I. illus. Ever been disappointed? Was it with others? Yourself? Regardless it’s a pain hard to bear.
Sometimes we find ourselves disappointed with God, sometimes by God. If we’d be honest, a lot of those times were disapointing because things didn’t turn out the way we wanted.
A. Jonah experienced one of those days! He didn’t expect God to require him to understand or like the idea of His plan for Nineveh. This led to Jonah’s disppointment with God. Question, do you see yourself?
Main Division
I. The Deliverence Of The Ninevites (Chp 3:1-4)
II. The Disappointment Of Jonah (Chp 4:1-3)
III. The Discipline From God (Chp 4:4-11)
Conclusion: Can you see yourself in Jonah today?