Summary: How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? God offers a great salvation, as individuals and churches we can neglect salvation.


October 8, 2006 Jay Davis Robison HEBREWS 2:1-4

An unthinkable case of neglect . .

8-4-06 Liz & David Carroll left their home East of Cincinnati

For a 3-day family reunion in Grant County KY

When they did left 3-year old Marcus Fiesel in a closet at home

Marcus foster child mentally challenged took extra attention

Perhaps Carrolls did not want to be bothered while at reunion

When returned home 3 days after leaving Marcus dead in closet

Decided to dispose of the body burning it, before dumping it

Wk later concocted story Marcus wondered off massive hunt

18 bone fragments found in a chimney almost unrecognizable

Certainly this is an outrageous example of neglect

Neglect=fail to pay attention to, careless, habitual lack of care

If we are not wise in lives we may also show habitual lack of care

Dare say if we all look deeply into life all have areas of neglect

Destroy a marriage not by adultery but by neglect partner,

Finances destroyed as we ignore and neglect responsibilities

Work place destroyed by neglect, health is effected by neglect

Our church can lose it’s edge, and aggressiveness by neglect

Neglect brings with it consequences did for Marcus and for us

Heb 2 is written as a wakeup call warning Vs 2-3 TNIV

How shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation?

It’s a warning to us, stir us to deliberate


First we need to recognize what is at stake what we are risking

Hebrews paints picture of God’s work in world

Listen to Hebrews 1:2 CEV But now at last, God sent his Son to

bring his message to us. God created the universe by his Son,

and everything will someday belong to the Son.

Jesus is the one God sent to bring to us salvation

he is the only one of a kind son of God, "only begotten"

Ch 1:2 through whom God created world, Jesus there at the start

he supercedes the Old Covenant of the law

Jesus reflects very glory\nature of God,

we say he God incarnate reign forever and ever,

It was through him that God defeated Satan and all evil forever

God’s plans and prayers of saints are once for all fulfilled

Remarkable statements Jesus\God 2:4 why should we believe it

After all aren’t there millions of other compelling arguments

Do we have any more to stand on than any other religion?

First of all, it was delivered in person by the Master, then accurately passed on to us by those who heard it from him. All the while God was validating it with gifts through the Holy Spirit, all sorts of signs and miracles, as he saw fit. Vs 4 the Message

Confirmed underline,

in person by master Jesus Christ real person lived on earth

Everything Jesus said and did was good news,

by those who heard him, apostles eyewitnesses had to tell story,

Lk 19:40 says if they quiet very rocks on earth would cry out

Christianity is the only WORLD RELIGION


believe by confession & faith in X God comes to live inside us,

we do not have to deny reality of world as in buddhism

wonder if we will be saved as in Islam,

which God of Hinduism

struggle to unfold the truth as in Confucianism

we know that in him we have life and it is life eternal

Signs and miracles= GOD’S ACTIVITY


signs, wonders and miracles occurred at the name of Jesus

and they still do, never for a show, to point to gospel

gifts given by the Holy Spirit to those who believe in him

Because there has never been a move of God like Jesus

we must take notice of the gospel, good news

called to place faith in great salvation

Billy Graham: “people argue, "I do believe in Christ. I believe in

the Church, & I believe in the Bible. Isn’t that enough? No!

You must RECEIVE Christ.

I may go to airport, have a reservation, a ticket in my pocket.

Plane on runway is a big, powerful plane. I certain it will fly. They call flight 3 Xs. I neglect to get on board. They close door.

Plane taxis down runway & takes off but I am not on the plane.

Why? I "believed" in the plane, but I neglected to get on board.

That’s just it! You believe in God, Christ, the Bible, & Church –

but you have neglected to actually receive Him in your heart.

Your belief has been an impersonal, speculative thing,

and you have not entrusted yourself to Him.

2. Beware of DRIFTING

You see I believe most neglect happens unintentionally

Marcus’ foster family did not mean to kill him just tired

Not talking about active opposition like resisting it, rejecting it,

or violently opposing it but merely passive neglect.

