Summary: The "I Am" proclamations of Jesus in John’s Gospel reveal that Jesus is the Messiah and that He is the same God who spoke to Moses from the burning bush in Exodus 3. His sudden impact statement 5 rocked the crowd when he raised Lazarus from the dead!

Sudden Impact part 4 in "I AM" Series

Thesis: The "I Am" proclamations of Jesus in John’s Gospel reveal that Jesus is the Messiah and that He is the same God who spoke to Moses from the burning bush in Exodus 3. His sudden impact statement 5 rocked the crowd when he raised Lazarus from the dead!

Texts: John 11

Key Verses: John 11:25

"Jesus said to her, ’I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies. . ."

Review: I AM the bread of life

I AM the light of the world

I AM the door (of the sheepfold)

I AM the Good Shepherd


Through our last teachings from the Gospel of John and Christ’s I AM statements we see that John’s structure is very plain. He is from beginning to the end consistently emphasizing that the readers are to believe on Christ because He is the great "I Am", He is the Messiah, He is the living Word manifested in the flesh.

The Gospel of John emphasizes the deity of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. No other Gospel portrays more clearly His humanity, nor does any other assert so directly the prerogatives of deity (198, Tenney).


The Resurrection of the Dead

Avijah Powers felt moderately sure nobody would recognize him when he registered under an assumed name at the little inn. It was more than twenty years since he had left the town--a hard,

reckless boy, running away from a good father and a devoted mother because he hated goodness and loved lawlessness and his own way.

For years he had led the life of a vagabond. Then the spirit of adventure was aroused in him by the stories of the wealth of the Klondike. He joined one of the earliest parties, in that hazardous search for gold, and succeeded beyond his dreams. Now he had come back, with his old instincts, but with the wealth of a millionaire, and some strange compulsion led him to the village where he first drew breath.

He did not even know whether his parents were living or dead. It was altogether likely they were dead. With that conviction and without asking a question, he made his way in the August twilight to the graveyard, and to the spot where for three generations his ancestors had been laid.

Yes, there were new stones placed since he had been there. The sight moved him strangely. He bent to read the inscription on the first one. It was to the memory of his father, "Died, 1884. ’Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.’"

The date cut the man to the heart. His father had died a year after the only son had run away! And his mother had been left alone! But perhaps she had followed her husband mercifully soon. Again he bent to read, this time with tear-filled eyes, "Died, 1902. ’And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.’"

His mother had been alone for eighteen years! She was but just dead -- in poverty, perhaps; certainly in loneliness. He drew himself up as if to shake off a hideous dream.

But the other stone - whose grave could that mark? They had no relatives except some distant cousins. Perhaps some one of them had done for his mother what he ought to have done in her long, desolate years. Again he stooped to read - his own name. "Abijah Powers. Born 1870; died--. ’The only son of his mother, and she was a widow.’"

It was his own gravestone, set up by his mother when her hope of his return was dead. Out of the depth of his memory there flashed up the story of the widow of Nain, and the gracious presence which spoke the word of life to her dead son. How many times his mother must have read and re-read the page, and how frequently she must have prayed that her boy, bone of her bone, and flesh of her flesh, might be given back to her arms!

The thought was anguish to the graceless son, and it brought him to his knees beside his own empty grave. With his hand resting over his mother’s head he wept as he had not wept since he was a child. They were gracious drops. Out of the mother’s love, which had found its cold comfort in the words of scripture for the grave that was no grave, there came, indeed, the resurrection of the real, living soul.

The widow’s son went out of the graveyard that night a new man. The world wondered what had happened to him. Money did not often make a man over from a devil to a saint; but that miracle seemed to have been worked in Abijah Powers. Nobody knew that the transformation did not come from the touch of Klondike gold, but from the power of love -- reaching from beyond the vale, and speaking from the cold marble of a gravestone.

--Youth’s Companion

This Illustration is a true to life example of what the great "I AM" can do to resurrect a life that is dead. Christ is the only power in the universe that can resurrect the dead both in the spiritual sense and the physical sense.

Another true to life example Ms. Roe recently saved and condemning abortion as wrong.

Read Text: John 11


A. Promise of the Resurrection

1. Lazarus as an example of Christ’s resurrection power.

a. Exegesis of text.

