Summary: A sermon on Acts 4:23-37 on how a church can thrive in the most hostile of environments. (Thanks to Jay Hardison for the outline)

Sermon for 1/15/2006

Acts 4:23-37


A. Sing- Peter and John went to pray. They met a lame man on the way. He held up his palms and asked for alms; and this is what Peter did say: Silver and gold have I none, but as I have give unto thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk. He went walking and leaping and praising God, Walking and leaping and praising God. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.

B. This happened in the temple area when many people were present. A great crowd came to see what was going on and this gave Peter a great opportunity to preach Christ.

C. The authorities of the temple seized Peter and John and brought them before the ruling council of the Jews. After some threats about not preaching about Jesus Christ, they let Peter and John go. This is the first instance of persecution against the disciples of Jesus. The prophets of the Old Testament, John the Baptist, Jesus Christ all experienced persecution and many of these were executed. It’s no different for the followers of Jesus.

D. We have freedom of religion and freedom of speech here and this will never happen in the USA. It doesn’t. Let look at the public schools. In too many cases, Christian children in public school classrooms are being forced to act like atheists. After all, that is effectively what is happening when they are told not to talk about Jesus, not to sing about Jesus, and not to write about Jesus. While many public schools are denying student’s rights to freely express their faith, the US Department of Education has issued guidelines that clearly list and explain those rights. For example, students have the legal right to express their faith in their assignments; they can witness to their classmates; they can read their Bibles at school; and they can pray. However, many Christian students do not express their faith at school because they are scared of persecution, either from classmates or from school officials.

E. A dose of persecution might do us all some good. It’s terrible today how we are getting away from the faith of our fathers. I agree, but it might be a blessing in disguise. Persecution gets rid of a lot of dead wood.

F. John MacArthur- Persecution is wonderful. It brings maturity, blessing, glory and joy. There is nothing negative about persecution. It is a positive thing. Persecution forces us to lean on Jesus. It we didn’t receive persecution, then we would not bother to depend on the Lord for strength. We should pray that God will bring us persecution and trails so that in our weakness His strength may be made perfect. Because persecution makes us lean on the Lord, it is good for us.


A. In the book of Acts we have seen a lot of persecution. It began with this story from Acts 3 and 4. IN Acts 5 all of the apostles are brought before the Jewish ruling council and then flogged. In Acts 7 Stephen is stoned to death.

B. Persecution can make us or break us. When persecution or hard times come because of our faith, either we become stronger in our faith or we leave our faith.

C. The voice of the martyrs gives details of persecution that is going on around the world for the name of Jesus Christ. I hate to say that in some cases the persecution causes many to leave the faith. Sometimes it causes whole churches to close their doors and never meet again, either underground or out in the open.

D. What causes some Christians and churches to thrive in the midst of persecution, and what causes other Christians and churches to cave in under the persecution?

E. Acts 4 gives us 5 characteristics of how to thrive in any environment for Jesus Christ whether we are having a lot of persecution or very little persecution.

Thesis: Let’s look at these 5 characteristics of thriving churches so that when the hard times come we can not only survive but thrive.

For instances:

1. Place of prayer

A. Acts 4:31 they prayed and the place shook. This must have been a powerful time of prayer. This was without a doubt a church devoted to prayer.

B. At every significant point in its history, the early church was praying. One of the key ingredients to being a thriving church is one that is devoted to prayer. Both in prayer closets and together as a group.

C. A Church that plays at prayer A Church that is devoted to prayer

1. Prays about what it does 1. Does things by prayer

2. Fits prayer into busy schedule 2. Give prayer the highest priority

3. Prays only when there are problems 3. Prays at all times

4. Announces a special time of prayer 4. Announces a special time of prayer

and only a few show up and most show up

5. Ask God to bless what it is doing 5. Ask God guidance to do what He

will bless

6. Frustrated by financial shortfall 6. Challenged by financial shortfall

7. Is tired, weary, stressed out 7. Mount up with wings like eagles, runs

and doesn’t grow weary

8. Does things within means 8. Does things beyond means

9. Sees the members as its church 9. Sees the world as its church

10. Is involved in work of man 10. Is involved in the work of God

D. Dr. A.C. Dixon was right when he said, “When we rely on organization, we get what organization can do; when we rely on education, we get what education can do; when we rely on eloquence, we get what eloquence can do. But when we rely on prayer, we get what God can do!”

2. Place of preaching and teaching

A. Acts 4:31 tells us that they spoke boldly, or preached the word of God.

B. The Bible must have a high priority if we are going to thrive.

D. Now Peter had the Word in him directly from the Holy Spirit. This is true, but we have the written Word available to us directly from the Holy Spirit.

F. We see Peter preaching and referring to the Old Testament Scripture quite regularly. On the day of Pentecost Peter quoted from 3 Old Testament Scriptures. In Acts 3 Peter quotes from 2 Old Testament Scriptures. Before the Sanhedrin in Acts 4 he quotes from Psalm 118. In the prayer after their release, they quote from Psalm 2.

