Summary: Part 8 in a series on the 119th Psalm

God’s Word and God’s People

Part 8

Sermon Series: A Word about the Word

Date: March 16, 2003 AM Service

Place: Allendale Baptist Church

Text: Psalm 119:57-64


As I have looked and studied this section, these 8 verses of the 119th Psalm, the dominant theme which runs through this section is the emphasis of the effect of God’s Word in and among God’s people.

For many in our world see this book as merely a book of do’s and don’ts; as a book of simple instruction for simple people; a cane or a crutch for those who have trouble walking or standing own their own.

But we as Christians and particularly Southern Baptist hold it as the revelation of Almighty God to man. We see it as the inerrant, infallible, inspired Word of God.

I know I have asked this question before let me ask and answer it again; Why is the pulpit and not the baptistery or the Lord’s Supper/Communion table at the center of our church building?

* Let me answer it this way: It is to remind us that we rally around the Word of God.

* It is to be our text.

* It is to be the foundation upon which our fellowship and worship are centered.

* That is not to say we worship the Bible.

* The triune God is our object of our worship.

But hear me and hear me real good and please do not misunderstand me; for the believer, for the Christian our love of God and our love for His Word should be inseparable.

Notice four facts as we look this morning at God’s Word and God’s People.

First we see in the characteristic of this godly man, a deep…

I. Conviction “Thou art my portion, O Lord; I have said that I would keep Thy words. I entreated Thy favour with my whole heart: be merciful unto me according to Thy word.”

Look at the word …

A. The Portion

1. In Scripture this word was normally used to describe ordinary pleasures.

2. Here it is used to describe rest and satisfaction so complete that it leaves nothing else to be desired.

3. The psalmist says here he has received in the Lord everything to satisfy his heart.

For us as Christians our portion is found in a…

B. Person

1. Lamentations 3: 24 says; “The Lord is my portion says my soul, therefore I hope in Him.”

2. Psalm 16:5 tells us “O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance and my up; You maintain my lot.”

3. My dear friend when you find Jesus as the person and your portion, you will find He is all you need.

4. Many times we find ourselves in a situation where all we have left is the Lord, and discover He is all we needed anyway.

Next notice the psalmist …

C. The Prayer

1. “I entreated Thy favour with my whole heart; be merciful unto me according to Thy Word.”

2. “Entreated” means to ask earnestly ask sincerely.

3. What he is saying here is he is asking sincerely with his whole heart.

4. The whole heart implies with his total being, with everything he is and has.

When the people of God are given to the Word of God, there will be a …

II. Commitment

 This is a word most people do no want to speak of, study on or talk about today.

 We live in a world where the lack of commitment is all around us.

 We say that we want the pleasures of marriage but when things don’t go my way, when I get tired of the commitment, I can get a divorce.

 I will join this church and stay here until the preacher makes me mad or until they start changing too many things, or until they ask me to get involved.

 But don’t ask me to commit my time, my talents or dear Lord not my money.

That’s my first rabbit

The Christian life my dear friend requires a commitment.

Notice on the psalmist…

A. Reflection

1. v. 59 “I thought on my ways…”

2. The first step in our commitment is to reflect or to think on our ways.

3. When we read the Word of God it should compel us to think about the way we are living.

Notice the psalmist

B. Repentance

1. “And turned my feet unto Thy testimonies”

2. Turn means to change direction.

3. I must again use this opportunity to say this, we cannot live a life for Christ and live the way we have always lived.

4. There must be a change.

5. This seems to tell us that the psalmist has not always loved the Word of God and has not always obeyed the Word of God.

Next we see his …

C. Response

1. v. 60 “I made haste and delayed not to keep Thy commandments.”

2. Someone has said sound convictions sweep away all procrastination.

3. When we really have a commitment, we will do away with excuses and delays.

4. Matthew was confronted by Jesus who summoned him “Follow me.” The next verse said “He rose up and followed Jesus.”

5. Zaccheus was sitting in a tree and Jesus said, “Make haste and come down, I am going home with you”. The Scripture tells us, “He made haste and came down.”

6. That is the kind of response we are to give when God calls us, when God speaks to us.

7. We ought to hear the Word of God and then respond quickly.

Verses 61 & 62 speak of a…

III. Contrast

First there is a…

A. Robbery

1. v. 61 “The bands of the wicked have robbed me; but I have not forgotten Thy law.”

