Could Someone Get the Lights?
Part 14
Sermon Series: A Word about the Word
Text: Psalm 119:105-112
This section of the Psalm begins with no doubt one of the most familiar verses in the Bible. It brings great emphasis of the magnitude and worth of the full counsel of God’s Word. The psalmist has in nearly every verse used a different synonym for God’s Word and here he refers to it as a “light” and a “lamp.”
· Now I must confess, I do not understand all the mechanics and working of light and electricity. I know how to change a light bulb and I have even had opportunity to change out a light fixture in our home. I also need to say, I am a little frightened by electricity I have seen and witnessed its power.
· I do know this about light; it dispels darkness. When you walk into a dark room and turn on the light switch, darkness disappears.
· Light also reveals to us the full contents of the room.
We are believers, those of us that have placed our faith in the Lord Jesus for salvation, have a great advantage over those that do not know Jesus; because of the Word of God, we have direction and revelation, not only of the character and nature of God and His Son Jesus Christ, but guidance in how to life this life and where we are going.
· The Bible never uses the word unsaved regarding those that are not believers, but it does some times use the word lost.
· I am blessed with the sense of good direction. There have been times when I have had to stop and ask for direction, usually to find I am on the right track.
· But have you ever seen someone that is so lost. I mean they just don’t have a clue to where they are going. The old adage is; “Lost as a goose.”
· Today we have so many tools to help us find our way from one place to another. I still use a map, the fold up kind when I travel. You can even get directions on the Internet.
· For some that make more money than a Baptist preacher, you can now buy a car that has a tracking system built into the car and if for some strange reason you get lost, you can hit a button and a company can tell by the use of a satellite where you are located
· I am continually amazed at the many different, methods of teaching that is out there today, that clams the name of biblical teaching, when in all reality it is a real-good feel-good about yourself mentality, think positive and God will bless you religion.
· When in reality all we need is this holy, inerrant, inspired and immutable book; God’s Word… the Bible.
This section of the 119th Psalm gives us three truths about the light and lamp of the Word of God. Let’s look at the first one
I. Light Points Our Direction vv. 105-108
It points our direction…
A. For Our Obedience vv. 105-106
· For every decision we will face in life, God’s Word gives us instruction.
· We may not get all the details, but in Scripture we have light to reveal the overall direction, and we have a lamp to show us how to make the next step.
· In these tow various descriptions of God’s Word, light and lamp, we are shown two types of lighting if you will.
· A lamp that was used in the psalmist days would probably best be seen as a flashlight today. When I use a flashlight it is usually to guide me from one step to the next. I believe that is why he tells us it is a “lamp to my feet.”
· Many times in our lives what we really need is not a clear view of all in front of us; we just need enough of the lamp to guide our next step. Isn’t that what faith is all about? Trusting Jesus to help us by faith take that next step. Trusting Him that where He has asked us to follow, the path will be firm enough to hold the weight of our cares and burdens.
· To put it in plan terms; Sometimes He only wants us to obey Him and He shows us just that next step.
· This reminder of God’s Word as a lamp and light helps us remember that God’s Word will guide us by day and by night, step by step through all the experiences of life.
· On the other hand a light is brighter, for example our car headlights. It allows us to see farther down the path we are traveling.
Which leads us to Light Points our Direction…
B. For Our Obstacles v. 107
· Sometimes the people I live with leave things in the middle of the floor; shoes, books, pencils; and on occasion when I get up in the middle of the night, if my path is not revealed to me I might step on one of the objects or obstacles in my way.
· It seems for some of us there are obstacles in our life that keep us from faithfully obeying God’ direction.
· And we need the fullness of His light to reveal the correct way and lead us in our path.
· But have you thought about this? Sometime I believe that God does not always reveal the full picture to us. For instance; if I knew that I were about to face a difficult obstacle in my life, I might choice to go a different path or direction. Even though it might be the way God has chosen for me to go.
· Isn’t God sovereign? Hasn’t He ordained for us our life and our steps?
· Sometime I wonder if by my own choosing, have I avoided an obstacle, only to get out of God’s will and possibly miss a blessing or missed a life learning experience by not staying on the true course…
· Just a thought…
Last, Light Points our Direction
C. For Our Offerings v. 108
· The greatest and most common offering in the Old Testament was the burnt offering, where an animal was burned on the altar.
· But the psalmist seems to speaking of a different offering.
· The psalmist understood that worship was more than burning an animal on an altar or keeping a few rituals.
· In Psalm 51 the psalmist lays it out more clearly in verses 16-17; “For You do not desire sacrifice, or else I would give it; You do not delight in burnt offering. The sacrifice of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart- these, O God, You will not despise.”
· God does not seek mechanical conformity or ritual from those that worship Him.
· Seems to me the psalmist is referring to a word of praise.
· It is the sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise that Hebrews 13:15 speaks of. That is what is pleasing to God.
· My dear friend, just because we come to church every Sunday and go through the motions of religion, doesn’t mean we have truly worshipped.
Not only does Light Point Our Direction also…
II. Light Presents Our Defense vv. 109-110
First is Presents Our Defense…
A. Against Our Anxieties v. 109
· The psalmist recognizes that the dangers and experiences of life were real and he was frightened.
· But he realizes the Word of God gives confidence that quieted those fears.
· Many times when we are overcome by our anxieties, we forget about God.
· I have found this to be so true in most folks life that when we face all the anxieties of life the first thing we abandon is the Word of God; our time reading and meditating on the promises of God’s Word.
· When we feel most insecure that is when we need God’s Word the most.
Next, Light Presents Our Defense
B. Against Our Adversaries v. 110
· This verse mentions those that are laying snares for him.
· His enemies are trying to trick him.
· I know when I am being attacked or accused, the thing I want is revenge… hey I am just being honest. I know what I went through during a very difficult time in my life, I felt I had just cause to seek revenge. I had righteous indignation for those that opposed me in the direction I felt God leading me to minister.
· But I quickly fell under conviction. Many times we pursue a godly goal in an ungodly manner.
· When we are under attack for whatever reason, we must remember not to abandon God’s Word.
III. Light Provides Our Delight vv. 111-112
· This is a true statement; you can tell a lot about a person, by what they delight in; what brings them joy.
The Word of God should be our delight… It should provide delight in…
A. Rejoicing v. 111
· The Word of God is light to give us joy, hope, assurance.
· But my dear friend, we cannot rejoice over God’s Word if we do not spend time in God’s Word.
· For many of us the only time we turn to God’s Word is when we are in need. Then we find us a passage of Scripture and usually take it out of context to build us up.
Also, Light Provides Our Delight by…
B. Reflection v. 112
· When we rejoice in the Word of God and reflect on its truths, we will be consistent in the way we live it.
· Let me ask you this: when you reflect on the Word of God, does it ever reveal sin in your life and bring you to a place of conviction and repentance?
· Praise God, maybe sometimes when you reflect on God’s Word it reveals to you that you are right where you need to be.
Jimmy Draper said; “Our problem with light is not that it is obscure. It is not that there are some things we don’t understand; it is that we are not willing to do what we know it tells us to do. The psalmist in this section of Scripture made a choice. He is going home. God had given him light for the journey, and to the end he was going to pursue it.”
That’s good stuff…