A View from the Cross
Intro: What did Jesus see as He hung there between heaven and earth? There amidst the throng of people, I think He saw His accusers and His abusers – He saw the faithful and the fearful – He saw the hopeful and the hopeless – He saw you and me.
Trans: Jesus saw many faces, many hearts, and many decisions that fateful day – He saw His mother and some of His closest friends mourning His death. He saw His most beloved disciple – John comforting His mother. He saw Pilate trying to wash away the guilt. He saw the Pharisees gloating over their presumed victory. He saw Judas burdened unto death by His betrayal. He saw His archenemy, the devil, preparing to land the knockout blow. In reality, there are so many faces in the crowd – so many stories that could be told, but this morning I want to take a look at three stories that I believe will challenge each of us today.
Review series – a journey to the cross – from Jesus’ perspective.
I Close to the Truth, but far from Commitment (Disciples)
Verse: Mt. 26:56b and 26:69-75
Scene: Only a few hours had past since the disciples were confirming there allegiance to Christ and yet they were no where to be found. Peter had boldly proclaimed he would die for the Savior, and yet history records that he denied Jesus three times.
One would think that after three years of walking with the Master that the level of commitment from the disciples would have been a little more intense. The genuineness of their friendship should have commanded at least a little bit of support one would think.
I wonder where they were. Did they go home thinking it was all over? Did they stick around lurking in the shadows hoping no one would recognize them? Did they hang out at the temple or find a safe place to watch their master die at a distance? Other than Peter, we really don’t know.
Trans: But there is one thing we know – they all came back. Slowly but surely, they all returned to the upper room. Peter, Andrew, Thomas, Thaddeus, Nathaniel… they all returned.
I’m sure they were all embarrassed. They were certainly racked with guilt and grief. I know they felt foolish, and yet they all returned to the last place where they had met with the Master. Maybe it was the rumor of the resurrection. Maybe after three years they did know where else to go – but I suspect that it was their commitment. There commitment to the Savior wouldn’t allow them to leave.
They were too convicted to go home, yet too confused to go on. They were caught on that uneven ground b/w failure and forgiveness – b/w “I can’t believe I abandoned Him”, and “I’ll never abandon Him again.”
I think that they were too ashamed to ask for forgiveness, yet too loyal to give up – too guilty to be counted in, but too faithful to be counted out.
Despite the fact that the disciples abandoned Jesus at crunch time, there was something in their hearts that wouldn’t allow them live with their betrayal.
Idea: While commitment is primarily measured at crunch time, it is equally measured in times of failure.
Truth: For those of us, who like the disciples, have turned from the Savior at crunch time, we don’t have to continue to live under the burden of failure. We can come out of the shadows and return to the last place where we met with the Savior – b/c He who forgave His disciples stands ready to restore us.
II Close to the Timber, but far from Blood (Soldiers)
Verse: Mt. 27:27-37 and Mt. 27:54
Scene: There were games being played at the foot of the cross. Within earshot of the cross, Jesus listened and watched as several Roman soldiers huddled in a circle with eyes cast downward gambled for His clothes.
I wonder what Jesus thought. I wonder what He felt. Common soldiers witnessing the worlds most uncommon event – and they don’t even know it. As far as they are concerned, it is just another Friday afternoon and nothing else matters but winning.
So close to the Cross, yet so far from the Savior. It reminds me of the modern church and of modern day Christians – it reminds me of us here today. So many religious people with so little regard for the Christ – there are still many people playing games at the foot of the cross.
Churches competing for members – Christians competing for status and attention – too many people have made up there own rules for playing the game.
There is just one problem – it’s not a game. He died for you and for me.
Idea: There were some who recognized what was happening. (27:54) The Centurion and a few of the guards (likely those who earlier were gambling for His clothes) watched the supernatural unfold – and all they could say was – surely this was a righteous man – surely He was the Son of God.
All these men knew of Jesus they learned that day. They never heard Jesus preach a sermon. They never saw Jesus heal or calm the wind – They only witnessed His suffering and death – but that was all they needed. Their faith was made whole.
What does that say? It says that the genuineness of a person’s character is measured under hardship. It says that true grace can only be measured under fire.
Idea: Most of the soldiers missed it though, too busy playing games… but a few of them didn’t – they recognized Jesus for who He was – the Son of God.
Question: Are you so busy playing at life you are missing the Creator of life.
Are you so busy playing at work you are missing the One who provides.
Are you so busy playing at love that you are missing the One who provides love unconditionally?
Look no further – just look up – look to the cross.
III Close to Eternity, but far from Hope (Thieves)
Verse: Mt. 27:44
Scene: On either side of Jesus there were two would be hecklers – criminals joining in with the crowd in hurling insults at the Savior. As if it were not already bad enough, the scum of the earth chime in with their two cents.
But something happened. We don’t know when. We don’t know why. But one of them had a change of heart. Lk. 23:39-43
I can imagine the scene – the one on the left hurls an insult at the Savior expecting his friend to return the volley of venom, but only this time, the criminal on the right has a change of heart and replies, “Don’t you fear God?”
I can see it now. The soldiers stop what they’re doing and look up. The Pharisees stop their celebration and wait for a response. Mary wipes her tears and raises her eyes. An E. F. Hutton moment if there ever was one.
The criminal states, “we are getting what we deserve, but this man has done nothing wrong.”
We’re guilty but He’s innocent. We’re filthy but He’s pure.
He’s not on the cross for His sins, He is there for ours.
So he asks, Jesus will you forgive me? And there before everyone, the blood-stained Savior forgave the sin-soaked criminal. Hope was given to the hopeless with eternity hanging in the balance.
And b/c of Christ, each on us can have our sins forgiven – each of us can move from hopelessness to hopefulness.
IV Close to the Savior but far from Salvation (You & Me)
Idea: It is amazing to me how many people know of the Savior, but yet they don’t know Him. How do I know this? B/c they flee when the cost of the commitment is more then they are willing to pay. Or they simply play around with Him, close enough to be in the shade of the cross, but unwilling to surrender to the Savior on the cross. Do you not realize your sin my sin) put the Savior on the cross.
Story: If you were to view Rembrandt’s painting of the Three Crosses, your attention would initially be drawn to the central cross on which the Savior died. Then you would look at those who were crucified on each side, followed by a gander at the faces in the crowd. You would be impressed by the various expressions and actions of the people involved in the crime of crucifying the innocent Savior. But then your eyes would wander into the shadows only to catch the sight of another figure – almost hidden. Art critics say that it is Rembrandt, for he recognized that by his sins, he helped nail Jesus to the cross.
Trans: Each of us today have had numerous opportunities to respond to the Savior. There are those of us here today, that if we were to be honest with ourselves, would have to confess that we have been like the fleeing disciples – close to the truth, but unwilling to go the distance w/ Christ b/c of a lack of commitment. There are some in this room today that you have been like the Roman soldiers, close to the timber but far from the blood – playing games at the foot of the cross. There are some here today that have been like the criminals – standing at deaths door pleading for your life, challenged to make a decision whether to choose Jesus or reject Him. We are all close to the Savior, but are we truly saved?
Invitation Plan of salvation and decision card
Quote: Life has many choices. Eternity has but two. What will be your choice?