  • Douglas Duvall

    Contributing sermons since Nov 13, 2006
Douglas's church

Rogers Free Will Baptist
Rogers, Arkansas 72756

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Newest Sermons

  • Trouble In The Church

    Contributed on Dec 3, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    What if trouble arises in the Church? It is not what if, but more like when.

    Trouble in the Church ACTS 15:1-12 I. Decision 15:1-4 A. Men 15:1 B. Method 15:2 C. Messages 15:3-4 II. Demand 15:5-6 A. Demands 15:5 B. Deliberations 15:6 III. Declaration 15:7-12 A. Choice 15:7 B. Comparison 15:8-9 C. more

  • God's Word As A Mirror

    Contributed on Nov 13, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    A sermon using the 12 tribes as types of Christians.

    GOD’S WORD AS A MIRROR GENESIS 49 - TYPES OF CHRISTIANS Some of the world’s unhappiest people are Christians. A man once described today’s Christians in this manner. = “Some Christians are too Christian to enjoy sinning but too sinful to enjoy their Christianity.” = “Some Christians have more

  • What Are We Lifting Up To Draw People

    Contributed on Nov 13, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Devotion at state association meeting.

    WHAT ARE WE LIFTING UP TO DRAW PEOPLE? Illus: A POSSIBLE METHOD OF EVANGELISM A Christian man owned a barber shop. One night, at a revival meeting, the barber felt greatly burdened to do more with his testimony for Christ. The next evening, the barber began attending a "soul winner’s class" at more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • Trouble In The Church

    Contributed on Dec 3, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Trouble in the Church ACTS 15:1-12 I. Decision 15:1-4 A. Men 15:1 B. Method 15:2 C. Messages 15:3-4 II. Demand 15:5-6 A. Demands 15:5 B. Deliberations 15:6 III. Declaration 15:7-12 A. Choice 15:7 B. Comparison 15:8-9 C. more

  • Some Of The World's Unhappiest People Are ...

    Contributed on Nov 13, 2006

    Some of the world’s unhappiest people are Christians. A man once described today’s Christians in this manner. = “Some Christians are too Christian to enjoy sinning but too sinful to enjoy their Christianity.” = “Some Christians have enough religion to keep them out of the bar on Saturday night, more

  • Which Kind Are You?

    Contributed on Nov 13, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    “Which Kind Are You?” A lot of Christians are like wheelbarrows—not good unless pushed. Some are like kites—if you don’t keep a string on them, they fly away. Some are like kittens—they are more contented when petted. Some are like a football—you can’t tell what way they will bounce next. Some more

  • I Realize There Are Many Pastors Here This ...

    Contributed on Nov 13, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    I realize there are many pastors here this afternoon that are frustrated. How do I know? I hear your sermons. Let me share something with you that not even my wife knows about. Sometimes in the ministry I’m sure that as a pastor you feel that things come at you from all sides. more