Summary: Some notes and Scriptures on "the Tongue"

The Tongue

James 3: 1-12

The Power of the Tongue : 3:1-2, 5-6

The Problem of Control of the Tongue 3:3-4, 7-8

The Positive and Negative Actions of the Tongue 3:9-12

a)The Power of the Tongue : Jas. 1-2, 5-6

It can destroy ministry

1 Tim 3:2 - the elder

1 Tim 3:12 - the elder’s wife. A woman’s tongue can also destroy his ministry!!

Prov. 27.15 A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping on a rainy day, restraining her is like restraining the wind or grasping oil with the hand. CAN ALSO APPLY TO US MEN!!

James 3:5 Consider what a forest is set on fire by a spark.

Point to ponder: It is the little things we say that often cause the fire.

Song of Songs: 2.15: Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vinyards, our vinyards that are in bloom.

Judges 15: 3-5 Samson fastened torches of fire to foxes tails burning ...vinyards of the philistines.

Vineyard = Church = Kingdom of God - Matt.21:33-44.

Fire: Nothing can be restored after it has been burnt by fire.

What we say can cause irredeemable loss.

b) The Problem of Control of the Tongue. Jas. 3-4, 7-8

Prov. 17:27. A man of knowledge uses words with restraint and a man of understanding is even tempered.

Col.4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so you may know how to answer everyone

Tit 2:8 ... soundness of speech

Prov. 4:24 ...keep corrupt talk from your lips

Matt 15.11 "What goes into a man’s mouth does not make him unclean. But what comes out of his mouth makes him unclean.


Moderation in what we say

Keep good conversation on your lips /refuse malicious gossip

control of the tongue mirrors your life.

2 Tim 2:3 We are to avoid those who are...boastful =arrogant

2 Tim 2:5 Those who have a form of godliness but deny its power

Opposite to the Fruit of the Spirit: Gal. 5:20 - dissentions

c)The Positive and Negative Actions of the Tongue. Jas. 9-12

Tongue destroy easily:

Fine line between

a) constructive critism. Matt. 18:15-18 and

b) destructive criticism. Matt. 7:1-5

Rule: i) Is it true

ii) Is it necessary? and

iii) Is it kind i.e is your correction born of love or control or one up manship.