Ya’ll Come Back Now – Jesus will return: Acts 1:9-11
There are 260 chapters in the N.T. and in those chapters the second coming of Christ is mentioned 318 times. That is one in every 25 verses from Matthew to Revelation.
Jesus will return in like manner as he left.
His Ascension
1. From the mount of olives (Acts 1:12)
2. Physical and personal (Acts 1:9)
3. Ascended visibly (Acts 1:9)
4. in a cloud (Acts 1:9)
5. He ascended gloriously (Acts 1:9)
His Return
1. To the mount of olives (Zech. 14:4)
2. Physical and personal (Mal 3:1)
3. Will return visibly (Matt. 24:30, Rev. 1:7)
4. on the clouds (Matt. 24:30, Rev. 1:7)
5. Will return with power and glory (Matt 24:30)