Discipline is almost like a cuss word in our society. We live in a society that wants a quick fix for every problem. Too many people aren’t willing to put in the time and practice to master skills anymore. Many around this time of the year are talking about getting into good physical shape. Exercise is discipline and discipline is hard work, and who likes hard work? However, Self-discipline has the greatest affect on success. A defeated person most of the time is an undisciplined person.

Physical training- this word in the Greek is where we get the word gymnasium (Vs. 8).

Physical training is of some value- The Young Men’s Christian Association, the YMCA is founded on putting Christian principles into practice by developing a healthy “body, mind, and spirit.” Most of the time we associate the Y with physical training. Why? Because that is what people are most concerned about. Physical training does have some value. However, no matter how physically fit we are, unless the Lord comes back, we will all die.

Godliness- Dictionary defines Godliness as obeying, loving, and fearing God. A godly person takes God seriously and recognizes the practical meanings by developing a godly thought life, godly speech, and godly actions. A godly person is becoming like God, meaning that they are imitating God’s character.

Godliness has value for all things in two states: A) holding promise for both the present life B) and the life to come.

Most people in our society are focused on the present life. What is in this for me right now? Forget about death and what comes after, I want a pay off right now. A microwave society. Let's give into this pattern for a while this morning

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