G. In Acts 7 we see that Stephen knew the Old Testament like the back of his hand and his whole talk was centered on characters and Scriptures from the Old Testament.

H. They didn’t have time to look this stuff up or to develop a talk, they got up and preached it and quoted from the Scripture from the hip. Could we do that?

K. We have a great challenge today to develop men and women of the Word, who can face crises with the strength that Scripture hidden in them can give.

L. Be walking Bibles!

M. John Newton- “My grand point in preaching is to break the hard heart and to heal the broken one.” Only God’s Word can do both.

N. (Isa 55:11 NIV) my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

O. The Bible reading plan.

3. Place of praise and worship

A. Acts 4:31 we see that everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit. To me this means that they were filled with praise and adoration.

B. Praise is to adore God for his qualities like his sovereignty- God made everything and he is in control, vs. 24.

C. When we think of praise and worship we think of a church service: WE have prayer, preaching, singing, Lord’s Supper. These are all elements of praising God.

D. One that is overlooked and many would like to keep it overlooked is the offering time, stewardship time. To give back a portion is an act of worship.

F. In our worship we have times of participation for everyone: singing, communion, and the offering. No participation in these things, leads to no investment. No investment might lead to bankruptcy. When troubling times come, those who do not participate usually are the first ones to abandon ship. Feel like I am a part if I am giving. Do not feel like I am a part if I am not giving.

G. Why did they give? Because they loved the Lord and they loved people especially their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. The Great Commandment.

H. I was talking with a man about their worship service. He said that they have a somber time around their offering. Play sad music and it is to be a time of reflection. I told him that we have that at the Lord’s Supper and the offering time is to be a time of celebration. 2 Cor 9:7 says that God loves a cheerful giver. From vs. 32 and 34, 35 we see a church that loved to give.

I. Sold out for Jesus!

4. Place of purpose

A. To give life meaning, one must have a purpose larger than one’s self- William Durant.

B. What is the main purpose of the church? To keep the members happy. No, Jesus gave the mission of the church in the Great Commission. Go and make disciples!

C. Acts 4:32 and 34 are about the sharing of possessions. But sandwiched between them is a verse about evangelism. Why? Because the church is not an end in itself. We exist to bring more into the faith.

D. How did they have one heart and one mind, such unity? They focused on the mission. God has given us all the same mission and allowed us to implement that plan in different ways. For as many of us as there are, there are that many different gifts and abilities. God allows us, who are gifted differently, to use the gifts to win souls in different ways. However, the mission is the same.

E. History gives us a good example. In the forties and fifties, tent revivals were the method of choice. In the sixties and seventies, the church used buses to bring children in and singing groups to reach the lost. In the 80’s, small groups and drama teams became another way. In the 90’s we have seen the rise of the internet and evangelistic web site. Who knows what will be next?

F. The evidence is even more evident geographically. Inner city churches use methods that would fail here in Surry County. Rural churches use tactics that would fail in New York City. In each case, the mission has not changed, only the plans have.

G. To that end, I ask us a question: How does the Mount Airy Christian Church plan to fulfill the mission of God? How does this congregation plan to harvest the field of souls around us? What is our plan? What is our goal?

H. In our world today, hard working people depend on planning to make a difference. They plan their vacations, their children, and their retirement. It would be a failure on our part to present them a church that has no plan for its future.

I. Some will say such measures are not needed. That we have been here for this long without such a plan and we’ve done alright. “Failing to plan is but planning to fail.” Don’t tell me that there were no plans around here. In our day what is our plan? How are we going to share Jesus Christ with those around us?

J. The leadership retreat at the end of the month.

5. Place of Preparation

A. Vs. 33 says much grace was upon them all. The New Living Translation here says that God’s great favor was upon them all.

B. Vs. 32 says that they were one in heart and mind.

C. Acts 8:4 when it got so bad they had to scatter it says, “Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.”

C. Christianity is not a spectator sport. For God’s blessing, to be one in heart and mind everyone was being prepared to do ministry.

D. Church Service is not spelled, Church Serve Us. Many times we think our responsibility ends with the closing hymn. It’s quite the opposite. On some church doors on the outside they have: “Enter to Worship.” All those who enter read this sign. On the other side, they have: “Leave to Serve.” All those who leave see this sign.

E. When we leave here we need to be prepared to help someone else. We are to take and share with others. Each of us should be involved in some ministry at the church or out in the community.

F. In Atlanta an 84 year old widow became quite bored with watching TV and reading the paper. She decided that she wanted to minister to others. She took out a small add in the paper which read, “Pianist will play hymns over the phone to shut-ins”. Within 3 days of issuing the add she had received 300 phone calls. She played favorite hymns and listened to those who were alone. She eventually ministered to over 12,000 people. When asked why she did it she replied, “Church taught me to love hymns and to love people.” She was prepared by her church for service.