Revelation Chapter 12
VS 1-2 there is the first character in the great tribulation – a women with child.
Look how the woman bursts upon the scene. She is said to be a great “wonder” a sign from heaven, also she is in heaven.
This means that she is the heavenly representative of some earthly people.
Who is the woman on earth, what people does she represent?
1. This woman is not identified, but it is clear who she is.
· This refers back to the Old Testament to a dream that Joseph had
(Genesis 37:9-11)
Note that Jacob understood exactly what Joseph meant: the sun represented the father Jacob, the moon the mother, and the 12 stars the brother. The dream was a picture of Israel; Joseph was dreaming the Israel would be saved from destruction through him.
· She is pregnant and the child is pictured as being born (v. 2, 5)
What is said about the child?
(Read Vs 5)
This clearly refers to Jesus Christ. He and He alone were born to rule all nations and he alone was exalted to the throne of God.
2. Now who is this woman? There are 4 main positions about who she is.
· Some say she is Mary, the mother of Jesus. But there are just too many supernatural things said about her for her to be an earthly being.
· Some say she is the church. But this is difficult to see, for the church did not give birth to Christ. On the contrary, Christ gave birth to the church.
· Some say she is the ideal Zion. The ideal Jerusalem, the ideal Israel, the chosen people, the community of God from which Christ came. These say the mother represents all the true people of God, those before Jesus came and those after He came.
Paul actually speaks of the Jerusalem which is above, who is the mother of the people of God on earth (Gal 4:6). This position is a possible identification of the woman. But again, this position does NOT fill All the things that said about the woman, not as well as Israel itself does.
· Some say that the woman represents Israel, the very people who gave birth to Jesus. This seems to be the clearest identification of the woman. As we progress through the passage, we will see that everything said about this woman fits Israel just like a glove.
ð Paul himself said that Jesus came out of Israel – Romans 9:5
ð Isaiah prophesied this in Isaiah 66: 7-8
Revelation Chapter 12
Vs 3-4
There is the 2nd character in the great tribulation - the great red dragon, that is, the devil. The dragon is also said to be a wonder or a sign from heaven.
1. There is a description and authority of the dragon or devil; the description is entirely different from what most people think. When people think of the devil, the picture of a fiery red serpent – like creature with 2 horns and a long pointed tail that holds a pitchfork in his hand. But this is a total misconception, a far cry from the truth.
When scripture speaks of Satan as a dragon, it is referring to the evil works he does, not to his looks or appearance. Scripture says that Satan was the highest and most glorious being ever created by God.
Look what this verse says about his description, and remember: THIS is NOT picturing what he LOOKS like. It is describing his authority & power.
· Satan has seven heads –7 is the # for completeness. Satan is complete in intelligence, he has full knowledge. He is NOT omniscient
· Satan has 7 Crowns – this symbolizes authority – a crowned ruler who has a kingdom that he rules over
· Satan has 10 horns - this symbolizes great power but power that pierces and tears. It symbolizes that he uses his head & authority in an evil way.
· Satan is the god of this world who blinds men’s minds (2 Cor 4:4)
· Satan is the prince of this world (John 12:31/14:30/16:11)
· Satan is the prince of the power of the air (Eph 2:2)
· Satan is the king of a kingdom (Matthew 12:26/4:8-9)
· Satan has his grip upon the whole world (I John 5:19)
2. There is the aim of the devil. Stan’s aim is to devour the woman, to destroy Israel. This has always been Satan’s aim. Genesis 3:15
VS 4 Satan has tried form the beginning to destroy the seed of the Woman.
(See Chart)
This is how Satan has already ATTEMPTED to hurt God.
There is the 3rd Character in the great Tribulation. Jesus Christ Himself
1. Jesus was sent into the world to rule over it.
John 12:31/Hebrews 2:14/ Col 2:15/I John 3:8
2. Jesus will also use the rod of iron against the nations of the world – against the entire ungodly & evil if the world – in the end time. Jesus shall rule all nations & bring righteousness and godliness to this earth
Psalm 2:9/Rev 2:27/Rev 19:15
Jesus ascended and was exalted to the throne of God. This is proof that He shall rule and reign and bring righteousness to the earth.
