Summary: „« As Christians we have a guide to follow which can not be deterred¡KGod has laid out our pattern and it is our responsibility to do as God has told us


¡§Dealing with God¡¦s word¡¨

(James 1:19-27)


„« As Christians we have a guide to follow which can not be deterred¡KGod has laid out our pattern and it is our responsibility to do as God has told us.

„« As we consider how we as Christians are to respond to God and what He desires, it would do us all good to consider how we should respond to His word:

A. We as Christians are brought forth by the word of God (vs. 18) ¡V therefore it is the word that gives us direction to our spiritual life

„« Let us consider some practical things from our text this morning:

1. Proper Attitude

2. Proper Acceptance

3. Proper Application


A. Consider the text:

1. Be quick to hear

2. Slow to speak

3. Slow to anger

4. Receive the word in humility

B. This is contrary to what we would think or expect

1. Our response so often is to not hear everything¡Kspeak before someone is done¡Kget angry before allowing what has been said to process

2. Consider the blessing of this principle:

a. We hear something¡Kwe listen closely¡Kwe don¡¦t get angry quickly (it is God¡¦s revelation to us)

b. People do not reject us they reject the word¡Kwhen studying with someone they should be slow to get angry when we tell them something!


A. Consider the text:

1. Not hearers only, but doers

a. Illustration of a Mirror

B. As Christians it is our responsibility to not just say we believe in the word of God¡Kbut to practice ALL parts of it whether we like it agree with it or not!

1. When we look intently at the word of God which can save our souls and apply it in an action way¡Kthen it is not difficult to always be doing or striving to do the right thing

2. We should not be so quick to disregard the word of God that when we walk away from it we forget what it said


A. Consider the text:

1. Our religion should not be in mind ¡§thought¡¨ only

2. We need to seek to be made whole by the word of God¡Kdoing good to others and living the Christian life ALWAYS

B. When we think about the word of God¡Kmany people are Christians on thought only, but in application they fall so short because they never took the time to open their hearts and minds to the truth of His word

1. Those who have open and responsive hearts, will always be seeking the truth of God¡¦s word

2. When someone tells us something the Bible says we should be willing to apply it whole to our lives¡Knot just in part


„« If we want the power of God in our lives to understand His will (vs. 5-8), then we have to allow the word of God to shape our lives

A. There within lies the real power (Romans 1:18)

„« Is your Christian life one that merely goes through the motions or are you living the way Christ desires you to live through the word of God?