
Summary: Problem-Solution Approaches to Spiritual Warfare

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How to Develop Problem-Solution Sermons

a). Definition - A sermon that describes a problem, its nature, causes, effects and solutions.

b). Describe the importance of the problem to your listeners. Discuss its significance in the light of scriptural, social, physical, emotional, and mental realities.

c). Describe the probable root and surface causes for the problem.

d). From the scriptures discuss and illustrate how the problem can be solved. Give examples how Jesus, Paul or Moses might have solved the problem. State and explain principles for future problems solving.

e). Describe the results promised from the scriptures if the solutions are carried out to their full extent. Give contemporary examples of men and women who applied the Biblical principles and experienced God’s blessings for their obedience.

f). Note examples of problem-solutions in Sermons For the Nigerian Pastor from page 2-80 written by Dr. Paul J. Fritz. Some of the titles include:

1). How To Overcome the Powers of Wickedness! (I Pet. 5:8)

2). What Weapons Must We use in Fighting the Powers of Darkness? (Eph. 6:10-18)

3). What are Some Errors to Avoid in Selecting a Life Partner? (Gen. 2:24,25)

4). How Should We Go About Selecting a Future Partner? (Rom.12:1)

5). How To Overcome Discouragement, Confusion, and Tension. (Phil.4:6,7)

6). How Can We Experience Financial Freedom? (I Tim.6:6-18)

7). How Can God Deliver Us From Difficulties? (2 Kgs. 7:3-20)

8). How To Stop Being Unhappy. (Mt. 5:1-13)

9). How Should We Overcome Dependence on Idols? (I Jn.4:4)

Example of a Problem-Solution Sermon Outline


1). Body - State the problem - In Mk.12:24 what did Jesus mean by saying to the Pharisees, ``You error not knowing the scriptures or the power of God!’’

2). Explain the importance of the problem - Jesus knew that knowledge was not enough, it must be combined with the power of the Holy Spirit to interpret, apply, and teach it correctly.

3). Explain the nature of the problem - Describe the aspects, phases, characteristics, history, severity, scope, and extent of the problem. See Mk.12:18-30

4). Explain some of the causes of the problem. Jesus knew that the Pharisees were interested in justifying themselves in the eyes of men rather than in the eyes of God.

5). Show the solutions to the problem from the scripture. See Mk. 12:25-30

6). Explain the nature of the solution, its effects, and results.

7). Tell how the solution should be carried out. Make it practical, specific, and culturally relevant.

8). Explain the errors to avoid and the hindrances to on-going solutions to the problem in the lives of your people.

9). A crisis usually makes one feel that someone is trying to make life difficult for us. We need to understand the fundamentals of crisis-management. Most crises contain the following key elements:

a). Sense of need - This may result from sin, separation, or misunderstandings. Look for the root causes behind the need. The Israelites in the book of Judges recognized they were enslaved. They needed a crisis to expose their sins of idolatry. This can be good as it forces us to face up to the fact that we cannot handle life without Jesus.

b). Struggles with Life and Truth -

Defining the problem is the first step to solving it. The Israelites did not clearly understand their root problems. They were forced to learn the same lesson that ``They should worship the Lord God only and serve Him in sincerity and truth!’’

c). Sorrow and repentance - There must be a genuine feeling of regret, guilt, and desire to repent. The Israelites would feign repentance, but were usually not sincere. God had to discipline many times for the same sins. Learning to accept responsibility for sins may be the most difficult step in problem-solving.

d). Forgiveness appropriated - People must be led to seek God’s forgiveness and look for ways to maintain their fellowship with Him. Suggestions from different sources may help the person to see creatively how he can solve or prevent problems in the future.

e). Grace Applied - When forgiveness is appropriated, grace must be applied in our disposition toward others who may fall into similar traps. Many people struggle express their feelings about their problems. They look for someone to unload their burdens to. We must show kindness, graciousness, and favor toward those who need support in times of heartaches. Opening up channels of communication is usually key to applying the grace of God to all the facets of the problem. Some people have blind spots that they are not even aware they need the grace of God applied to. For example, one man failed to recognize that his wife wanted conversation before they went to bed. This problem created so much tension in the marriage that eventually the husband took a second wife. He claimed that his first wife was too frigid.

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