Healing & Restoration
2 Corinthians 4:1-9
Nehemiah 1:1-4
If I could paint a picture of our church it would be like this.
--We have been attacked this year like we have never been attacked before.
--We can let it break us or we can let it strengthen
--We shouldn’t panic
--In the process, many have been hurt.
--Church – giving is down.
--In the process there are wounded people
--Relationships have been hurt.
--Feelings have been hurt.
-Our greatest need is healing and restoration.
Healing our relationships.
-With God
--confess sin 1 John 1:9
--Get back to the basics. (Scripture & Prayer)
-With each other.
--Is there someone you have hurt?
--Matthew 5:23
--Is there someone who needs your forgiveness?
Ephesians 4:30-32
-Make our relationships a Priority.
2. Focusing our Prayer efforts.
-Prayer Focus every Month – This month Church
-Missionary Focus – a missary of the week.
-Make Prayer a Priority
3. Strengthening our outreach.
-Through the Sunday School
-People Contact – cards, calls etc.
--Visitation Program.
--Home services for shut-ins
Make People a priority