“It Isn’t Puzzling.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-31
In our scripture this morning we find one of the greatest examples of the church, that God would ever give us. It is so easy to understand and yet sometimes it is so hard to put into real practice.
Today though I have an interactive exercise that I pray will not only bring the point home but also cement it in our hearts, our minds and just as important – our actions.
This example in the Bible is vitally important to anyone who calls themselves a Christian and any group that calls themselves a Church…
While Paul used the picture of the human body to depict the unity and functioning of the church, today I want to use this puzzle.
We are going to work through this scripture this morning with an object lesson.
I have asked some volunteers to help me pass around the pieces of this puzzle.
If you are member or a regular attender - please take a puzzle piece, if you are a guest I apologize but I would ask that you not take one… you will see why later. (Pass the puzzle pieces out)
A word of caution here –
Now holding your puzzle piece, turn in your bibles to 1 Corinthians 12 and let’s continue reading from verse 12 to verse 31. (READ)
Let’s start at verses 4-7 (read) - The bible tells us that each one of us is diverse and different in the gifts that GOd has given us yet it is God who assembles the gifts, frames them and holds them together.
Now look at your piece of the puzzle. Yours is completely different from anyone else’s in this room. It has a different shape and a different color. Now look at the bigger picture –
The board of the puzzle represents God –
(The firm foundation, with out it this puzzle would fall apart)
The border of the puzzle represents Jesus -
(The one who frames everything we do and who we are)
The binding of the puzzle (the glue) represents who?? The Holy Spirit -
(The one who holds together what God puts together).
Pay close attention to verse 7 (read) – the gift that God has given you is not for you… When the bible says, “the manifestation of the Spirit” it is referring to the gift, the talent, which God has given you. But just as important is the fact that it isn’t for your personal use… because it goes on to say – “for the profit of all, the common good.”
Look again at your puzzle piece. A single piece of puzzle is not much to look at. In order for your piece to serve any purpose whatsoever you must use it to link up with others to form this beautiful picture… the same goes for the gifts and talents God has given you.
You don’t even have to be a professional “puzzler” - It does not call for the job to be done only by the “professionals.” All believers have their own positions and spiritual gifts that they must exercise “for the profit of all” – for the common good.
Now let’s continue on with verses 11-14 (read) – While a puzzle may be held together by glue the church is bound together by the working of the Holy Spirit.
We all have different skills, different God given gifts… and we are made up of all sorts of sizes and shapes but together you form the very thing that God desires –
The body of Christ!
And it is the fact that you can work together with all your oddness that makes the church something wonderful to behold. Individually you are all diverse but collectively you make up the picture that the world sees of God and Jesus.
Now verses 15-26 simply tell us that the individual parts are never greater than the whole.
Let me ask you to look at your puzzle piece again…
Who has the most important piece of this puzzle? Anyone? Let me ask a volunteer… Why is your piece of the puzzle the most important? Is it the least important? NO!
God Himself tells us why there is no one piece of the body that is more important in verse 25 - (read).
There are no parts, no gifts anymore important than another so that in the church body there would be no pride, no selfishness, no disunity – the word “schism” means – division or a “split”
Have you ever seen a church split? It isn’t a pretty picture, and what the world sees is a bunch of strange people talking about heaven on earth but who raise hell instead.
Each one of you is called not to be professional - but to be usable, to be an active part in forming the body of Christ, in working together to paint the picture that the world will see…
In the gifts that God gives to us, the “what” is not nearly as important as what you do with it… so what do you do with it?
REALIZE that your piece of the puzzle (your gift) is not for you alone (verse 7).
– If you are not serving in some active ministry then you are keeping the picture from being what it should. Christian, please understand it isn’t my (the pastor’s) job to “do” ministry… that is your job, each one of you have a gift, each member is to use it…
It means you have to stop looking at what is in it for you and ask what it is you can do for others.
Then – RECOGNIZE - that no gift is more important than any other (verse 13-24). We are all different but each on of you, every one of you is vital to the whole and every member is as important to the picture – the body – as any other.
No piece is too odd, no part to small, no gift insignificant. In recognizing that you need to
RESPECT – every person and what they do for the body of Christ…
Next – To answer your question – YES I do expect you all to finish this puzzle. How you ask? The same way that God expects you to use your gifts in the church….
COMMUNICATE – the only way this puzzle will come together is if you talk to one another and work together… That is what is meant from verses 25-26 (read) -
Your human body from its most basic of functions to the most intricate is in constant communication. And as the body of Christ, each on of you must be in continual communication. Talking to each other, listening to each other…hearing each other, interacting with each other.
Finally – COMMIT –
Commit to Jesus Christ, commit to letting His Spirit work in and through you… commit to find where your gift can best be used and commit to one another…
Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. It is the words that boldly speak of your intentions, and the actions which speak louder than words. It is making the time when there is none. Commitment is the stuff character is made of; the power to change the face of things. Commitment brings the picture together.
As this puzzle comes together, I am going to glue the pieces down… if you come later and try to take your piece out of the puzzle – what will happen? That’s right – you will tear the others around it, yours too, and ruin the picture…
Yes – God does ask you to listen to Him so that He can put you in the picture as He wants – and if you are put there as He wants then what right do people have to remove themselves?
What about the pieces left over? That is where you and I work to bring others to this great church and let God put them where He desires… to complete the picture.
For those of you here today that are friends, guest… please know that we would love to have you be a member, a part of this body… but we cannot (and will not) force you… God will put you where you belong.
Some of you are going to see this object lesson as silly, you may not take it seriously… please don’t do that. It may seem funny but there is a powerful lesson in it if you will only follow through… not just in this puzzle but in your life as a Christian and as the Body of Jesus Christ.
Family – this isn’t puzzling… this isn’t hard to understand… it maybe hard to put into action… but when you realize and recognize your gift, when you respect others, when you communicate and commit to one another it won’t be… hard – it will be all that God wants it to be – heaven on earth.