Ho! Ho! Ho!
Sermon for 12/16/2002
A. Harry Connick, Jr, It Must’ve Been Ol’ Santa Claus, I think I saw ol’ Santa through my window Christmas Eve. My eyes were really droopy but I really do believe. It must’ve been ol’ Santa ‘cause I saw his big red hat, and I know my mom and dad can’t fly like that. Chorus: Santa Claus, Santa Claus. It must’ve been ol’ Santa Claus. Santa Claus, Santa Claus. Happy “Ho! Ho! Ho!” to you. Now the words Happy Ho! Ho! Ho! To you ring through my ears all the time.
B. In my family we always had Santa Claus. However, we would also have a gift under the tree for Jesus. It always confused me as a child.
C. How do we work that out? Went to a Christmas party for the Twins Club in Virginia and they had a Christian Santa.
A. What does Santa always say? Ho! Ho! Ho! Where did he get that?
B. It is an old English word. The word “ho” is used in two main ways in the English language. 1. To call or attract attention. 2. An expression of exclamation or of delight.
C. The little two letter word “ho” is used four times in the King James Version of the Bible. The New International Version translates it as “Come” (when you hear your wife, you need to come) but the KJV says, “Ho.” I like Ho! Better especially around Christmas.
D. In this special time of the year we call Christmas, as we honor the Lord Jesus in a very special way, let’s try to have a Happy Ho! Ho! Ho! To you.
Thesis: Let’s think about these three places in which “ho” is used in the Bible and we trust it will be a blessing as we celebrate the birth of Christ.
For instances:
I. The Ho of Salvation.
A. Ruth 4:1.
B. Give the background of Ruth.
C. The concept of the Kinsman Redeemer. “A brother in law or a close relative who bought back the land of an impoverished or deceased relative to carry on his name in Israel. If there was a widow from a deceased relative, the kinsman-redeemer would have to marry that widow and provide children for his brother in law or close relative so that his name would be carried on in Israel.”
D. Ruth is the Old Testament book of redemption.
E. Salvation involves the matter of redemption or the delivering by the paying of a price.
F. The nearest kinsman did not want to redeem the land of Naomi because it would mar his own inheritance.
G. Boaz “sacrifices” by purchasing Ruth as his wife and redeeming the land of Naomi.
H. Boaz is a type of Christ who came to purchase His church by the blood that was shed at Calvary. That means a purchase, a pardon, and a partaking of the holy things of God.
I. Ruth was helpless until Boaz stepped on the scene and purchased her.
J. We have a kinsman-redeemer and that redeemer is Jesus Christ. He bought us back from being poor, wretched, and miserable. We were like Ruth and Naomi and even worse. Much like Boaz, who had nothing really to gain financially, Jesus Christ gained a bride through his love, loyalty and sacrifice, the Church.
K. (Ezek 16:4 NIV) On the day you were born your cord was not cut, nor were you washed with water to make you clean, nor were you rubbed with salt or wrapped in cloths.(Ezek 16:5 NIV) No one looked on you with pity or had compassion enough to do any of these things for you. Rather, you were thrown out into the open field, for on the day you were born you were despised.(Ezek 16:6 NIV) "’Then I passed by and saw you kicking about in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, "Live!"(Ezek 16:7 NIV) I made you grow like a plant of the field. You grew up and developed and became the most beautiful of jewels. (Ezek 16:8 NIV) "’Later I passed by, and when I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love, I spread the corner of my garment over you and covered your nakedness. I gave you my solemn oath and entered into a covenant with you, declares the Sovereign LORD, and you became mine.(Ezek 16:9 NIV) "’I bathed you with water and washed the blood from you and put ointments on you.(Ezek 16:10 NIV) I clothed you with an embroidered dress and put leather sandals on you. I dressed you in fine linen and covered you with costly garments.(Ezek 16:11 NIV) I adorned you with jewelry: I put bracelets on your arms and a necklace around your neck,(Ezek 16:12 NIV) and I put a ring on your nose, earrings on your ears and a beautiful crown on your head.(Ezek 16:13 NIV) So you were adorned with gold and silver; your clothes were of fine linen and costly fabric and embroidered cloth. Your food was fine flour, honey and olive oil. You became very beautiful and rose to be a queen.(Ezek 16:14 NIV) And your fame spread among the nations on account of your beauty, because the splendor I had given you made your beauty perfect, declares the Sovereign LORD.
II. The Ho of Satisfaction.
A. Isaiah 55:1-2.
B. Only Jesus can satisfy the thirsty soul.
C. As one drives through the desert in California, one used to see a billboard with a picture of a bottle pushed down into some cracked ice. My, it looks good! There is only one word printed on the sign- “THIRSTY?”
