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Satan Demons and the Spiritual Realm
- We have an enemy
- We would never believe before 9/11 a plane would be used as a bomb
- America does not believe we have an enemy
The Harris Poll
- 48% believe Invasion of Iraq strengthen war on terror
- 36% Iraq had weapons of mass destruction
- Al Qaeda is not out to destroy us
Barna Research & Born Again
- 2001 58 % Say that Satan is not a living being but a symbol of evil
- 2004 Went up to 60%
- 2001 45% Say Satan does not exist
- 2004 - Went up to 50%
Chinese Sun Tzu THE ART OF WAR
- The oldest military manual in the world
400-320 B.C
• If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
• If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
• If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
- Bible never proves existence of Satan
- Ezk 28:13-19
Who Was Satan?
1. Satan is Created - v.13
- Satan is not equal with God
- He is a finite
- He is not everywhere
- He does not know everything
- He is subject to God
2. Satan Was A Cherub - v.14
- Cherub highest of Angels
- Meaning Guardian of Holiness
Ark of Covenant
- Powerful
- Able to deceive
3. Satan Was Beautiful - v.13
Lucifer- Radiant Light
- Covered in gems
- Attractive
4. Satan Gifted in Music - v.13
- Latest modern Translations do not include this
-Tabrets Tambourine or small drum
- Pipes wind instruments
- Music 1st mentioned in Bible - Jubel - Gen 4.21
- Descendant from Cane - the ungodly line
- Music can praise or pervert
What Caused Satan To Fall
1. Sin - Ezk 28:13
Lk 10:18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven
Ezk 28:15 - Created perfect
2. Rebellions Lead to His Destruction
Reared it’s head in pride - Ezk . 28:17
Is 14:12-15 – I will’s
3. Wanted to Replace God
Is 14:13-14
- Weaken the nations Is 14:12
- America is doing this
- Don’t want God - on our money, in our Court
House, in our Schools, in our music, in our speech
When Did Satan Fall?
- Fell before garden - Ezk 28:12
Gen 3:1 Serpent is Satan in the Garden
- Rev. 12:9, Rev. 20:2 Called “that old serpent”
1. Gap Theory
Between Gen 1:1 & 1:2 a disaster earth ruined
At v. 3 a re-creation - making evolution fit
2. Theory 2
Satan Fell between Gen 1:2 & Gen 1:3
Theory 3
Some time after Creation Gen 1:31 & Gen 2:1
Ex. 20:11 Col 1:16 Neh 9:6
- Satan Fell to earth
- The Battle Field is here
Names of Satan
Prince of the demons
- Learn a lot about a person by their name
- Satan has 3 main names
Lucifer - Is. 14:12 - Light Barer, Shining One
Morning Star
Satan - Accuser, Adversary, 1st time 1Chron 21:1
Real time with Job Ch. 1 & 2
NT Devil - Mt 4:1- Slander, Accusing falsely
Bring us up to God to destroy us
Rev. 9:11 - Angel of the bottomless pit
Abbaddon Heb. - Ruin, Destruction, Death
Apollyon Gk- Destroyer
Beelzebub Mt.12:24- Lord of the flies (house)
or Prince of evil spirits
Other Names – Liar & Father of Lies - Jn 8:44
Dragon - Rev. 12:3
God of this World - 2 Cor 4:4
Unclean Spirit - Mt 12:43
Wicked One - Mt 13:19,38
- Just by his name you know he is evil and vile
- Satan is not playing games
- Remember Satan was made into a joke by
The Flip Wilson Show from 1970 to 74. His most
memorable character on the variety show was the sassy Geraldine who liked to quip "The devil made me do it" and "What you see is what you get." Died of liver cancer 1998 - Age 64
What Is Satan Doing
Works Through His Forces
- Satan will be in the place where he can have the
most influence
- Limited so he delegates - Eph 6:12
- Here is Rank & File
-Rev 12:3-4 He drew a third of heaven with him
- Lk 8:29-30 Man with unclean Spirit - Legion
- Legion = 6,000 - for one man
- Millions of Demons
Rules this World
1 Jn 5:19
Job 1:7
2 Cor. 4:4
- To influence through anything he can use to attack us
- Demons attack even in church Wheat & tares
Mt. 13:24-30 to stir and
Satan’s Destruction
Rev 12:12 - Knows he has a short time
Rev 20:10 - Satan is Defeated
- He does not know when time will end
- He will work to the end
- Are we?
Remember This
- 1 Pet 5:8
- Eph 6:11
- Eph 6:13-18