Summary: Are you praising Jesus for the right reasons? Or are you praising Jesus for the wrong reasons? You decide!

Praise Him!

Thesis: Are you praising Jesus for the right reasons? Or are you praising Jesus for the wrong reasons? You decide!


Matthew 21:1-17

Mark 11:1-10

Luke 19:28-44

John 12:12-19

Historical Background: What is Palm Sunday all about? Why did they wave Palms?

Looking at the time frame of Jesus entrance into the city the Jews had started the Passover celebration. The remembrance of when God sent the death angel to Egypt and all the first born died except those who had the blood of the lamb smeared on their door posts. This was the day when the people of the Passover were to choose a lamb to be used for the Passover sacrifice and meal. Some of the practices at Passover were for the Priests to chant Psalms 113-118 and then people would wave bundles of Palm branches and say “Halleluiah” at certain points. They would do this because they wanted to give thanks to God for the deliverance of the Israelite people from the bondage of Egypt.

The branches were used because of references in Holy Scripture that the trees of the wood would sing him praise. They would end this ritual with the people saying,” Save us, O Lord our God and send prosperity.” This phrase was condensed for some by just saying “Hosanna!” which was actually the quoting of Psalm 118:25, 26 “O Lord, save us; O Lord, grant us success. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. From the house of the Lord we bless you.”


It is important that when you gather a teaching from the Word of God that you take notice of the context of the Scripture text. You want to look at what’s before the text and what is after the text. Then look at all the parallels if it’s in the Gospels.

I followed this pattern of study and discovered that in the four instances were the Triumphal entry is described 2 out of the 4 tell the story of individuals being healed of their blindness. They wanted to see physically so Jesus healed them and they could see for the first time in their lives.

As I looked at the other two accounts of the triumphal entry I discovered that the book of Luke tells the parable of the ten minas which describes the vital importance of using the gifts we are given to spread the Kingdom of God and to honor what the Father has given us.

The text of John recounts the story when Jesus was anointed with oil from Mary. This passage emphasizes that Lazarus who he raised from the dead was with him at the anointing. It also notes that Judas become upset over Mary wasting her costly perfume to wipe it on Jesus feet. Jesus tells him to leave her alone. It also makes reference to how the multitude had heard about how Jesus raised him from the dead.

In 3 of our texts which described the triumphal entry everyone but John follows with the story in the Temple when Jesus cleanses it and drives out the thieves and money changers. He cries,” My House will be called a house of prayer not a den of robbers.” Now we know why Jesus wept for Jerusalem in Luke 19:41-44. He knew when he saw her that she was spiritually blind and unable to see who Jesus was. He knew that they would reject him and therefore the city and Temple would be destroyed in 70AD.

T.S. – We have looked at what preceded and followed out texts for today this Palm Sunday now lets look at our text and Jesus Triumphal entry.

Video Illustration from Jesus the mini series - His triumphal entry!

Observations of the triumphal entry from our 4 passages:

He rode in on a donkey in humility fulfilling prophecy

The people waved palm branches and some laid them and coats at the feet of the donkey.

The people shouted “Hosanna”! Referencing Psalms 118

The people shouted blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord.

Blessed is the King of Israel!

The people praised him and the religious leaders HATED it.

They marveled at his miracles and praised Him for them.

T.S. – We have looked at our text and read and seen what happened that day now lets make some practical applications for ourselves today.

I. What do you see when you praise Jesus?

a. The people there that day at the triumphal entry looked at Jesus in different ways. Here are what some saw then and what some see now when they praise Him.

i. A Miracle worker who could give you a miracle?

ii. A New King of Israel to over throw the Romans?

1. They shouted Hosanna!

a. Which means: Save us and give us prosperity – physically-financially!

iii. A Son of David who would bring back the glory to Israel as a political power in the world?

1. They wanted their nation returned to being a Super Power in the world.

iv. A Rebel ready to cause a revolution?

1. They wanted a leader who would lead them in rebellion against the government of the day.

v. A person who will give you what you want?

1. They wanted a Santa Claus that would give them everything they wanted in life- all the toys and things.

vi. A man on a donkey?

1. They saw a man on donkey to humble to be a King!

2. They saw a fraud! Not the Christ!

3. They saw Scripture fulfilled and rejoiced!

vii. A prophesied Messiah?

1. The Messiah had come to deliver them from bondage again!

viii. Their personal Lord and Savior?

1. When they looked at Jesus they saw their intimate personal Lord

a. Do you see God when you see Jesus and that’s why you praise Him?

b. Do you see His love?

c. Do you see His cross?

d. Do you see His face shining in all its glory?

e. What do you see when you praise Jesus?

i. You have to answer this question honestly if you want to make sure you are praising him for the right reasons.

T.S. – We have learned to check our eye sight to see if we are spiritually blind in out praise to Jesus but we must also check our motive for why we praise him. What do we expect from praising Him?

II. What do you expect when you praise Him?

a. When Jesus entered Jerusalem many people in the crowd expected things in return for their praise.

i. The crowd wanted Jesus to deliver them from Rome.

ii. There were those who wanted him to lead a revolution a holy crusade against the Romans

iii. There were people there who expected because they praised him to give them a miracle

iv. There were those there who expected financial compensation for their praise.

v. There were those there who wanted to be noticed by him.

