
Summary: What are your priorities. Are they reading the paper before prayer - Prayer should always before Paper

Priorities in Prayer

Psalm 5:1-3

Bro Rodney Fry

FBC Lead Hill 7/29/2007


The Psalmist Sorts out His Priorities

He decides God will have the best hours of the day

He Offers God the mornings of his life

Spurgeon Spoke on the Importance of starting the Day with God

“An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening”

While the dew is on the grass let grace drop on the soul”

Morning Prayer Brightens the Whole Day

I. Prayer Takes Preparation (v. 1)

a. “Give ear to my words, O Lord”

i. Prayer is more than a recitation

ii. Prayer cries out to God, expecting Him to hear

b. “Consider my meditation”

i. True prayer is deeper than our words

ii. Prayer is thoughtful, flowing from the heart

c. The psalmist didn’t want to waste his words

i. He was determined to have his prayer reach God

ii. “Do we not miss much of the sweetness and power of prayer because we don not prepare our hearts to pray? We should begin to pray before we kneel down” (Spurgeon)

II. Prayer is a Personal Relationship (v. 2)

a. “My King, and my God”

b. Prayer is not unheard conversation with an unknown God

i. It is a personal conversation with our living Lord

ii. Consider the 23rd Psalm: “The Lord is my shepherd”

c. Think of Jesus praying in Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-39)

d. Prayer is a child talking to his or her Father

i. We become the children of God by faith (John 1:12)

ii. Are you a member of the Family of God? Is your name written in the Lambs book of Life?

III. Pray with a Positive Outlook (v. 3)

a. “I will direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up”

b. This kind of praying reaches the throne of God

i. All limits of expectation are removed

ii. Prayer is a petition to our omnipotent God

iii. No wonder prayer makes all things possible

c. Seeking God early starts the day in faith instead of Fear

d. Morning prayers lift the clouds and let the sunshine in


What are your priorities?

Who has First Place in your Life?

What are your expectations when you Pray?

“Let holy preparation link hands with patient expectation, and we shall have far grater answers to our prayers” (Spurgeon)

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