1). Opening thoughts on chapter It is interesting to note that Christ three times exerts His resurrection power over death in Scriptures. He raised Jairus daughter, He raised the son of the widow of Nain and Lazarus.

Moody notes " It is a peculiar thing, you cannot get any instruction in the Bible as to how to conduct a funeral, for Jesus broke up every funeral He ever attended, by raising the dead."

2). John 11:1 key thought - Note the emphasis Mary and Martha’s town. I believe this shows how the word of God judges a city or town. He does not judge it by how many rich and famous there are in the town but by the devoted and faithful followers of his in the town.

3). John 11:4 key thought - Christ knew before He went to Lazarus that He would not die. He declared it and at that moment it was so.

4). John 11:6 key thought - The idea of Jesus staying two more days cast doubt on Jesus’ ministry. But Jesus had to finish his work in the area. Then He would proceed to raise Lazarus. The problem to some was he did not just drop what he was doing and return. He waited. Important lesson to learn - God is in no hurry! He said he would not die and he meant it. God is always in control of the situation he is never to late.

If He makes a proise He keeps it.

5). John 11:8 key thought - The Disciples where afraid of Jesus returning for fear he would be killed. Jesus reminds them that He follows the true light. He will never let the fear of man dictate his next move. He always follows the Fathers guidance.

6). John 11:21 key thought - Martha’s response to Jesus the "If you were here" it’s the age old "What If question" Note we always want to know why tragedy happens to Christians. In our scientific age when we have answers for everything, we feel we have a right to know!

7). Vs. 22 Yet she still voices her faith in Christ. She knew He had the power but did she really believe it?

8). Vs. 24 Her answer reflects her belief he will do it later at His resurrection but surely he could not do it now physically.

9). Vs. 25 Christ reminds her who He is "I AM" is here. He is the one who spoke to Moses and if he desires to raise the dead they will to raise to life. We sometimes need to be reminded the great "I AM" is here even in the msdst of trials and tribulations.

10). Vs 26 Jesus once again confronts her on her unbelief and asks do you believe that "I AM!"

11). Vs. 27 She responds with the affirmation of HIs deity. But does she believe it?

12). Vs. 28-37 Jesus asks to see Mary who did not come. Was she angry with the Lord? Disappointed? She comes when He calls her. Notice her first response "If you were here ?"

Perhaps because some of us doubt our own wisdom regarding the acts that preceed our friend or relatives death, or because we doubt our part in our relations with him or her, we want to question God. In other words, we want to transfer our questions about ourselves on to God. This same dynamic worked on both sisters.

The point to learn here is what was God’s response? He wept and mourned with them. He felt their pain and hurt and he could empathize with them.

Illustration: German concentration camp and the Jews.

Swindoll noted that when you are in dispair or hurting or in a trial get ready for a miracle. Needs and problems are always followed by a miracle. Because He is the resurrection and the Life. Oh by the way if you want a miracle tonight and you dont have any problems we are willing to pray that God will give you a problem so you can then receive a miracle.

13). Vs. 39 - Note Martha once again wants to remind Jesus that he is dead. It’s interestting that Martha is like us we want to tell God how to do his miracles and remind him of the natural limitations.

2. The topic of the promises of resurrection from the mouth of Jesus.

a. Those of the resurrection of just shall be recompensed (rewarded).

1.) Note Luke 14:13-14

"But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 14 and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous."

b. They shall die no more.

1.) Luke 20:35-36

"But those who are considered worthy of taking part in that age and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage, 36 and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels. They are God’s children, since they are children of the resurrection".

c. They shall live unto God.

1.) Luke 20:37-38

"But in the account of the bush, even Moses showed that the dead rise, for he calls the Lord `the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ {[37] Exodus 3:6} 38 He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive."

d. Shall be quickened by the Son.

1. John 5:21

"For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son gives life to whom he is pleased to give it."S

e. Shall have part in Resurrection of life.

1.) John 5:29-29

"Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice 29 and come out--those who have done good will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned."

f. Shall be raised up at last day.

1.) John 6:39; 44

"And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all that he has given me, but raise them up at the last day".

44 "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day."

g. Though dead, yet shall He live.

