Summary: The highest calling of the church is to reach the lost for Christ.

In view of the church today, we should ask ourselves the following questions:

1. Are we a church in a maintenance mode or a mission mode?

2. Are we tied to the dock serving as a reception center or (are we out on the seas of life serving as a rescue operation?

3. Which is greater our seating inside or the world outside?

4. Where is your church located; at a specific address or out in the world?

There is no greater calling left to church than that of the mission field. Mission is the spiritual DNA of every true born child of God. Among all that the church does; mission work is its highest calling. Its the ultimate reason for the existence of the church in the earth realm. The church is called out, only to go bcak into the world and bring forth fruit for the Lord of Harvest. Mission is the move of evangelism across cultural and geographical boundaries. In this sense Jesus was the first and foremost missionary. Jesus left the splendors of heaven and came down to earth to reconcile men to God. The essence of mission is the reconciling of sinful man to his creator. We are called to know God and make Him known. When man fell, it was God who first called to fallen mankind in the garden, "Where art thou?" He who wishes all men to be saved is the initiator of all missionary endeavors. The christian mission, then, is simply to cooperate with the divine outreach. The mere spirit of adventure and meeting people is not sufficient to do the work of a missionary. The missionary must have a strong conviction to be like Christ and an unhindered determination to follow the mandates of the scriptures. The missionary message is that through the acceptance of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection, man can become friends with God. More than that, they can become sons and daughters of God.

The text reveals 3 essentials of mission as it relates to Jesus:

(He saw) The need for vision.

(He was moved with compassion.) The need for compassion.

(He commanded them to pray to the Lord of Harvest.) The need for prayer.

Observe the ultimate missionary; (Jesus)

The missionary church must be mobile. (He went about)

The missionary church must be complete in her effort. (All the cities and villages)

The missionary church must be instructional. (He taught the people)

The missionary church must be motivational. (He preached)

The missionary church must liberate the total man. (He healed their disease.)

Vision is at the core of true mission. The true missionary has a three folded vision: first, he ses the multitude as HiMSELF apart from Christ. Second, he sees them as totally HELPLESS without Christ. Third, he sees them as in Christ obtaining the royalties of Divine SON-SHIP.

In most contemporary studies, we acknowledge two kinds of mission; local or home mission and foreign mision. But in God, mission is whereever men are in need of the gospel. Now let’s consider the awful stae of those whom we seek; "they are LOST."

They are lost in sin.

They are lost in deception.

They are losy in death.

They are lost in jugment.

They are lost in hell.

They are lost punishment.

They are lost forever.

Let the word LOST motivate every true born child of God to remember that they too were LOST. Listen to the dictionary’s description of the terror of the word LOST; (Not made use of or claimed) (No longer possesed) (No longer visible) (Helpless) (The worst, however; it to be without God) The primary mision of the church is to seek, compel, go after, rescue, to descend to the lowest depts to find that LOST sheep for Christ.

Let’s compare the mission of the Christ with mission of the church.

The mission of the christ is to seek and the save the LOST. The mission of the church is evangelise the LOST; the church has no power to save.

The Biblical Mandate for the Missionary church is as follows:

1. To proclaim the gospel througout the world and to make disciples of all people. It is a combination of evangelism and discipleship. Evangelism is the proclaiming, while discipleship is the training. The ministry of the church is a continuation of Christ’s earthly ministry.

2. To serve as a community of worship and fellowship. Moreover, to manifest the presence and love of JESUS in an evil world.

3. To mature believers and prepare them to perform works of ministry. (The church is not a day care center for those who would remain babes in Christ.

4. T represent the interests of the kingdom of God in the world and to influence society with the purpose of God. The church should never give way to those who would establish their righteousness.

5. The local church should PRODUCE missionaries, PRAY for them and PROVIDE for their outreach effort.

Mission was uppermost in the mind of Jesus as indicated by the following:

1. (I must be about my Father’s business)

2. (He went around doing good)

3. (I must work the works of HHim that sent ME)

4. (He served wisely; He worked while it was day)

5. (The Son of man came to seek and save that which was lost)

6. (He came not to be serve but to serve)

7. (He came to give His life as a ransom for many)

Let us consider why mission is the higest calling of the church:

1. The Highest Example

A. SENT by God


c. SAVED all that believed

2. The Highest Calling (God calls)

A. God call men

B. God imparts His quickening WORD into their spirits

C. God indwells men through His HOLY SPIRIT.

3. The Highest Privilege (The missionary works with God)

A. Co-laborers with God (The original caller)

B. Co-laborers with each others (The corporate effort in outreach)

C. Co-laborers with the Holy Spirit (The grand agent of missionary work)

4. The Highest Message (The good news of salvation)

A. GOD became man (Incarnation)

B. GOD gave HIS SON for man (Ultimate sacrifice)

C. CHRIST conquered the penalty of sin (Death)

D. CHRIST rose from the grave (Victory)

5. The Highest Cost (The life of Jesus)

A. The PERSON (Jesus-no one greater)

B. The PRICE (His blood none more precious)

C. The PURCHASE (The souls of men)

6. The Highest Promise

A. Holy Ghost POWER (Witnessing power)

B. Holy Ghost PRESENCE Upholding power)

C. Holy Ghost PARTNERSHIP (No greater co-worker)

7. The Highest Reward (Heavenly reward)

A. Souls DELIVERED from death

B. Souls DELIVERED from hell

C. Souls DELIVERED unto Christ

Conclusion: Mission work is not the work of the few. It is the work of the entire body of Christ. The pastor’s sermons are not yours to keep; they are to be released to a dying world. C.T.Studd said; "Some want to live within the sound of church and chapel bells; I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell." If mission was a crime, would you be arrested? When the great missionary returns, will you be guilty of omission? Or will you be rewarded for obeying "The Great Commission?" Finally, if you invite the sinner to Christ now, He will not tell you to depart from Him later!!!!!

May God Bless and Keep You

Pastor Rodney L. Johnson Sr.,

Historic Bethlehem Baptist Church

Hahnville, LA.