Luke 22:69/Romans 1:4/Ephesians 1:20/Isasiah 9:6-7
Rev 12:6
The woman flees for her life. This is the picture of the terrible holocaust of the time. We know this because of the 3 ½ years mentioned. This is the period always referred to as the “The Great Tribulation”
The woman (Israel) is going to be persecuted by the antichrist in the end time. All believers (the ones that have became believers after the rapture) are going to have fled for there lives, flee to the wilderness of the mountains, hills, and forest – to every hiding place they can find.
Romans 11:2/11:15/11:23-24/11:25-26/2Tim1: 12/Psalms57: 1/Psalm 121:4/Is 43:1-2
Rev 12: 7-9 the Great War over Israel and God’s people is to be fought in heaven. The great struggle for the believer’s soul occurs in the spiritual realm. This is the picture of these 3 verses. The great struggle for the souls of Israel and the believers in the end time will be occurring in the spiritual World. Keep in mind that the believers (the ones that have became believers after the rapture) are fleeing and hiding trying to escape the worst holocaust the world has ever seen.
1. The forces of the spiritual struggle are Michael and his angels and Satan and his fallen angels. Lets look at several things
a- Scripture teaches that God has assigned angels to look after and to minister to believers. (Hebrews 1:14)
b- Scripture teaches there are ranks and orders of angels, that there are various levels of authority among angels. They rile as principalities and powers over the spiritual world, This is true among both food and evil angels. (Rom 8:38-39/Eph 3:10/Eph 1:21/Col 2:10)
c- Michael is one of the archangels who serves God. In God’s word he is presented as being above all the other angels. He is also pictured as the guardian angel of God’s people. He seems to be the prime administrator of God (Dan 10:21/12:1, 7-12/ I The4:16/Jude 9)
Rev (12:10-11) the victory and Christ wins salvation. Three facts a loud voice in heaven will shout out that the victory and salvation are now won – once for all. Who will this voice be? God’s people. We know this because the voice refers to “ our brothers.” What the voice will declare:
· The great salvation of our God: God will be ready to launch the glorious day of salvation, the day of redemption, to bring every person who has ever trusted him into eternity .God will be ready to save the whole world, making a new heavens and earth. The final triumph of salvation will be ready to take place.
· The great strength of God will have just been demonstrated. Satan will have been defeated and cast out of heaven.
· The great kingdom of our God will now be ready to be established forever and ever.
· The power of God’s Christ and: Messiah will be proven. Every true believer will now live with God forever, worshipping and serving Him –all because of the power of God’s Messiah.
(1 Cor.4: 20).
(Rev.11: 17).
(Rev. 19: 6)
The result of God’s salvation will be barred from heaven. He will no longer be able to accuse believers before God. Scripture teaches that Satan takes the sin of believers and throws them up into god’s face. He points out every failure of a believer.
(Zech.3: 1).
(Job1: 6).
The weapons used to gain the victory over Satan will be threefold. Remember these are the very weapons that Michael and the angels will use in the battle with Satan (v.7-9). Michael and the angles will protect Israel and the believers in the end time, and a remnant of Israel and of Gentiles will be saved.
· By the blood of the Lamb
· By the word of their testimony, that is, by proclaiming the word of God.
(Acts 4:20)
(2 Tim.1:8)
By being loyal to Christ even to death. Many will die, Millions in fact. But they shell live eternally. They shall never taste death. Quicker than the blink of an eye God shall transfer them to heaven into His very presence.
(Mt.16: 25).
(Lk.9: 23).
(Lk.14: 26-27).
Rev. (12:12) The warning to earth is given. Satan will be cast down to earth, and he will have one more chance to wreck and destroy all he can.
Rev. (12:13-17) The devil will launch a terrible attack against the woman. Four points are given. Satan will severely persecute the woman, Israel, and all believers who refuse to deny Christ. There will be a holocaust unparalleled in human history.
The woman (Israel) and believers will be delivered by the wings of an eagle. This is simply a picture of the delivering arms of God. This does not mean, of course, that no Jew and no believer will be killed.
The serpent, the devil, will attempt to flood Israel and believers with tribulation after tribulation.
There will be great help coming from the earth. God is going to use the earth to swallow up the flooding waters or attacks, of the devil and his antichrist. This probably means one or both.
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