D. Are you dissatisfied with yourself? Are you dissatisfied with all the world has to offer? Then you thirst.
E. Here “ho” is used to get our attention and remind us that Christ satisfies all that come unto Him for the waters of grace. (John 7:37 NIV) On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink
F. (John 6:35 NIV) Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.
G. Mentions water for the soul, but also wine and milk.
1. Wine. Symbolizes joy. “Joy is the flag that is flown in the heart when the Master is in residence.” This is a marvelous drink that will put genuine joy in your heart.
2. Milk. Milk is essential for growth and development, especially for babies. (1 Pet 2:2 NIV) Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation,
H. Why are those who come so satisfied?
1. He quenches the thirsty soul.
2. He qualifies us for heaven.
3. He quickens the dead spirit in man and brings life.
I. The world does not satisfy. The pleasures of this world are expensive and they don’t satisfy. Jay Gould, an American millionaire, had plenty money. When he was dying, he said: “I suppose I am the most miserable devil on earth.” Lord Byron had fame, genius, money, and lived a life of pleasure. On his deathbed he said, “The worm, the canker, and the grief are mine alone.”
J. We cannot purchase what God gives freely. He gives it away, so there is no buying our way into salvation.
K. How do we receive it fully? Plan of salvation.
L. Must be something written between the lines. Oh, there is, you must give your life to Jesus Christ.
M. It must be worthless because it is given away freely. No, it is not worthless. If we do not have it, we will be condemned.
N. Many do not like it because it does away with all pride. God is no respecter of persons.
III. The Ho of Security.
A. Zechariah 2:4-13
B. The nations of the world, especially many Arab nations are extremely hostile to Israel.
C. God speaks of a day here when they will be secure in the coming age.
D. Vs. 4 and 5-
1. Wall of fire around her.
a. The flames frustrate all enemies.
b. Christ is a wall of fire around the church.
c. However, as faith dwindles, the fiery wall burns dim, and evil can get across, and can get at us.
2. Jerusalem without walls.
a. No need for a wall of stone because of the wall of fire.
b. It can grow because it does not have walls.
c. The Lord is our protection.
d. (Psa 127:1 NIV) Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.(Psa 127:2 NIV) In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat-- for he grants sleep to those he loves.
e. The church is without walls.
E. “Ho”- Israel will one day dwell safely in the land that God has promised to them, from the River Euphrates in the North down to the River of Egypt in the South.
F. Vs. 8- The apple of his eye. The pupil of the eye. It must be protected or we lose our sight. Indicates that which is most precious, most easily injured, and most demanding of protection. This is what we are to the Lord and he will keep us secure and protect us.
G. The scattered will be regathered (vs. 6)
H. The Savior will be revealed (Vs. 11)
I. Singing will be performed (Vs. 10)
J. Yes, the modern day nation of Israel has many hostile neighbors, but so does the church, the Christians.
K. The events of September 11, 2001.
L. It has shaken our security.
M. G.K. Chesterton once said in the 1990’s: “Whenever you remove any fence, always pause long enough to ask yourself the question, ‘Why was it put there in the first place?’ Howard Hendricks says, “You are I are living in a time when fences are being removed all around us. America is playing a dangerous game with her destiny, removing fences that were put there for a reason. Fences that were put in place for our own spiritual protection. Fences for our national character. Fences for our families. Fences for the church of Jesus Christ. Fences that were built on the nature and character of God. And we are now trying to remove them.”
N. Maybe the fence (the Lord) has been removed and we have been exposed. Maybe, don’t want to go too far with this, but it gives us pause for reflection.
O. Through Christ we are secure.
P. America has enjoyed God’s Homeland Security System since it conception over 200 years ago. But there is an element in our society that wants to tear down the moral fabric of the society that the Lord has built here in America
A force of evil within our boarders that wants to dishonor our God To erase his name from the hearts of His people
To steal the inheritance of our children to live in a safe nation under GOD
Q. Church It is a day that we are to pick up our Cross the blood stained banner of our Lord Jesus Christ And walk Boldly into the future Walk boldly in to our face our future Walk boldly into a place the history books to show That there was a people that in a time of crisis, That would not lie down when it got tough and just take it. To Show the people of this world that it is OUR GOD the true and living God who protects this great nation…And they can have the same protection too… right Now All they have to do is just believe in HIM
R. (Mat 10:28 NIV) Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
S. (Isa 54:17 NIV) no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me," declares the LORD.
T. Just before Isaiah 55 that talks about The Ho of Satisfaction.
A. A Happy Ho! Ho! Ho! To You this Christmas season.
1. Ho of Salvation
2. Ho of Satisfaction
3. Ho of Security
B. Invitation from Isaiah 55:3