Bucket w\a small leak, drifting doesn’t happen in a moment

it takes place a little at a time

We must give our full attention to what we were told,

so that we won’t drift away. Vs 1 TNIV

If Jesus isn’t Better than anything else for us,

we’ll neglect our salvation. If we get distracted

and pursue something else we’ll drift away from God

Word used there is used for instances when a ring slips off finger

also used when a point in an argument has escaped someone

can happen when a ship drifts away off course, past a point

Drifting brings CONSEQUENCES

Few people actively oppose Jesus, go head long into hell

do not curse God, say I’ll have nothing to do w\Christ most who

die w\out X, simply neglect gospel, never get around to it

Hear Vs 2 NKJV Every transgression and disobedience

received a just reward,

There is a cost to sin transgression to step across line willful act

sin of commission intentionally doing something know wrong

Or omission leaving something undone, drifting

We neglect the gospel by not allowing it to


Primary thrust seems to be aimed at Christians vs 1

pay greater attention to what we have heard,

Christians in danger of letting will of God drift past their hearts

Sometimes we compartmentalize life

Have our religious side, business side, in work or school

We neglect the gospel by not letting touch all of life

the abundant life that Jesus came to give us requires our all

God will not accept our half hearted efforts,

Herschel Hobbs when passage says to let gospel slip

passive voice says like person who sits on side of river

watching water flow by, but never launching into the deep

How bad you want Jesus I guess I really don’t want Jesus that bad

John MacArthur tells of lady of evening coming into his office

she hit bottom, needed help, she prayed to receive Christ,

John said as testimony to new life in Christ, lets burn your little

black book of contacts worth a lot of money,

guess I really do not want Jesus that bad

The indifferent are in as great a need of a savior

as much as a drug addict, drunk, murderer, or terrorist

Are you drifting in your personal walk with God?

Conscious of effort, daily hourly, resistance to stream around you?

Do the things of God\heaven loom more clearly on your vision?

Is God doing something new in your life? If so rejoice!

Avoid drift by moving on with God at wheel


Many Christians never get off the pew and into the marketplace

Churches have become havens for spectators

We want to keep something of ourselves away from God

Church can be full of nominal Christians, who will do

something for God as long as it does not cost too much

involve sacrifice, require personal commitment, take faith

Good News ceases to be Good for those who treat it casually

have we become complacent, comfortable, about gospel

The opposite of neglect is GIVING ATTENTION

Neglect may be indifference

begin life with Christ enthusiastically, want to change the world

but soon wanes soon indifference comes

Neglect also the result of preoccupation

with things such as job, politics, or recreation

for these Christians salvation is important but not that important

What are our priorities?

Does our church believe in worship?

Did you pray before came to worship today prepare your heart

For worship leaders, that decisions would be made

Giving to others, did you give gift of sacrifice to God

Or only a tip as offering earlier

Discipleship are you in SS or small group

Loss of passion no longer passionate for God and his word

Outreach into community helping people connect with God

Serve community, have you done so?

World is looking for a change beyond self centeredness.

For real devotion.

How can we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?

if will not accept it lose eternal life with God

if will not allow it to permeate our lives, lose walk with God

if will not share it with world, cannot be blessed of God

Neglecting involves drifting, keep from it by an anchor

Hebrews 6:19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul

Firm and secure

Procrastination is another reason for neglect

sharing Christ is always something we mean to do

but just like the lost person we never get around to God’s task

As hideous as neglect story in beginning,

much worse if we neglect this gospel

Are you holding God away from you?


October 8, 2006 Jay Davis Robison HEBREWS 2:1-4

An unthinkable case of neglect . .

How shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation?

Vs 2-3 TNIV

1. God offers

But now at last, God sent his Son to bring his message to us. God created the universe by his Son, and everything will someday belong to the Son. Hebrews 1:2 CEV

First of all, it was delivered in person by the Master, then accurately passed on to us by those who heard it from him. All the while God was validating it with gifts through the Holy Spirit, all sorts of signs and miracles, as he saw fit. Vs 4 the Message

Christianity is the only

Signs and miracles=

2. Beware of

We must give our full attention to what we were told,

so that we won’t drift away. Vs 1 TNIV

Drifting brings

Every transgression and disobedience received a just reward,


We neglect the gospel by not allowing it to

I guess I really don’t want Jesus that bad


The opposite of neglect is

What are our priorities?