If It Weren’t for People
Part 15
Sermon Series: A Word about the Word
Date: July 20, 2003 P.M. Service
Place: Allendale Baptist Church
Text: Psalm 119:113-120
I have heard this statement and have used it a time or two myself; “If it weren’t for people”. A pastor might say; “If it weren’t for people I’d be a good pastor.” As a Sales Manager I often said; “If it weren’t for salesmen and customers, I’d be a good manager.”
Well the fact of the matter is that people and yea even those difficult to deal with people built character in our lives. It amazes me that God brings many different types of people into our lives to grow and make us the person He desires us to be.
In every section of this psalm the writer has dealt with a different areas of our lives. This section deals with the pressures the psalmist feels from folks who do not like him; he calls them “evildoers” or his “enemies.”
· In the midst of his crying out that God might deal with them, he prays that he might remain faithful to the Word of God.
· It seems that the psalmist speaks to these around him about God, and then speaks to God about them.
· The psalmist seems to be confessing before God his weakness and has had some tempting and trying times and admits he has a problem.
· The thrust of this psalm is the struggle a person has in their spiritual walk.
In these firs 3 verses we notice the psalmist talking about…
I. His Conflict vv. 113-115
A. Genuine Pressure
1. A dread of vain thoughts.
a. “I hate vain Thoughts.”
b. The word vain can be translated here in two different ways:
1. Divided.
2. Empty.
c. It does not seem that he is speaking of those that are around him, but of his own thoughts.
d. He knows the right way to respond but is having divided thoughts.
e. He realizes his thoughts toward those that are against him are wrong and are empty.
f. He not only hates vain, divided or empty thoughts in others, but he hates them in his own life.
Next we see...
2. A delight in the rule of duty.
a. “but Thy law do I love.”
b. Matthew Henry says this; “The more we love the Word of God, the more we will master our vain thoughts.”
c. The more we spend in God Word the more our thoughts and action will reflect the Lord Jesus Christ.
d. It is like that old saying the more time you spend with a person the more you think act and look like them.
· Well, what about our lives dear Christian friend are you more and more each day taking on the likeness of you Savior.
· If Jesus is Lord of your life do you reflect His characteristics as you walk with Him?
Next we see
B. Generous Provision
1. God’s care for us.
a. “Thou art my hiding place and my shield.”
b. Remember throughout David’s life when Saul pursued him, David often took to places of shelter, and when in battle he guarded himself with a shield.
c. Now God is both to him.
d. And God is both to us; to all believers we are safe under God’s protection.
· He is our strength and our shield.
· He is our help and our shied.
· He is our sun and our shield.
· He is our shield and our great reward.
· He is our hiding place and our shield.
Next we see…
2. Our confidence in God.
a. “I hope in Thy Word.”
b. When can hope in God we see ourselves under God’s divine protection.
c. Someone has said those who hope on God’s provision will have the benefit of His power and be taken under His special protection.
Next notice a…
C. Guarded Promise
1. A firm and fixed resolution to live a holy life.
a. “For I will keep the commandments of my God.”
b. All around the psalmist are evildoers trying to lour him away from his commitment to the Lord.
c. He has admitted his weaknesses and his sin but again reaffirms his commitment from this day forward to walk closer to God.
Look at his
2. Farwell to bad company.
a. “Depart from me, ye evildoers.”
b. Although we cannot remove ourselves totally from the world, we can remove the world from us.
c. This verse does not mean we should not be around with unsaved people, but it does imply we should not associate with them.
d. I do honestly believe we as Christians should not totally remove ourselves from those that need to hear the gospel the most and that is sinners.
Not only do we see the Conflict but also…
II. His Concern
The psalmist understands that without the “upholding” of the Lord during times of trials and temptation, his commitment will melt fast
A. For Consistent Actions
1. v. 116 “Uphold me according unto Thy Word, that I may live; and let me not be ashamed of my hope.”
2. The psalmist sees as we should his inability to make good on his commitment without God’s strength.
3. If there is one thing we should pray for is more consistency in our life in regards to living a godly life.
Then he prays…
B. For Continual Actions
1. v. 117; “Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe; and I will have respect unto Thy statutes continually.”
2. He pleads his great need again for God’s grace to hold him up.
3. Someone has said if God’s hand upholds us, we must, in his strength, go on in our duty both with diligence and pleasure.
Then last we see…
III. His Conclusion vv. 118-119
The psalmist proclaims …
A. The Retribution of God
1. vv. 118-119; “Thou hast trodden down all them that err from Thy statutes; for their deceit is falsehood. Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth like dross; therefore I love Thy testimonies.”
2. This speaks of God’s judgment on a wicked world.
3. The wicked that are against the righteous and against God will be trodden down.
a. Trodden down literally means “to set at nothing” or “to have no effectiveness.”
b. This is how God will deal with the wicked and evildoers.
c. They had considered His Word to be nothing or of no effect. God has set them aside.
4. “Dross” is impurities.
a. In a smelter where metal is purified this dross rises to the top to be skimmed off and thrown away.
b. This is a very frightening picture of how God will treat those who reject His Word and His Son.
Then last the psalmist speaks of…
B. The Reverence of God
1. v. 120 “My flesh trembleth for fear of Thee; and I am afraid of Thy judgments.”
2. Many will describe God as being too kind and too merciful to be a God of judgment.
a. They see Him as a heavenly Santa Claus.
b. Our God is the God of infinite love. He does love us totally and unconditionally that He in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, paid the ultimate price for our sins. He loves with an everlasting love.
3. But He is a God of holiness and He must judge sin.
Please do not misunderstand me, as Christians we should not be compelled to obedience because of the fear of God’s wrath and judgment. This holy reverence the Bible speaks about, this obedience should be caused for the love we have for God.
Growing up as a child I understood that when I disobeyed my parents I would be punished. But as I grew older, my desire was to please them; not for any acclaim or reward just because of their love for me and my love for them.
This last verse should also remind us of a wicked world that desperately needs to here about God’s wrath and also God’s great love.