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  • Clearing The Air: Misconceptions About Women Series

    Contributed by Jason Cole on May 12, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    There are many common misconceptions about women and their role in the church and the home. The Bible, however outlines women’s responsibility, which is great in the kingdom.

    Clearing the Air: Common Misconceptions about Women Introduction: Today is Mother’s Day. It is a day we set aside to honor our mothers. Mother’s Day just like Father’s Day, but with flowers, cards, gifts, and meals. There is a lot of confusion about women. In fact I am confused about women more

  • Preparing For Revival

    Contributed by Jason Cole on May 12, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    A sermon I preached the Sunday before our annual revival. There is a need for the church to be revived, but revival ought not to last only a week.

    Preparing for Revival Introduction: One week from today we begin our revival. Every year we bring in an evangelist to preach our revival, however I wonder if it ever works. The sermons are usually fantastic as we do our best to bring in powerful communicators of the Word of God. The problem more

  • Clearing The Air: Misconceptions About Salvation Series

    Contributed by Jason Cole on May 9, 2008
    based on 15 ratings

    There are many misconceptions about salvation. Many people are confused with the how and who of salvation.

    Clearing the Air: Common Misconceptions About Salvation Introduction: I heard about an 83 year old man the other day who had lived his entire life as a bachelor. One day this man gathered his four nephews and announced that he was planning to be married. His nephews were in shock. One spoke up and more

  • Clearing The Air: Misconceptions About God Series

    Contributed by Jason Cole on May 9, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Clearing up common misconceptions people have about God the Father. These misconceptions often shape people’s lives and decisions. This message discusses four misconceptions.

    Clearing the Air: Common Misconceptions about God Introduction: In our society today there is a lot of confusion about different things. More than anything else there is a lot of confusion about spiritual things. People listen and hear various different things about God and the Bible and they more

  • Clearing The Air: Misconceptions About The Second Coming Series

    Contributed by Jason Cole on May 9, 2008
    based on 16 ratings

    There are many misconceptions about the second coming. Those misconceptions are common because people fail to see the Second Coming through biblical glasses.

    Clearing the Air: Common Misconceptions About the Second Coming Introduction: I heard this one country song by this man named John Connelly. John’s big hit was a song entitled “Rose Colored Glasses.” I have never looked through rose colored glasses, but I can only imagine how they might distort more

  • Clearing The Air: Misconceptions About The Church Series

    Contributed by Jason Cole on May 9, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    There are many misconceptions about the church that need to be corrected in people’s minds.

    Clearing the Air, Common Misconception About…the Church Introduction: There are many common misconceptions if the world. For example, French fries probably originated in Belgium and not in France. The name comes from the cooking term "to french" which means to cut food into strips, hence they are more

  • Jesus At A Pharisee's House

    Contributed by Jason Cole on May 9, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    The encounter Jesus had with a woman at a Pharisee’s house provides quite an interesting story.

    Jesus At A Pharisee’s House Introduction: I love to read the stories of the people Jesus came across. In those stories we get a glimpse into the mind of God and see what really matters. We learn how we should treat others and we learn what is most important. I am convinced that one of the more

  • What If There Was No Resurrection?

    Contributed by Jason Cole on May 9, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    What are the implications of denying the resurrection? That will be examined in this message.

    What If There Was No Resurrection? Introduction: To most fair historians there is little question as to the existence of Jesus. In fact many historians will even admit that he was put to death on a Roman cross, however the most disputed point of all is the resurrection of Jesus. The reason why is more

  • Who Killed Jesus?

    Contributed by Jason Cole on May 9, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Whois to blame for the death of Jesus? Was it the Jews, the Romans or Pilate? The answer may shock you.

    Who Killed Jesus Introduction: In the early hours of the morning in Chicago, Illinois, way back in 1910 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hiller were lying in bed when Mrs. Hiller sensed something was wrong. She awoke to see that the gas light outside their bedroom door was out. She woke her husband and asked more

  • Let Go Of Self Series

    Contributed by Jason Cole on May 9, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    We are called to let go of our self. This is a sermon on Lordship.

    Let Go of Self Introduction: I heard a story about a group that went white water rafting on a particularly dangerous stretch of river. The raft came to a spot known as “the hole,” where a powerful whirlpool threatened to spin and spill the raft. Sure enough the raft overturned and everyone more

  • Let Go Of Worry Series

    Contributed by Jason Cole on May 9, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    Worry is not often thought of as a sin, but worry is destructive and it needs to be let go of.

    Let Go of Worry Introduction: On the slope of Longs Peak in Colorado lie the ruins of a huge tree. Naturalists say that it stood for over 400 years. It had weathered thousands of storms and had been hit with lighting 14 times. At the end, an army of beetles attacked the tree and leveled it to the more

  • Let Go Of Bitterness Series

    Contributed by Jason Cole on May 9, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Bitterness is a dangerous thing in the life of the Christian that simply needs to be let go of.

    “Let Go Of Bitterness” Introduction: In Southeast Asia many years ago someone developed an ingenious method to catch monkeys alive and unharmed. The “Monkey Trap” which was developed was very simple; the hunter would take a pot with a wide bottom and narrow opening and bury the pot in the ground more

  • Principles To Build Upon: Harmony Series

    Contributed by Jason Cole on May 9, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    Unity within the church is vital to the success of the church.

    Principles to Build Upon: Harmony Introduction: The last few weeks we have discussed principles that we must build upon. If we are going to grow as a church there are several pillars that we must build upon. We have talked about the importance of maintaining the Truth, of worshipping in spirit more

  • Principles To Build Upon: Involvement Series

    Contributed by Jason Cole on May 9, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    The involvment of every member is vital to the church’s success.

    Principles to Build Upon: Involvement Introduction: I heard about an elderly man who went to his doctor for a physical. The doctor checked him out thoroughly. He told the elderly fellow that he was basically in good health for his age, but also gave him some guidelines concerning his lifestyle. A more

  • Principles To Build Upon: Truth Series

    Contributed by Jason Cole on Jan 22, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    If we are going to grow we must grow with the truth and not compromise the Truth preserved for us.

    Principles to Build Upon: Truth Introduction: As we begin a New Year I imagine that we all have set goals and have aspirations for the New Year. I have always had high expectations for the church. I love the church and am passionate about the church making a great impact in society. I don’t more