Some of the world’s unhappiest people are Christians. A man once described today’s Christians in this manner.
= “Some Christians are too Christian to enjoy sinning but too sinful to enjoy their Christianity.”
= “Some Christians have enough religion to keep them out of the bar on Saturday night, but not enough to keep the out of the deer woods – lake – or the golf course – etc…”
= “Some Christians have enough religion to recognize their need for prayer, but not enough to take them to prayer meeting on Wednesday night.”
= “Some Christians have enough religion to keep them from reading obscene materials but not enough for them to read their Bible daily.”
Why do we se this so true in so many people today?
“Which Kind Are You?”
A lot of Christians are like wheelbarrows—not good unless pushed.
Some are like kites—if you don’t keep a string on them, they fly away.
Some are like kittens—they are more contented when petted.
Some are like a football—you can’t tell what way they will bounce next.
Some are like balloons—full of hot air and ready to blow up.
Some are like trailers—they have to be pulled.
Some are like neon lights—they keep going on and off.
Tan, P. L. (1996, c1979). Encyclopedia of 7700 illustrations: [a treasury of illustrations, anecdotes, facts and quotations for pastors, teachers and Christian workers]. Garland TX: Bible Communications.
Jacob’s life is coming to an end; so he calls his sons around him and begins to make predictions about their future and their descendants.
The predictions are called “blessings” in a general sense. Some would be considered a curse.
?? What is the difference between a blessing and a curse??
In 49:1, we find Jacob’s dying and prophetic benediction. ”I will tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.”
Taught by the Holy Spirit, empowered by God, Jacob is able to declare the consequences that will surely follow the already well-defined characteristics found among his own sons.
The features of Jacob’s sons, with their results, are still being manifested among their descendants today – even the children of God.
We still have among us…
1. Unstable Reuben’s (3-4)
Reuben had many Excellencies: 1] dignity, 2] power, 3] firstborn, 4] Jacob’s might and the beginning of his strength but being “unstable as water”, he did not excel.
He became one of the minor tribes and not one judge, prophet or king from this tribe.
Reuben’s sin with his father’s concubine cost him his birthright. (Gen 35:22)
The sins of our past, even when forgiven, can really come back to haunt us.
Reuben is that “double-minded man” that James described in James 1:6-8.
Reuben is the type of Christian that has many excellent gifts, but has one major besetting sin that acts like the fly in the ointment – SELF-CONTROL.
Sin always produces instability and leads to the loss of our 1] birthright, 2] our spiritual power, 3] our spiritual dignity 4] our steadfastness.
If you are a feelings/passion driven person you will not excel in the work of God.
2. Self-Willed Simeons and Levi’s (49:5-7)
Time had not changed Jacob’s feelings with regard to the crime these two sons had committed. His soul harbored the same response to the acts as it did when he said, “ye have troubled me.” (34:30)
How much of the trouble that comes upon us and others have at its roots and cause the same evil source of self-will.
The real problem with Simeon and Levi was their anger. (…in their anger… cursed be their anger, for it was fierce.” Their anger was sin because it sprang from the root of self-will.
Often, the only difference between a godly righteous anger and ungodly anger is self-will.
No wonder Jacob said, “O my soul, come thou not into their secret.”
The conduct of these two sons led to division and scattering.
One to a blessing. Levi, because of its faithfulness at the episode of the golden calf was scattered throughout the tribe as a blessing.
The other to a curse. Simeon started out from Egypt as the 3rd largest tribe, 35 years later, 63% had perished (David Guzik: Blue Letter Bible) eventually being absorbed into the tribe of Judah.
Division and Scattering are always the fruits of a self-willed, self-seeking spirit.
Do as Jesus did and pray, “not my will but thine be done”, let the cursed self-will go by the way of the cross.
The name Judah literally means the “praise of Jehovah”
The tribe of Judah will be a victorious tribe. Judah’s descendants will be victorious in battle and will reign over the others.
The descendants of Judah will be prosperous. So prosperous that the vines for wine will be so plentiful that they will use them for common purposes like: tying up their donkeys or washing their clothes.
And though we might not pick these same images, this seems like a blessing any of us would desire for our own children: victory, success, leadership, prosperity.
In verse 9, Judah is a “lions whelp”, a young lion only in the beginning of his strength, but he continues to grow to be a mature “old” lion.
In verse 10, the “scepter (kingly) power shall not depart from Judah.”
The praising and courageous Christian will always possess the scepter of power; God’s power.
Like Judah, we shall be able to put our hand of victory on the neck of the enemy when we have more of the nature of the “Lion of the tribe of Judah” (Revelation 5:5) in our lives and the praise of Jehovah in our lips.
The scepter of spiritual power has departed from many once called - Judah Christians – because of cowardliness and unfaithfulness to God.
If you are not praising, then maybe you are pouting. If you are not courageous maybe you are a coward.
“Zebulon shall be for a haven”, could be translated to mean “dwelling” or “place of refuge for the distressed.”
This son of Jacob may be taken as a type of the modern sons of consolation – ready to offer a hand of help or a word of comfort to souls who, like ships, are seeking a refuge from the crushing tempest.