1. So he would act favorably to them

a. They wanted his favor

vi. There were those in the crowd that wanted one of his miracles.

1. Do you praise Jesus just for the purpose of getting a miracle from Him?

2. Joni story!

vii. There were those in the crowd who expected because they praised him to get money from him.

1. I praised you therefore pay me for my praise.

2. They looked at him as I invested in you now you invest in me and they put their hands out to Him.

viii. There were those who maybe just wanted him to touch them.

1. He loves that!

ix. There were those in the crowd who wanted him to somehow respond to them acknowledge their value.

x. There were those who just wanted his love to embrace them.

1. They wanted to experience true love revealed through grace.

xi. There were those in the crowd who wanted to know His will for their lives so they praised Him.

1. I’m sure there were those who wanted God to know what their will was their lives.

xii. There were those in the crowd that wanted God to impart wisdom to them so they praised Him.

1. They wanted God to give them insight as they praised Him.

b. My question comes back to you what do you expect when you praise Him?

T.S. – We have observed the crowd of worshippers in Jerusalem that day years ago when Jesus entered and discovered in the crowd those who saw what they wanted and those who praised expecting something in return. We know there were those who had right motives in praising Jesus and wrong motives in praising Jesus and we have to make sure our sight is not blind and out motive for praising him is genuine. So lets see what not to do and what to do.

III. We need to learn to Praise Him for the right reasons not the wrong reasons.

a. Wrong reasons to Praise Him.

i. Self-centered focus happens when you worship God and say. “I will worship you but this is what I want for my worship.”

1. Money

2. Power

3. Fame

4. Healing

5. Miracle

6. Status

7. Attention

8. My way

ii. Tradition ritualistic worship says, “God I praise you because I want to put in my time.”

1. It communicates to God and says, “Look at me God here I am on Palm Sunday see how good I am this day.”

2. They put in their time but that means nothing to God because he looks at the heart.

3. It’s about love not duty!

iii. Lopsided worship and praise is found today in people.

1. One side says we really praise the Lord for hours but it’s all about getting excited about God and there is no change of hearts.

a. These people bounce from praise gathering to praise gathering but they never serve the Body of Christ.

b. They have enthusiasm without servant’s hearts.

c. They really are thrill seekers but not rooted in serving each other in the Body.

2. On the other side of the coin are the one’s who are committed to not being emotional about God.

a. They criticize those who are and say I am rooted in the teaching of the Word but I don’t allow my feelings to get involved in my religion.

b. They have religion and the word but no emotion for the Lord.

c. These people are quick to say that music is not of the Lord because of this or that. It’s too loud or they have drums but the truth is they are falling into the trap of Pharisaism.

i. It has to be my way or it’s not God’s way.

iv. There are the superstitious worshippers who do it because it could be detrimental to lives if they do not.

1. They do it out of fear not out of love.

b. The Bible tells us that genuine praise is praise and worship which is done in Spirit and in Truth.

i. John 4:23-24: “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth.”

ii. From Douglas Duty Jr gives us tremendous insight into how to worship the right way. Listen to his thoughts;

iii. So To Worship in Spirit and in Truth is:

DECLARING God’s PERSON Psalm 47:7-8 It is declaring who and what God is - the God of gods, the Lord or lords.. who sits on the throne over all the earth… and it is

THANKSGIVING for God’s PROVISION Psalm 126:2-3 It is the joyful thanksgiving to Him alone for all that He has provided, providing and will provide in your life.

CELEBRATING God’s PROMISES Psalm 31:19 It is celebrating the promise of refuge through salvation and the promise of eternal life.

ACKNOWLEDGING God’s PRESENCE Psalm 139:7-10 That He is not a part time God - but that He is both present here and that He will be present with you through anything.

REJOICING in God’s PATH to life. Psalm 16:9-11 It is rejoicing in the path to life’s salvation that God has provided. Coming to rejoice that you can have your name written in the Lamb’s book of life… frankly that alone is worth coming to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

Finally it is RESPONDING to God’s PERSONAL call. Psalm 37:39-40

When you come to worship, really worship - God will always call you to a deeper relationship with Him… either through salvation or a deeper call to walk with Him or even a deeper call to commit your service to Him - and when He does you need not ignore it - but respond…

When you worship in this way - even the offering is an act of worship! And it is worshipping with all that you are… heart, mind, soul and strength.

Conclusion: So we come back to our question today, “How and why do you worship the Lord Jesus?

Do you have spiritual insight when you worship? Do you see Jesus for who he is – Your personal Lord and Savior?


Do you praise Jesus for your self-centered motivations, what you want from Him? Do you praise him for what you have or for what you want?


Do you praise Jesus out of tradition ritual or from a personal intimacy that you have with Him?


Do you praise him out of fear or out of Love?

The answer to your question makes the difference of whether you are worshipping Jesus in spirit and in truth or in self-centeredness and lies.

Quote from Douglas Duty Jr.: sermon WOW Worship.


Our worship as individuals and as a church should be - regardless of its style - WOW Worship.

Let me explain. WOW Worship is when you (or anyone else) can walk away from a worship service NOT saying…”Oh, that was a nice music special…” or “That was a great sermon.” But when you walk away saying, “Wow, what a great God!”

Unfortunately churches worship in a way that get people to respond like the little girl when she was saying her bedtime prayers she said…

“Dear God, we had a good time at church today - but I wish You had been there…”