“Heart Conditions: A Renewed and Refreshed Heart”
A businessman dragged himself home and barely made it to his chair before he dropped, exhausted. His sympathetic wife was right there with a tall cool drink and a comforting word.
"My, you look tired," she said. "You must have had a hard day today. What happened to make you so exhausted?"
"It was terrible," her husband said, "The computer broke down and all of us had to do our own thinking."
It is so easy to get discouraged and worn out as we live out our faith. Sometimes I get weary and tired and need to be refreshed, renewed and rejuvenated.
I wonder if Moses ever got weary of what God had called him to do. I imagine it could be discouraging nine times going before Pharaoh and demanding him to let his people go and nine times being told no. I imagine Moses got tired and weary of what he was called to do. I wonder if when in the desert with the Israelites if he ever got tired of wandering aimlessly, I wonder if he ever got tired of people’s complaining. I am sure he was tired and weary of what he was supposed to do. I wonder how he found refreshing.
I believe that we can be sure that even Jesus needed times of renewal. Many times he had to withdraw away from everyone else and spend time in prayer. Jesus got weary sometimes, but he never let that discouragement hinder him from doing what he was sent to do. We know that Jesus prayed for renewal in the Garden before he was arrested. Jesus prayed, “Father take this cup from me, yet not my will, but your will be done”. Jesus found refreshing and renewal in the midst of a world of discouragement.
I believe that we can be sure that most people that we read about in the scriptures became tired and weary of doing the work of the Lord. Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Sometimes it seems like we as the church have so much to do, and we can easily get weary and tired. When we are weary and tired, we are less effective in the Kingdom because of the discouragement we may be experiencing.
I will admit I at times get discouraged and need to be refreshed. Perhaps today we as a church need to be refreshed, renewed and rejuvenated so that we can be more effective in the Kingdom.
There is nothing wrong with being weary and discouraged, but it only wrong for us to be content with that state. I know there are a lot of things that can tear you down and discourage you. People can be discouraged easily. People can be discouraged because they are discouraged because of things that have or have not gone on in the church. People can need renewal because they are worn out from a past of working too hard. We as a church need renewal so that we can be more effective servants.
I believe that we can read in scripture about people who needed renewal and new strength. I believe that we can find ways to be renewed and refreshed so we can serve the Lord fervently. My encouragement through this message is not to give up, stay strong, and serve the Lord diligently. If you need refreshing I hope that together we can be refreshed.
Text: Galatians 6:7-10
I. Be Refreshed we are Forgiven
I know that we may be tired, we may be discouraged and we may be weary of serving God, but there is good news for the tired. There is good news for those who need refreshing. The best way to be refreshed is to be reminded that our sins have been forgiven. It seems that sometimes that phrase, “we are forgiven of our sins” becomes so cliché to Christians. I know that we have been forgiven of our sins, but there is really good news in that.
A Sunday school teacher had just concluded her lesson and wanted to make sure she had made her point. She said, "Can anyone tell me what you must do before you can obtain forgiveness of sin?" There was a short pause and then, from the back of the room, a small boy spoke up. "Sin," he said.
For years before Jesus came people tried to find a means to have their sins forgiven, so they would offer up sacrifices of animals on the altar. That did not wash their sins away it only pushed them back another year. The people of that time waited expectantly for the Messiah because they wanted forgiveness of sins. We need to realize that our sin is a big deal. It is something we should be concerned about. God is a Holy God, and we know that the Bible teaches us that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God. The reason for this is not because God is mean, but it is because we are sinners, and because of our sin we cannot come into the presence of a Holy God. That is what it means to be lost; it means to be separate from God for eternity. Without the forgiveness of our sins we cannot enter Heaven. There is good news for us today. Jesus came as a perfect sacrifice to remove our sins once and for all. Our sins have been forgiven if we have been believed, and obeyed through baptism. What good news that is. It is not some little phrase that we use, but there is true power in knowing our sins are forgiven. With our sins forgiven God does not remember our sins any longer, and we who were contaminated and made unholy by sin, can now enter the presence of God because our sins have been forgiven.
Ephesians 1:7
Not long before she died in 1988, in a moment of surprising candor in television, Marghanita Laski, one of our best-known secular humanists and novelists, said, "What I envy most about you Christians is your forgiveness; I have nobody to forgive me."
Forgiveness of sins should bring joy and happiness because we do not get what we do deserve.
We sure do not deserve God’s forgiveness, we messed up big time, and we sinned. We though have been forgiven through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ; our forgiveness came at a great cost. Jesus came to this Earth. Leaving Heaven for the purpose of dying for the sins of people who were enemies of God, who would juts reject him. John says he came to that which was his own yet his own did not receive him. Jesus came to only be rejected and killed for our sins. It is by his wounds that we are healed. Our forgiveness came at a cost.