Zebulon’s are always in great demand. Their ministry of kindness is always acceptable.
Isaiah 40:1 “Comfort ye, comfort ye My people saith you God.”
Matthew 5:9, “Blessed are the peacemakers.”
Jacob characterizes this son as a “strong ass” a beast of burden, strong but some may say stupid.
One who possesses the power, but through the fear of man gets ensnared and enslaved.
He wanted to enjoy ease at the cost of liberty.
He has no energy to strive for a larger and larger freedom. He is satisfied with a small pen.
Issachar settled in the valley of Esdraelon. A very fertile valley but subject to raids from the Arabs. Rather than give up their portion or defend it with the sword, they had rather pay tribute.
He was satisfied with hard work and easy wages thus, becoming a servant of tribute.
Issachar is a type of Christian who has all the strength of Christ at their disposal, yet remains timid and weak and helpless to the yoke of every passion – bond slave to the world.
Rather than fight the enemy, we would rather make a truce. These are comfortable Christians.
“Dan shall judge, and shall be a serpent that bites the horse’s heel so that the rider fall.”
He was to be raised to a position of rank and political power. One of the greatest judges came from this tribe – Samson.
He gained his dominion by employing the might and craft against stronger foes, much like a serpent. Some have speculated that the antichrist may arise from this tribe??
Dan could represent those Christians who have the wisdom of a serpent or the cunning of an adder, in knowing how to bring down the pride of their enemy.
A spiritual Dan can discern and judge people.
They know how to apply the truth, so that he enemies of God are brought low. Samson is a god example.
Dan’s can best serve God through their personal dealings with others.
Gad shall be overcome, “but he will overcome at the last.”
Gad signifies a “troop”, a warlike tribe, though often vanquished yet he was to overcome in the end.
Every Christian who would be an over comer must first be overcome by God.
Those who overcome by the blood of the Lamb have themselves been overcome be the blood of the Lamb.
Lives conquered by the grace of God become conquerors through the grace of God.
The promise of final victory enables you to bear up under seemingly present defeat.
SEE 1 John 5:4-5
The name Asher signifies “blessed” or happy or the making happy.
“His bread shall be fat, and he shall yield royal dainties.”
His lot was to be a rich one, not only yielding him the necessities, but the dainties, even royal dainties.
He was destined to enjoy great temporal blessing or prosperity.
The God of nature has provided for us not only necessaries but dainties, that we might call him a bountiful benefactor.
Yea, my God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory. Sometimes He evens throws in some wants as well.
Asher is a type of Christian, so few in number, who are themselves satisfied with the good things, and who are able to bring out of their treasure royal dainties for others to enjoy.
They have received the unsearchable riches of Christ; they are filled with the fullness of God, and are able to minister kingly portions to others.
Luke 6:38 and 2 Corinthians 9:6-10
“He is a hind = female deer = let loose; he giveth goodly words.”
His tribe was to be renowned for the wonderful gift of eloquence which would give him sovereignty over the minds and hearts of man.
This tribe was famous for eloquence in both prose and poetry.
Barak – Judges 5 is an example.
Most of the apostles of Jesus who preached the gospel message with power and eloquence were said to be of this tribe. As a matter of fact much of Jesus teachings were in this area given to this tribe.
The happy skipping hind, escaped from bondage is a fit picture of those joyful Christians who always delight in the liberty where with Christ has set them free.
They continue to revel in their first love; their words are goodly, wise, precious, and their spiritual appearance glowing.
10. FRUITFUL JOSEPH’S 49:23-26
“Joseph is a fruitful bough by a well, whose branches run over a wall”
Here we have the type of ideal Christian.
1. All his blessings were promised
2. His blessings were to surpass all those before (26)
3. His blessings were traced back to the source (25-26)
Despite the attacks on him throughout his life, whether from his brothers – the Ishmaelites – Potiphar’s wife- the royal butler – and others, Joseph remained strong.
His strength was due, said Jacob, to Almighty God. (25) Joseph was only as strong as his God.
As a branch, he abode by the well; he kept within touch of the source of supply.
He was fruitful, evidenced by a bough fully satisfied. “running over the wall”
Those fruitful to God are sure to be hated by the ungodly, persecuted by poisoned minds, and hated by the hard-hearted. Still blessed by the Almighty!!
Notice the fruitful life is a blessing even to those outside the walls of salvation (Pharaoh, Potiphar, and people of Egypt).
Power for service remains as long as we stay planted near the source.
“He had a warlike character”
Even though he has so many in the camp of Christ, he is known by his fault finding spirit.
These tale-bearers are always dividing the spoil, delighting to pass around the faults and findings of others.
No matter how much they get they fight for more.
Are you – Or are you
• Praising and Courageous > Unstable
• Comforting and Consoling > Self-willed
• Cunning and Sharp dealing with the enemy > Timid
• Overcoming > Self-oppressed
• Blissful > Discontented
• Joyful
• Fruitful
Look in God’s mirror – see your reflection
Do you like what you see?
If not, change.
Revival’s coming!