Text: Matthew 4: 18-20
Christ’s Challenges To Every Christian
A. Some questions I’d like to ask Jesus one day…
a. Why our variety of Christianity is not more
b. Why are we not winning more of our friends,
family, and co-workers for the Kingdom of God?
B. According to survey by George Barna, only about
half (53 percent) of born again Christians feel a
sense of responsibility to tell others about their
faith. In other words, nearly half of the church
doesn’t think it’s our personal responsibility to
share our faith in Jesus Christ with those who
don’t know Him.
C. Today I want to look into three challenges Christ
made to the disciples while calling them into
First, Christ challenged His disciples to…
A. Follow Him
a. Let’s look into four promises of those who
follow Jesus Christ…
i. Promise # 1 = Spiritual Knowledge
(Hosea 6:3)
ii. Promise # 2 = Spiritual Light
(John 8:12)
iii. Promise # 3 = Spiritual Guidance
(John 10:12)
iv. Promise # 4 = Spiritual Honor
(John 12:26)
b. It pays to be a follower of Jesus Christ
i. We should surrender our hearts to Jesus
ii. We should serve Jesus with all our
Second, Christ challenged His disciples to let Him…
B. Fashion Them
a. Jesus said, “…I will make you.” In the
parallel account of this passage
(Mark 1:17) Jesus said, “I will make you
b. Every Christian must realize…
i. God is the potter (Isaiah 64:8)
ii. God’s children are the clay
c. Every Christian must allow…
i. The potter time with the clay on the
potter’s wheel
ii. Their the potter will form the borrowed
iii. Their the potter will fix the broken
iv. Their the potter will fill the barren
d. Fashion statements are made around the
world daily…
i. It is high time for every Christian to
make a fashion statement
ii. We need to be clothed with the
righteousness of Jesus Christ
iii. We need to let our light shine
iv. We need to let our faith speak
v. We must let the world see Jesus in us
Third, Christ challenged His disciples to become…
C. Fishers Of Men
a. God purpose for everyone…
i. To be saved
ii. To be spirit filled
iii. To be soul winners
b. God promises two great blessings to every
soul winner…
i. Blessing # 1 = Spiritual Wisdom
(Proverbs 11:30)
ii. Blessing # 2 = A Spiritual Reward
(Daniel 12:3)
c. Great Illustrations:
i. Some years ago the New York Fire
Department had a parade. Included were
buses loaded with people from all walks
of life. Each group of people carried
a sign through the parade that
said, “Each of us were saved by our
Fire Department from burning buildings.”
ii. “In Paul’s letters, he said that those
he had won to Christ were his crown of
joy, his trophies of grace.”
d. Great thoughts to remember:
i. Jesus has saved us from a tragic death,
a horrific judgment, and a tortuous
ii. It’s high time the church…
1. Gets excited about Jesus
2. Gets a compassion for the lost
3. Goes out to share their faith with
the lost