Summary: When you can’t change the direction of the wind...adjust your sails. Job couldn’t avoid the landslide coming his way, he did however do the next best thing. Let’s examine it together!


What do you do when you look up and everything above you is coming towards you? i.e. an Avalanche of hurt, heartache and horror!

Running won’t help! illus. Alaska Bear Encounter "All I’ve got to do is out run you...all I’ve got to do is shoot you in the leg!"

Job knew the feeling so well. What else could go wrong. He began with everything, then lost it all and regained more than he had in the beginning.

During his time of difficulty his best friends were as he calls them "Miserable comforters..." and to top it off his own wife said, "Curse God and die..."

We all can learn from the man Job when life is turned upside down. The two things he did was the most important decisions anyone today can make!

Main Division

I. He Clung To God (15a)

II. He Committed Himself To God (15b)

Conclusion: Victory is largely a matter of holding on after others have let go!