Summary: Eight realizations for dealing with trouble.

The book of Second Corinthians is about trouble so we’re going to use a small passage from chapter four of this letter to gather some clues on how to deal with our trouble.

This is the last sermon in the series "How to Have a Great Year!". We’ve learned that if we’re going to have a great year we’re going to have to learn to invest our time rather than spend it; put our talents to good use rather than burying them; and make the most of the treasures God gives us by following God’s guidelines.

The last topic in this series has to do with the fact that, if we’re going to have a great year, we’ll not only have to know how to properly handle our time, talent and treasure, but we’ll also have to know how to handle trouble.

Here are eight realizations that will help you rise above the doubts and fears that come from your troubles - eight ways you can understand what’s going on so you can respond successfully.

1. You aren’t perfect.

You have never been perfect and you never will be perfect.

Everyone repeat after me. "I’m not perfect". "I’m not perfect."

I just wanted some of you to be able to hear your spouse say that at least one time.

We’re going to start here because one of your biggest problems in handling difficulty is going to be your self. My biggest problem is often me.

2 Corinthians 4:7 (NIV) "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us."

The Bible is utilizing a tremendous word picture for what we human beings are - even those of us who are saved human beings. We’re jars of clay. We’re not Ming vases; we’re not expensive porcelain or china. We’re clay pots! We’re made from common material that - in itself - is not all that valuable. We’re constructed from the earth - cheap material, common material.

Although we can set our goal at perfection we must always accept imperfection because of the stuff from which we’re made. In our relationships - sometimes we mess up. In our speech - we say stupid stuff sometimes. It’s possible to strive for perfection but it’s impossible for us to be perfect.

So we can either bemoan the fact that we’re clay pots or we can own up to it. When we own up to it we have a greater self-awareness. That’s what Jesus was getting at when He said:

"Keep alert and pray. Otherwise temptation will overpower you. For though the spirit is willing enough, the body is weak!" (Mt. 26:41 NLT)

Why’s the body weak? Well for one thing, because it’s made out of weak material. In your spirit you want to do right. You want to say the right thing, do the right thing and be the right kind of person. But sometimes you fail. Why? Because you’re not always alert to your condition. We’re not always mindful of the the fact that, "this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." (2 Corin. 4:7)

The Bible isn’t informing us that we’re not perfect to give us an "out". This isn’t so we can make excuses for bad behavior. This isn’t so we can pass the buck to someone else or blame our behavior on our circumstances. It is so we will learn to depend upon God’s strength to be and do and say the right things. The power is from God - not us.

When trouble comes - leaning on God’s power is not a crutch - it’s an absolute necessity.

So, #1, realize you’re not perfect. But...

2. Realize you aren’t alone!

2 Corinthians 4:8-9 (CEV) "We often suffer, but we are never crushed. Even when we don’t know what to do, we never give up. In times of trouble, GOD IS WITH US, and when we are knocked down, we get up again."

"In times of trouble, God is with us"! "Knocked down, we get up again"! You have to love this stuff! This is the stuff that really helps you cope with your troubles.

You aren’t perfect but neither are you alone! That’s the reason you never have to give up! That’s why, when you get knocked down - you can get up again!

I don’t have to be in a sour mood when I have trouble. I don’t have to be depressed or discouraged. I don’t have to be mad at God. I don’t have to let my difficulties overwhelm me.

How am I going to handle my troubles this year? I’m going to remember that God is with me everywhere I go and in everything I do. I’m going to remember that, in times of trouble, God is with me.

In his book, "A Turtle on the Fencepost", Allen C. Emery tells of the night he spent on the Texas plains with a shepherd who was keeping two thousand sheep. The shepherd prepared a bonfire for cooking supper and providing warmth. The sheep dogs lay down near the fire as the stars filled the sky.

Suddenly Emery heard the unmistakable wail of a coyote with an answering call from the other side of the range. The dogs weren’t patrolling at the moment, and the coyotes seemed to know it. Rising quickly, the shepherd tossed some logs on the fire; and in this light, Emery looked out at the sheep and saw thousands of little lights.

Emery writes, "I realized that these were reflections of the fire in the eyes of the sheep. In the midst of danger, the sheep were not looking out into the darkness, but were keeping their eyes set toward the shepherd."

When you face trouble don’t peer into the darkness. Keep your eyes on the shepherd of your soul! Jesus is with you and He’s watching out for you!