2. What is it that he was robbed of?

3. If this is King David his good name was being dragged through the mud.

4. We know that there were those who tried to take his kingdom. His own son Absalom took away his palace.

5. My dear friend when the wickedness of this world tries to take away your possessions, when they try to take away your joy, That is when we need to take a greater hold on the Word of God and His promises.

6. The psalmist has just made a great commitment, and right away the wicked robbed him.

7. But he still did not forget God’s law.

8. That is hope.

9. And there is no greater hope within this world apart from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

10. In my Christian life there has been loneliness, sadness and despair.

11. But the worst day I have ever had as a Christian is better than the best day of being lost.

12. There is no rest, there is no hope apart from Jesus.

13. Just like the psalmist we will have our faith and our commitment tested; and like the psalmist when this happens to us we should not forget God’s words of promise and hope.

This is what is revealed in verse 62; we see a…

B. Remembrance

1. v. 62 “At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto Thee because of Thy righteous judgments.”

2. When this psalm was written, people went to bed early; usually not long after the sun went down. To get up in the middle of the night meant extraordinary devotion and love for the Lord.

3. This is not to say that the psalmist could not sleep, but desired time alone with his Lord. And what best time to get away, with no distractions.

4. How long has it been since you were so full of thanks; so full of gratitude to God that you would rise so early in the middle of the night, giving up sleep just to be alone with a Holy God and thank Him for being so good to you?

5. Here is the contrast between the wicked that rob and the people of God that have a heart full of thanks and gratitude to the God that has shown them grace and mercy.

Last the psalmist concludes this section by talking of his…

IV. Companions

 It is amazing how much the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament refers to the companionship between God’s people.

 Verse 63 says; “I am a companion of all them that fear Thee; and of them that keep Thy precepts…”

 The psalmist is shouting here I am a friend and enjoy the company and fellowship of those that show reverence for the Lord.

I believe this speaks of …

A. Worship

1. I know many disagree with me, but we will take on the characteristics of those we run with.

2. The people of God should prefer the prayer meeting to the mid-week ball game or practice.

3. Do not misunderstand me; church is not the only time you and I can meet with God; and if Sunday morning is the only time you worship God there is something missing from you fellowship with Him.

4. But I also have to say this; if a person does not want to join with other believers for singing songs of worship, praising God and to listen to the Word of God proclaimed one of two things is wrong:

1) They are lost or 2) they are out of fellowship with God.

5. If we love God we will love God’s people more than worldly folks.

6. I feel sad for those who minimize coming to the house of God to worship, and then wonder why their faith is not growing or at best has gone sour.

7. It amazes me that our sense of togetherness, our sense of fellowship within the church has faded.

8. The old saying I believe is so true: You can tell how many love the preacher by how many show up on Sunday morning. (I wonder about that sometimes) You can tell how many love the church by how many show up on Sunday night. And you can tell how many love the Lord by how many show up for prayer meeting on Wednesday night.

The psalmist closes this section with a tremendous sense of …

B. Wonder

1. v. 64 “The earth O Lord, is full of Thy mercy.”

2. Redeemed eyes see the mercy of God; the grace of God and the Handprint of God in all of creation.

3. Redeemed eyes also see the wonders of God in His Word.

Jr. Hill one the great preachers and evangelists of our day, tells the story of giving his wife a ring for their 40th anniversary. In the middle of the ring was a ruby. His wife was so proud of this token of her husband’s love. She often showed it to those who asked to see it at her church. One night she noticed the ruby was missing off the ring. Of course she was greatly distressed. The next evening Bro. Hill returned home and his wife showed him the ring with the missing ruby. He comforted his wife and told her he would replace the ruby. Before she went to bed she took her Bible and opened it to the chapter the pastor was reading from at the prayer meeting Wednesday evening. To her surprise there was the ruby.

I will close with this; within this Holy book, written on every page is a precious ruby and yes a golden nugget.

As I began this morning I said this book is God’s revelation of Himself to man. God has revealed to us our sin and our need of a Savior.

This morning if you have never trusted Jesus as your Savior, you need to do so today.

For those of us that claim the name of Christ, this book must have it’s affect in our lives.

Is our life lining up with the Word of God?