We all need to be refreshed and reenergized at times, but what more to refresh us that to be reminded that we have or can find forgiveness for our sins. No matter how great or how small your sins are, Jesus’ sacrifice covers all. I hope that because of God’s forgiveness that you will be refreshed, renewed, and rejuvenated to serve God more effectively because we have a great message of forgiveness to share with the world.
II. Be Refreshed we have Fellowship
A young father heard a commotion out in his backyard; he looked outside and saw his daughter and several playmates in a heated quarrel. When he intervened, his daughter called back, “Dad, we’re just playing church!”
I hope that we have a little bit better fellowship than that within the church. I can tell you from my experiences that when I am down and worn out the fellowship that I have with my brothers and sisters in Christ lifts me up and builds me up. Fellowship is awesome because in that fellowship we are built up and encouraged. I do not think that anyone is above needing fellowship from their brothers and sisters in Christ.
II Timothy 4:9-16
As Paul was in prison awaiting his execution he appears a little discouraged because of the lack of fellowship that he has among his brothers and sisters in Christ. Paul needed those people to help him through his tough times.
We too need our brothers and sisters. If you are worn out, discouraged and spiritually tired today the best place that you can be is here in the fellowship of the saints. When we are together as the body of Christ we should be encouraged and built up. Fellowship is a great medicine for the discouraged.
I love the song…
What a fellowship, what a joy divine
Leaning on the everlasting arms
We need to be devoted to fellowship so that we as individuals will not get discouraged, but our brothers and sisters can encourage us and build us up when we are down.
I John 1:7-8
We have an amazing fellowship in the church, and I hope that we would utilize that for our spiritual growth and encouragement. If you are down or discouraged today and need to be refreshed and renewed, fellowship is the answer. Do whatever you can to be among Christian people who will encourage you and build you up. Fellowship is not just hanging out together as Christians, but fellowship takes place when people are encouraged to live godlier lives. I hope that you will do whatever you can do fellowship, not just on Sunday mornings, but throughout the week, because fellowship is a medicine for the soul. Fellowship is a great way to be refreshed and renewed for the Lord’s service.
I believe that one reason why the early church had such joy and excitement was their commitment to fellowship with each other, their fellowship encouraged, renewed, refreshed and rejuvenated them and it will us too if we will only make time for each other.
III. Be Refreshed we have a Future
Another point of encouragement for those who are tired and worn out is that we have a future. We have a future beyond this Earth. Life on Earth can be difficult, it can be discouraging, and we can face temptations. The good news is there is a better life to come. We who have obeyed Christ have a hope of eternal life in Heaven.
II Corinthians 4:16
Isn’t that a great reason to press on, to continue working? Do not grow weary in doing good and serving God, our time here is limited. I want to take as many people with me to Heaven as I can, and I know that I cannot give up or slow down because that means that less souls will be in heaven. Press on, stay faithful until the end and you will be able to say it was worth it. Our Sabbath rest as God promises us is coming in Heaven.
Revelation 3:11-12
There are some great things to come. Great things are going to happen. I really believe that a great revival is taking place. Don’t you want to be a part of that? I hope that you will be encouraged, renewed and refreshed so that you can serve the Lord effectively until the end. We have a great hope ahead of us, Christian, let us labor for the master from the dawn till setting sun. Let us work diligently for our time is short. I know that you may be tired; I know you may see that things are tough. I know that you may have a pessimistic attitude towards what is going on. We as a church can never move forward without a church in fire for Jesus Christ. Before we can catch on fire though we need to be refreshed and renewed. I hope that you will want to serve the Lord not out of obligation or duty, but out of a sincere love for God.
We can get excited about a lot of things. We can get excited about sports, about other things in this world. I have seen some people excited when their sports teams do well. If you want to see people excited don’t go to the church, go to the sport’s arenas. Why can’t we be excited about our salvation, about our future home in Heaven.
II Corinthians 5:1-2
We are going to Heaven church! Get excited about that. Aren’t you excited that there is life beyond the grave? Aren’t you excited that we can spend eternity in the presence of God? Aren’t you excited that we will have a life that lasts forever without pain, death, sin, tears and suffering? If that doesn’t catch you on fire than your wood is wet. Be refreshed, be renewed, and be rejuvenated so that you can serve the Lord without hindrance. Do not become weary in doing good, but serve the Lord faithfully as long as it is called today.
We cannot convince anyone of what we believe if we are not convinced ourselves, and are not excited about what we believe. I am renewed today to do greater service for Jesus because I have been forgiven, because of the great fellowship that I am a part of and because of the exciting future that I have. Will your hearts be renewed and refreshed today as well. Church I want to reach the lost, I want to change the world!!!! Don’t you.
Dan Shafer at Hillsboro sings, Get all excited and go tell everybody! Will you do just that today as we are refreshed and renewed for service? We all need to take time out sometimes and be refreshed, let that time be now. Do not wait, time is short, our rest and our rewards are awesome.