Summary: This sermon was preached to bring the listener at the point seeing the need to come the cross for salvation.

I had an uncle that preached in Carroll County Georgia for many years. He preached at several churches when I was born he preached at Mt Pleasant Baptist church. He moved from there to Salem Baptist church. When I was born, I went to Mt pleasant. Upon his move, my parents moved their membership to Oak Grove Baptist church. I was about 1 year old. There I was, no doubt placed in the nursery. I was placed there with Donnie Muse, Mitchell North, Mike Bickford, Al Hightower, and many other children. Donnie Muse was probably the one that I grew to have the closest friendship. We were always in church. I was saved at the age of nine years old. Before I was saved, I was involved in church. Donnie was involved in church and even played the piano on occasion. He was not saved until he was in his twenties.

With every one of us, we were there before the cross.

The event of the cross happened about one thousand nine hundred seventy two years ago.

It had just simply not happened in my life.

David was king of Israel about 1000 years before the cross.

The Hebrew or Jewish people did not know anything about the cross,

Crucifixion – was a roman means of capitol punishment.

As for Psalm 22, some modern Theologians dismiss this Psalm as Prophetic or Messianic.

As a Bible Believer, One must realize that the entire Old Testament is Christ Centered.

Each time man needed a savior God sent him a Christ – each savior he sent died and did not return from the dead.

Noah = Died

Abraham = Died

Moses = Died

Joshua = Died

David Knew there would be a permanent saving Savior.

Jesus supported this Psalm as being a product of Christ in Luke 24:4

Jesus on the Cross prayed, psalm 22


Sin causes one to feel separated from God.

Was Jesus A sinful man … no.

Let us look at some aspects of this scripture

1. Saviors Sentence

a. Sin causes Gods abandonment

i. People living in sin continue to believe in God

b. The experience of God’s absence is real.

c. Sin will undercut a persons self esteem V-6-8

i. There is a sense of being worthless

ii. Some one steeped in sin will seek for material things They continue to feel like the worm mentioned in verse 6

d. Verses 7-8 we see the picture of Jesus hanging on the cross – being ridiculed by the crowd

i. Come down from that cross if you are the Christ!!

Matthew 27:39-40

39 And those who passed by blasphemed Him, wagging their heads 40 and saying, “You who destroy the temple and build it in three days, save Yourself! If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross.”

e. Because of my sin, Jesus experienced both the silence of god and the scorn of the people.

2. Saviors Suffering

a. Not just bulls

i. Strong Bulls of Bashan – Bashan was a high flat area east of Jordan and sound of Mt Herman where wheat and cattle were raised

1. It is the picture of raging trouble or distress

b. Again to the crucifixion

i. Jesus was surrounded by raging maniacs that care not about anyone but themselves

c. Today we are bombarded by a health and wealth Gospel

One time I was praying at this big event here in town and there were several other ministers there with me and the man that went right before me--He is a very well respected leader in the community and a very fine gentleman. But, he prayed about the most depressing prayer that I think I have ever heard. He said, ’God, you know how unworthy I am to even stand up here before you. God, you know what a wretched sinner I am. I don’t deserve your goodness--and God how could you even use anybody like me?’ On and on--man by the time he got finished I felt like I needed to go repent. I felt like I was about that tall. I just wanted to hang my head in shame. So let me ask you, how can we expect God’s blessings? How can we expect His goodness if we go around feeling wrong about ourselves? I wanted to ask him afterwards, ’Did you really mean what you prayed?’ You said you were ’Weak. You were defeated. You were an old sinner. You were unworthy.’ Listen, I’m not going to declare that kind of junk over my life!...Well, you say, ’Joel, we are just all old sinners saved by grace.’ No, the truth is we were old sinners--but when we came to Christ we are not sinners anymore. We are sons and daughters of the Most High God...Sure, we may sin every once in awhile. You may make some mistakes--but that doesn’t make you a sinner. You’ve got the very nature of God on the inside of you."

(Joel Osteen, "Receiving God’s Mercy," Tape #262. Daystar Television, April 17, 2005)

d. That sounds good

i. The statement was made by Joel Osteen

ii. He mocks Gods Absolute holiness

iii. On Larry king Live He never states that Jesus was the only way to Heaven

1. Jesus said “I am the way”

2. None come to the father but through the Son”

iv. There is but one-way to heaven and that is by humbling before the God and acknowledge the Jesus is the Son of God.

3. The Saviors sustaining

a. Note verse 19 BUT YOU oh Lord

i. David is calling on the Lord to save him verse 20

1. You cannot save yourself

2. You are hopeless to do so

3. You cannot clean yourself up enough to come to God

a. Only He can clean you up in order to come into his presence.

b. Verse 19 “O My Strength” God is the strength

ii. In the resign of David we see the resign of Jesus on the Cross

1. Father into your hands I commit My spirit”

2. Total surrender

b. The end of verse 21

i. The instant ness of salvation


ii. The struggle over the effects of sin are over John 19:30 Jesus said “IT IS FINISHED”

4. The Saviors Spokesperson

a. Verse 22 David exclaims He will declare the name of God

b. Verse 24 Good news is worth sharing

i. Jesus answered David’s prayer

ii. He relieved him of anguish

1. Jimmy Riley believes in a Doctor and he gave me the doctor’s name

c. David proclaims to all what God has done

i. Jesus says if you deny Me before men, I will deny you before My father.

d. Failure to go public in Baptism and public profession of faith is to deny God

e. Failure to share Jesus is denying Christ.

f. Verse 27 &28 is Jesus” words of the Great Commission sounding through the Old Testament.

Read verses 30-31

David was a previous Generation of Jesus. The scarlet thread of salvation for all humanity ran through the Genes of David right back to that of Adam passing through Abraham.

In 1818, Philip Semmelweis was born into a world of dying Women. The finest hospitals anywhere lost one in six young mothers to the disease of childbed fever.

A doctor’s daily routine began in the dissecting room where he performed autopsies. From there he would make his way to the hospital to examine expectant mothers without ever pausing to wash their hands. Dr Semmelweis was the first to associate infection and death. His practice was to wash with a chlorine solution after eleven years and the delivery of 8,537 babies he lost only 184 mothers – about one in fifty.

He spent his life lecturing and debating the with his colleagues. He once said, “puerperal fever is caused by decomposed material conveyed to the wound” going on he said I have shown you how this can be alleviated simply by washing your hands. Virtually no one believed him and they continued their practice.

Wash me was the anguished prayer of David

Wash was the message of John the Baptist

Jesus said to Peter as He washed his feet “Unless I wash you, you will have no part with me”

Without the washing of Jesus Christ, we remain contaminated by sin.