1.) John 11:25

"Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies."


An aged minister was lost on an unpaved, unmarked road in west Texas. He went to a farmhouse to inquire as to how he could reach his destination. A little freckle-faced boy gave the following directions: "Go right on down the big road for several miles. It is plenty sandy and rough. Sometimes you will bog down and get stuck, but keep going until you come to a graveyard. Go right through the graveyard and just on the other side you will come to a paved highway. Turn to the right and the place you are looking for is just around the corner. When you get to the paved road beyond the graveyard, your troubles will be over!"

The old minister thought as he rode along: "I am traveling down the rough road of life. Sometimes it seems that I almost bog down. After I travel life’s road for a few more miles, I will come to the graveyard, and then my troubles will be over, for God highway and the heavenly home are just the other side of the cemetery!" --W.B.K.

B. Promise of life.

1. The Fountain of Youth (sometimes called life) there are many today still searching for it.

a. The Fountain of Youth is legendarily a spring and is supposed to restore the health and youth of anyone who drank from it. It was sought in America by Ponce de Leon and other explorers.

b. There are still those looking for it. They are looking for it in science and medical ability.

1.) Medical science is looking for it through lengthened life with electronic substitutes for worn out hearts, lungs, and kidneys.

2.) Sociology and science are looking for it through increased life spans. Life expectancies reports: In 1977, the life expectancy of man is 71 years in developed countries, and 52 years in less developed countries. Modern medicine has lengthened these recent statistics from a life expectancy of 47 years in 1900. Now they say the average life expectancy is 75-80 years.

3.) Talking and Long Life

A Soviet gerontologist published research statistics that could transform the old adage, "He kills me with is chatter" into "He’s killing himself with his chatter."

Professor Gurianin says his statistics show that the lesser one talks, the longer one lives. Anyone in the conference industry knows that constant talking exhausts one physically and mentally, and ages one prematurely. Deaf people, hermits, shepherds and monks -- all usually taciturn -- are known for living long lives.

4.) Nutrition - Proper diet and habits.

Overweight And Mortality Rate

Life insurance studies show that those who are overweight for their height and age have higher mortality rates than those of average weight or less-than-average weight.

Thus, men 10 percent overweight has an excess of 13 percent mortality; those 20 percent overweight, has an excess of 25 percent mortality; those 30 percent overweight, 42 percent mortality.

Among women are much the same conditions. Those 10 percent overweight shows an excess mortality of 9 percent; those 20 percent overweight, 21 percent excess mortality; those 30 percent overweight, 30 percent mortality. The penalty for overweight appears to be lighter for women than for men.

Insurance companies point out that if persons of any particular build keep their weight down to the average in the early twenties, it would be fairly close to the desirable weight at ages over 25 and they tell you this will increase your life.

5.) Illustration: The Art of Living Long

Thomas A. Edison’s great-grandfather once happened to read the book, "The Art of Living Long", by Cornaro, an Italian nobleman. He adopted the rules regarding eating, drinking and fresh air laid down in that book and lived to the age of 102 years. Edison’s grandfather also following the same rules, attained to the age of 103 years; and all of his seven sons, pursuing the same course of abstemious living, rounded out the goodly age of more than ninety years each. One of them, Edison’s father, reached the age of ninety-four, and passed away without apparent illness. --

Rev. Henry M. Tyndall.

People are always seeking ways to increase their life but there is only one way to increase a life for eternity, He is the great "I am" and his promise of life is more than just futuristic.

To better understand what Jesus meant by life lets look at the definition of this word from the Greek.

2. The meaning of the Greek word for Zoe (life).

a. Definition - means of sustenance, of supernatural life belonging to God & Christ which believes will receive in the future, but which they also enjoy here and now.

b. Zoe is found 35 times in John and 133 times in the New Testament.

c. Zoe is used in reference to Christ being life. It is the central theme in John. Note John’s purpose for writing his Gospel. John 20:31.

"But these are written that you may continue to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name."

d. History and culture and use of the term Zoe.

Term life is used in the Old Testament in the popular sense. Orr notes: "It meant life in the body, the existence and activity of the man in all his parts and energies." (180).

