Summary: This sermon emphasizes the faithfulness of Jesus in the life of the believer amid every circumstance.

In this world, there numerous types of friendships. There is a faucet friendship that people turn on and off. There is fake friendship wherein folk will fake you out when you need them most. There is a fair weather friend that will remain so long as the weather is fair. There are get-over and get under friends. These are all worldly friendships. But in our text today, Solomon introduces us to a unique friend, that will stick closer than a brother. Let us consider the meaning of a genuine friendship. Friendship is the covenantal binding together of two people. Friendship is always preceded by self-giving. The first friend in the bible was God Himself. The first gift of the first friend was another friend. It was God who determined from the beginning that "it was not good for man to be alone." He then made woman to be a friend of man, from man. Friendship is based on the agape’ or what is more aptly called the biblical love. It is the love of God that is shed abroad in the believer’s heart. Love is a desire for and a delight in the well-being of the one loved; leading to an active and a self-sacrificing effort of on thier behalf. God Himself is the very essence of friendship. The God-head is a perfect unity, wherein God is in relationship with Himself. A friend is someone you can be yourself with. A friend is someone who knows your weakness and respect your strenght. Abraham Lincoln said:"The better part of one’s life consists of his friendships." Ralph Waldo Emerson said: "The only way to have a friend is to be one." A friend is one who is a source of sunshine when you are under the weather. A friend is one who believes in you, when you cease to believe in yourself. A friend is a source of celebration when you feel that there is nothing to celebrate. A friend is one who answers your call before you call. Friendship is of two categories. It is first vertical or God-ward and second horizontal or a reaching outward. Friendship thrives upon sacrifice. You can give without love but you cannot love without giving. True friendship is when two friends can wak in opposite directions, and yet remain side by side. A friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. A friendship with Jesus is truly the only unsinkable-ship. First the text teaches us something about highest measure of human friendship. To that end Solomon uses not a mother, not a father or a sister but a brother.

I. Brotherhood is the Highest Form of Earthly Friendship.

Brothers have a close relationship with each other. They have a biological connection....

They have similiar experiences....

They played together....

They fought together....

They cried together...

There have been many cases where brothers have given much for each other.

Brothers have died for one another...

Brothers have given organs to one another..

Brothers have taken the hit for one another...

Brothers have gone to jail for one another...

Brothers have rescued one another during perilous situations...

Thus, Solomon teaches us today, that brotherhood is the highest form of earthly friendship. Yes, an earthly brother is indeed a true friend. Aristotle said; A true friendship is one soul in two bodies. A true friend never gets in your way unless you are going down. A true friend is one you can call after 3 in the morning without hesitation. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. A brother may not be a friend, but a friend will always be a brother. A friend will not talk about you but will talk to you. A true friend will cry with you when others are laughing at you. A friend is one with whom you can be honest. The best mirror is an old friend. A friend is one who sees right through you, yet enjoys the show. Hellen Keller said; "Walking in the dark with a friend is better than walking alone in the light." A friend is God’s cure for lonliness. A friendship ia a rainbow between two hearts. A friend will shake your hands in success and he will wash your feet in sorrow. A friend will always show up in times of trouble. Friends are those who will nourish the spirit. A true friend will die before he allows his friend to go to hell. A true friend is one who comes to your house and make you feel at home.

II. The Qualities of a True Friend.

A. Friends must be loyal.

B. Friends must be sharing.

C. Friends must be accepting.

D. Friends must be encouraging.

E. Friend must warn each other.

F. Friends must be sacrificial.

G. Friends must be available.

III. Friendship With Jesus is the Path to Real Joy.

A. Friendship with Jesus brings us the JOY OF SALVATION.

B. Friendship with Jesus brings us the JOY OF GOD’S INDWELLING.

C. Friendship with Jesus brings the JOY OF FRUIT-BEARING.

D. Friendship with Jesus brings us the JOY THAT EXCEEDS A CONQUEROR. (More than a CONQUEROR)

E. Friendship with Jesus brings us the JOY OF A NEED SUPPLIER.

F. Friendship with Jesus brings us the JOY OF ETERNAL LIFE.

G. Friendship with Jesus brings us the JOY OF DWELLING IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD FOREVER.

IV. There is a Friend that Sticketh Closer Than a Brother.

A Brother can cry with you/Jesus can wipe away all your tears.

A Brother can pray with you/Jesus can answer your prayer.

A Brother can share your storm/Jesus cam calm your storms.

A Brother can die for you/Jesus rose for you.

A Brother can be your lawyer/Jesus can set you free.

A Brother can carry your body to the a dark grave/Jesus can carry your soul to Bright Glory.

A Brother can stand by you/Jesus can stand for you.

V. Is Jesus Your Friend Today?

Conclusion: Mary and Martha had a brother who stuck with them but sickness and death severed their relationship. Their brother who was there through thick and thin. Their brother who was their handy man. Their brother who carried thier heavy burdens. Their brother who protected them from harm. But suddenly that earthly closeness was interrupted by the untimely hands of death. But they had a friend, that would come to thier aid when their brother couldn’t. Jesus, is a friend that will stick closer than a brother. Not only will He stick closer but when a brother falls, He’ll pick him up....Lazurus the brother died but Jesus the Friend called him back to life....He is that friend that sticketh closer than a brother...

May God Bless and Keep You

Pastor Rodney L. Johnson Sr.,

Historic Bethlehem Baptist Church

Hahnville, La.