1. You aren’t perfect.

2. You aren’t alone.

3. You aren’t Superman. (or, Superwoman)

2 Corinthians 4:10 (NLT) "Through suffering, these bodies of ours constantly share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies."

Some of you are old enough to remember the TV show "Superman" of the 1950-60’s. The show would open every week with Superman flying faster than a speeding locomotive and higher than the tallest buildings. Then he would stand still as someone shot at him because the bullets were supposedly bouncing right off. Then, as the criminal’s gun ran out of bullets, the strangest thing always happened. The criminal would then throw his gun at Superman - and Superman would duck!

Now why would Superman be able to deflect bullets and have to duck when a gun was thrown at him?

Because he wasn’t really Superman - he was just an actor!

If you behave like everything is always cheery and bright and nothing ever goes wrong everybody’s going to know you’re just acting. It’s one thing to be victorious - it’s another thing to be dishonest. Authenticity is not acting like you don’t ever have problems - it’s admitting that you do but, that, with God’s help, you can rise above them!

3. You’re no Superman.


4. There’s a Super Man inside of you!

2 Corinthians 4:11 (TLB) "Yes, we live under constant danger to our lives because we serve the Lord, but this gives us constant opportunities to show forth the power of Jesus Christ within our dying bodies."

Every time you experience difficulties in life you can remind yourself that you are a part of something that transcends those difficulties. If you are a child of God you have within you a down payment toward your inheritance.

It is Jesus in you by His Holy Spirit that enables you to face trouble victoriously.

All right. If you’re going to have a great year you’re going to have to realize...

1. You aren’t perfect,but...

2. You aren’t alone.

3. You aren’t Superman, but...

4. A Super Man lives within you!

And the fifth thing you need to realize...

5. Some trouble is for a reason.

2 Corinthians 4:12 (NIV) "So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you."

Paul and his missionary companions were putting their physical lives at risk so that those they brought to faith in Christ could enjoy spiritual life. There was a very good reason for them to risk their lives.

This is a value judgment very often made by Christ followers. We are willing to make personal sacrifices in order to spread the Good News about Jesus to those who don’t yet know Him.

Is it worth it?

Well, what’s the value of one person?

I’ve come up with my own Master Card commercial. Only, the Master I’m talking about is Jesus.

"Taking the time to share God’s love...maybe and hour or two out of my week."

"Giving to help God’s work...a portion of my paycheck."

"Seeing someone come to know Jesus and walk with Him forever...(how many of you can finish it?)...Priceless!

5. Some trouble is for a reason.

6. All trouble is for a season.

2 Corinthians 4:13-15 (Msg) "We’re not keeping this quiet, not on your life. Just like the Psalmist who wrote, ’I believed it, so I said it’, we say what we believe. And what we believe is that the One who raised up the Master Jesus will just as certainly raise us up with you, alive. Every detail works to your advantage and to God’s glory: more and more grace, more and more people, more and more praise!"

The temporary trials we go through will be forgotten when we gather together in the presence of the Savior! "Every detail", the Word says, "works to your advantage and to God’s glory: more and more grace, more and more people, more and more praise!"

Any trouble we go through will come to an end. Trouble is seasonal. It doesn’t last forever. Our relationship with God in Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit will last forever!

7. Your character is more important than your comfort.

2 Corinthians 4:16 (Msg) "So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace."

Trouble can make you so discouraged that you want to give up. But you don’t have to because God’s grace operates every day inside you!

The fact that our outward circumstances are sometimes unpleasant is not as important as whether or not we are becoming more like Jesus in our character.

God wants you to be successful. God isn’t happy when you fail. But He wants your success to be based on what is right. God isn’t interested in success at any price. There is a price to the right kind of success. It is living the right kind of life. You want to have a good marriage? There’s a price of good character to be paid. You want to raise good kids? A price of good character must be paid.

8. Your eternal destiny is more important than the status quo.

2 Corinthians 4:17 (CEV) "These little troubles are getting us ready for an eternal glory that will make all our troubles seem like nothing. Things that are seen don’t last forever, but things that are not seen are eternal. That’s why we keep our minds on the things that cannot be seen."

If you have never really made a faith commitment to Jesus would you do it right now? Don’t delay. Don’t put it off until a "better" time. There will never be a better time than now. If you would like to receive Christ by faith, pray this simple prayer in your heart.

"Dear God, I realize that I am not perfect. But I also realize that you don’t want me to be alone in this life or forever. I’m not a Superman (or Superwoman) but I do need and ask for a Supernatural Man, Jesus, to come into my life right now and forgive all of my sin. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen."