Progress Is Facilitated With God Directed Delegation Of Responsibilities
Contributed by Paul Fritz on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Have you ever wondered why some organizations seem to languish in mediocrity? In the early days of the church, the apostles learned how to delegate responsibilities so they were not sidetracked from their major ministries.
1. Have you ever wondered why some organizations seem to languish in mediocrity?
Quote; Poor delegation leads to jealousy, mistrust and ineffectiveness.
Example: In the early days of the church, the apostles learned how to delegate responsibilities so they were not sidetracked from their major ministries.
They said, "But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word."
Often procedural problems, interpersonal conflicts or poor organizational skills hinder the growth of the church.
Quote; The best delegation takes into consideration the gifts, callings and needs of every person in each organization.
Uppermost in the minds of the apostles was the necessity of maintaining the preaching of the word of God and prayer. Many Pastors deal with petty issues that hinder them from accomplishing God’s highest ministries. Be careful that social, physical or counseling ministries do not overshadow your greatest focus on God’s priorities of seeking first His kingdom and righteousness.
Application: Do not use delegation as an excuse to become lazy or irresponsible in your tasks of diligently presenting the truth of God’s word every week to your people.
Application: Trust the Lord to help you to be guided in the planning, organizing and implementation of your delegations.
2. The apostles saw to it that the men delegated to take care of widows were properly equipped. When you delegate be sure that you provide the people with sufficient authority, guidance and backing to help them accomplish their assignment. Many people soon become frustrated when they sense that they are not adequately supported in what they were sent to accomplish. Support people by affirming them as God has encouraged you according to Phil. 2:1,2.
Application: Trust God to help your people sense your serving support.
3. Avoid any tendency to delegate positions in the church that give honorary position without any real serving function.
Do not choose people simply for their social, economic or political standing in the community. Be sure that your people are spiritually qualified before delegating responsibility to them. Deacons need to be honest believers who have a good reputation, are trustworthy, highly esteemed, not impulsive, dignified, honorable, wise, serious, not double-tongued, not given to drunkenness, not greedy for money, and controlled by the Holy Spirit.
Application: Trust the Lord to help you to find spiritually qualified people before trying to delegate responsibilities to them.
4. Notice that the church appointed, chose and delegated the tasks not just the Pastor. When there is a congregational involvement in the delegation process there will be much greater effectiveness and contentment with the results.
Application: Resist the temptation to do all the delegating by yourself or you might end up being looked upon as an authoritarian leader.
Application: Trust the Lord to help your congregation have a positive influence in the delegating of the various ministry tasks of the church.
5. Those who were chosen to serve as deacons were in cooperation with the leadership of the church. It is very important to remember that deacons are to be helpers not overseers. If a person is not willing to help the Pastor and leaders of the church it is not advisable to call on them to be a deacon.
Application: Trust the Lord to help you find deacons who are beneficial and not detrimental to the leaders of the church.
6. Help your deacons focus on serving the Lord rather than men. When the authoritarian Pastor assumes that deacons exist to serve him, there will be unnecessary clashes. Likewise, deacons are not appointed to stir up trouble, but to help resolve problems.
7. Deacons can help serve as a buffer between trouble-makers and the leadership of the church. Ask the Lord to help your deacons serve with a patient, kind and loving attitude. Many deacons become "turf shepherds" jealousy guarding their perceived powers. Help everyone to remember that the Spirit is continually producing change for Christian growth.
Application: Ask the Lord to help your delegates become better advisers, examples & leaders
8. Great deacons help the church to function more harmoniously. They help the word of God to spread with greater facility thereby helping the church to grow. The deacons enabled the gifted leaders, preachers and teacher to focus their full energies on communicating the word of God. The deacons also gained a greater boldness, experience and reputation that allowed them to prove themselves faithful in little things so God could promote them to be responsible over greater ministries like Stephen.
Conclusion: Delegation is appointing and entrusting a representative with a ministry given by God.
Paul wrote, "The things you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, the same commit, entrust and delegate to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." (2 Tim. 2:2)