The Old Testament thought, was the body was necessary for life and they had no desire to be separated from it. They also believed that the source of life was when a man had a relationship with God. Orr states, "The real center of gravity in life was in the moral and religious part of man’s nature. This must be in fellowship with God, the source of all life and activity." (1888)

The term Z corresponds very closely to the Hebrew word hayyim, and means the Vhal principle, the state of one who is animate, the fullness of activities and relationship both in physical and spiritual realms. (1889)

Z is the chief theme in the New Testament. In the Old Testament, this life was through fellowship with God. In the New Testament it is through Jesus Christ the Mediator.

In the New Testament as the Old Testament, the center of gravity in human life is in the moral and religious nature of man. (1889)

John’s main theme is life. He wrote the book to show the readers how to have life. John shows that life represents Jesus the Logos as the origin and the means of all life to the world. God gave Jesus life in Himself who in turn gave life to the world. John’s prevailing meaning of life is in reference to those activities which are the expressions of fellowship with God and Jesus Christ. These relationships are called "eternal life". (1889)

e. Life is in Christ (application)

1.) The miracles of raising the dead which Jesus wrought were intended not only for the assuagement of human sorrow, but for the satisfying of human aspirations. He drew the attention away from the great work to the greater Worker (108).

2.) In Him was life; and by His incarnation and sacrifice He brought the life of God to this world of sin and death. (Pulpit 108)

3.) The key thought to this chapter is that the Christ gives life to the dead and He is the master over death.

a.) Note: Pulpits thought

Christ presents himself as the Divine Object of faith. It is no arbitrary connection which is exhibited in these words of our Redeemer as existing between faith and life. Life is personal, and spiritual life comes from the Lord and Giver of life to those who believe. Faith is spiritual union with the Christ who died and rose for us, and is the means, first of a death unto sin and a life unto righteousness, and then of all which this spiritual change involves. A life in God is a life eternal(108).

3. Christ’s many promises of life and life more abundantly.

a. Communion with Christ

1.) Rev. 3:20

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."

b. Life and life more abundantly

1.) John 10: 9-10

"I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. {[9] Or kept safe He will come in and go out, and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

c. Knowledge of God’s will

1.) John 7:17

"If anyone chooses to do God’s will, he will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own.:

d. Rest for the soul

1.) Matt. 11:28-30

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

e. Christ’s peace promised

1.) John 14:27

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

f. The joy of the Lord

1.) John 15:11

"I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete."

g. Gates of Hades shall not prevail against

1.) Matt. 16:18

"And I tell you that you are Peter, {[18] Peter means rock.} and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades {[18] Or hell will not overcome it. {[18] Or not prove stronger than it}"

Christ is the life giver NOW not just in the future in regards to life after death. It’s important to know that Christ gives life now in the present. He is in the businees of saving lives today!

Illustration: He saved 17 lives.

A most dramatic and thrilling incident occurred at the close of Dr. Torrey’s first meeting in Los Angeles. He was preaching upon "Soul Winning", and closed the sermon with an account of the rescue of seventeen persons from Lake Michigan by Edward Spencer, September 8, 1860. He spoke as follows:

"Before I close I wish to relate an incident that I suppose I have told more than a hundred times, yet I never tell it without its doing me good, it will doubtless help you.

Twelve miles north of Chicago lies Evanston. At Evanston, the Northwestern University, one of the largest in the Methodist denomination, is located. Years ago, when the University was young, before it had attained to the dignity of a university, but was simply a country college, two strong, husky farmer boys came to the college from Iowa, Will and Ed Spencer. Ed Spencer was a famous swimmer. One morning word came to the college that there was a wreck north of Evanston, near Winnetka. The college boys, with the people of the town, hurried along the shore. When they reached the place they found planks and spars and other pieces of wreckage being driven ashore from the Lady Elgin to which were clinging men and women. Ed Spencer, the famous swimmer, threw off his coat and superfluous garments, tied a rope around his waist, threw and end to his comrades on the shore, jumped into the breakers and swam out. He grasped one who was struggling in the waters, gave the signal and was brought to shore. Again and again and again he swam out, until he had brought a fifth, a sixth, a seventh, an eighth, a ninth and a tenth safe to shore. He then seemed completely exhausted. His comrades had built a fire of logs on the shore, and he tottered to the fire and stood by it, trying to get a little warmth into his perishing members. As he stood there, he looked out again over the lake and saw others struggling in the water. He said, ’Boys, I am going in again.’ No, no, Ed, they cried, ’Your strength is all gone. You will only throw your own life away.’ ’I will try anyway’, he cried.

