Summary: John Lennon of the Beatles wrote a song and he encouraged us to imagine that there were no Heaven and no Hell. A world where we live as one. Is that possible? There’s one thing for sure though, Hell will be horrible!


I. illus. I remember the crackling in his voice. The sense of loss and hopelessness in his words when he said over BBC radio, "John Lennon is dead..."

I too felt strange. Was it true, one of the original Beatles dead, how? Shot! Then it dawned on me, John for the first time is experiencing the reality of eternity.

A. We all will when we die. In his song, "Imagine." he wrote, "Imagine no Heaven, no Hell...a world where we live as one..." That was when I thought for the very first time, I know what WILL BE in Heaven, but, what will Hell be WITHOUT?

Main Division

I. Hell Will Be Without Laughter (Matt 8:12)

II. Hell Will Be Without Light (II Pt 2:17)

III. Hell Will Be Without Love (John 3:36)

IV. Hell Will Be Without Life (Rev 20:15)

Conclusion: My most important question of all is, will Hell be without you?