"Again he sprung into the breakers and swam out and grasped one who was drowning and brought him safely to shore. And again and again and again, until he had brought an eleventh, a twelfth, a thirteenth, a fourteenth and a fifteenth safe to shore. Then strength seemed all gone. He tottered once more to the fire and stood there, pale and trembling and cold. It seemed as if the hand of death was already upon him. He could scarcely stand. Looking out again over the water he saw a spar rising and falling upon the waves. Then he saw a man’s head above the spar. He said, ’Boys, there is a man trying to save himself,’ and he watched the spar as it drifted toward the point to go beyond which meant certain death. He looked again and saw a woman’s head beside the man’s. He cried, ’Boys, it’s a man trying to save his wife. I’ll help him. No, no, Ed, they cried. ’You could never reach him. You could do no good. You would only throw your own life away.’ I will try, he cried, and again spring into the awful breakers.

Summoning his fast-dying strength, he reached the spar and placed his hands upon it and brought it around the point to a place of safety. He as then pulled through the breakers. Tender hands lifted him from the shore and carried him to his room in the college. They laid him upon the bed and for awhile he seemed to fall asleep. His brother Will went over and sat down by the fire that they had kindled in the grate. Looking up he saw Ed standing, looking down into his face with wistful eyes. ’Will’, he said, ’do you think I did my best? You saved seventeen, his brother replied. I know it. I know it, he cried; but I was afraid I did not do my very best. Do you think I did my very best?

Will took him back and laid him on the bed. Through the night he tossed in semi-delirium. Will held his hand and tried to calm him. He said, ’Ed, you saved seventeen." ’I know it, I know it. But, oh, if I could only have saved just one more!’

Men and women of (Chicago)Los Angeles, we are standing beside a stormy sea -- we are stormy sea -- the sea of life. There are wrecks everywhere. Men and women are going down, they are going down! Let you and me plunge in again, and again and again, until eery last ounce of strength is gone, and when at last in sheer exhaustion we sink upon the shore let us cry in the earnestness of our love for lost souls: ’Oh, if I could only have saved just one more!’

This picture presents to us a man who wanted to save lives and did save lives until he almost died. Christ our Lord has gone even further than this man by literally giving up His life to save trillions. When He announced to a bereaved Martha that He was the "I AM" who is the Resurrection and the Life he mean’t it and then He proved it!

All over the tabernacle people were in tears. Hundreds rose to their feet to consecrate themselves to the work of soul winning. At that point, President Baer stepped up behind Dr. Torrey and whispered: "The man who sat next me says Ed Spencer is in the building at this moment." Dr. Torrey at once stepped to the front of the platform and said, "I am often asked what became of Ed Spencer. He was a physical wreck the rest of his life. He had to give up his preparation for the ministry. He is now a resident of California, and I am told that he is in the building at this moment. If he is, will he please come to the platform?" Rev. Mr. Cleveland, who had pointed him out to Dr. Baer, went to him where he sat near the platform, and he was immediately brought to Dr. Torrey’s side. The whole audience sprang to their feet, burst into applause and waved their handkerchiefs. People were overcome, bathed in tears in every part of the building. Dr. Torrey placed his hand around his shoulder and the whole audience bowed in prayer, as he asked that God would make Ed Spencer’s last days his best day. Mr. Spencer whispered, "He has!" From every part of the building they flocked to the front to shake the hero’s hand, and hundreds of people were moved as they never had been moved before in their lives.


Point one Jesus is the "Resurrection" he is the master over death. He is the resurrection "I am" of the OT. He is the first begotten from the dead. He is the author of the resurrection of believers. Jesus goes beyond resurrection to the second point He is life. He is eternal life of both soul and spiriit. He gives his people life not only in the future but now in the present and He is here to empathize with you. Do you have a problem tonight then you are in line for a miracle. The "I AM" wants you to come and remember He is the resurrection and the life!