Sermon for 11/17/2002
1 Timothy 2:1-8
A. Wayne Watson- When God’s people pray, and take the pains of earth to the doors of heaven, when God’s people pray, there is hope reborn, there is sin forgiven. And miracles you can’t explain away, when God’s people pray.
B. Wonderful time when had a prayer group and we prayed.
A. In these verses it talks more about prayer in the worship service.
B. First of all (vs. 1), this is just not a side note. It is not filler until we can get to the important things like communion and the sermon. Look at Vs. 3
C. Prayer is important.
D. Suggestions on Public prayer:
1. We must have a heavenly frame of mind. We are not approaching the butcher or the baker or a worker at McDonald’s, we are approaching the King of Kings and we need to come with reverence and holy fear.
2. We are addressing our prayers to the Lord. If this is the case then sermonizing during the prayer is ridiculous. We do not preach to God, we talk to Him. We need to remember that we are leading others in prayer, but we do not word our prayers to win others respect or favor. We are talking to God.
3. We need to avoid caned phrases. Lord is often overused after every phrase or some other word is sprinkled throughout so that it becomes filler until we can think of something else to say.
4. In prayer, we also do not demand God to do certain things. In our prayer closets, we can work and agonize with God over certain issues, but in public it is better to have the attitude of laying our requests before God with the understanding and wording of “Your will be done.”
5. Pray as one who has tried and proved his God, and so comes with undoubting confidence that God will do great things. Maybe not exactly in the way or time frame that we want, but God will do great things.
6. Public prayers must be a matter of the heart. It is a pleasure to hear new Christian pray in public. Everything is so genuine and so unpretentious.
7. Vary the length and content of our public prayers. One elder who prayed said the same things every Sunday. Everyone in the crowd could quote what his prayer would be. He began to vary his content when a little boy prayed with him aloud and didn’t miss a word.
8. Vary the requests that are being laid at God’s feet. Many things to pray for and our requests don’t always have to center around the sick. In these verses we see that we need to pray for government officials, we need to pray for those who are lost.
9. Be natural. Don’t try to do things or say things that are not in our beings or character. Vs. 8 talks about lifting holy hands and this is great if it is natural for you. I have often been lead to bow my knees when I pray. Whatever is worshipful and meaningful is appropriate. We also should not judge or snub those who pray in a different position or with uplifted arms or with different tones or gestures. Don’t be afraid to try new things but also be natural.
10. Try to keep it short. No more than 5 minutes
E. If someone is long or you are having a hard time praying with the leader, then repeat softly or silently the words and phrases after the one praying. We are praying together and our minds need to be together as someone is leading us.
F. Some people are naturally more gifted than others in leading prayer. Generally those who are known to be men of prayer make good leaders of public prayer.
G. Prayer is special.
Thesis: Prayer brings us into contact with God. Prayer brings us into communion with God. Prayer brings us into cooperation with God.
For instances:
H. Prayer brings us into contact with God.
** 3 essentials to have this contact with God.
A. A revelation with God.
1. From Creation we can see some of God’s characteristics. However, for us to really know Him, He must reveal, share some things with us. He has revealed himself in His Word.
2. Jesus Christ is called the Word. The ultimate Word sent down from God so that God revealed much of his character and being through Jesus Christ.
3. We can know God through His written Word but especially through the actions of His Son.
4. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes unto the Father but by Me.
B. A relationship with God.
1. God is our Father and we are His children. We must have this relationship to have effective prayer.
2. Must become a Christian.
3. Vs. 5 and 6.
4. Plan of salvation.
5. Only Christians can pray effectively.
C. Reliance upon God.
1. We must be constantly looking to Him for our strength, encouragement, comfort, satisfaction our all in all. We are hopeless and helpless without God. This is why we pray so much.
2. We must have faith in God that he will help us. We can rely upon Him like a trustworthy friend.
3. I cannot bear my burdens alone. I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! Jesus can help me, Jesus alone.
4. Carl Sagan included prayer along with astrology, spoon-bending, witches and ESP as examples of the persistence of irrationality. Even though he believed in black holes based on indirect proofs, he saw no evidence of a God who answers prayers.
5. No evidence! What about all of the people who have been helped through prayer. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Without faith there is no prayer.
Transition: To have contact with God we must know about Him. We must know about Jesus and His Word. To have contact with God we must know Him personally. To have contact with God we must have a deep reliance upon Him, and a faith that he will help us and answer our prayers. Prayer brings us into contact with God. However, prayer goes deeper than that.
II. Prayer brings us into communion with God.
A. Last week we talked about communion, the Lord’s Supper. However, the word communion means so much more than just the Lord’s Supper. Communion with God is what should be happening during the Lord’s Supper.
B. Communion= Fellowship, communication, understanding, an intimate, sympathetic interchange of ideas and feelings.
C. Intimacy.
D. Prayer is not just for our welfare and relief- but for the delight of the Lord vs. 3.
E. There are several forms of communion:
1. Communion is adoration. Worship, praise.
a. Lifting up holy hands is a form of worship, praise.
b. Praise and worship is a moment when heaven and earth kiss each other.
c. Adoration brings a sense of God’s presence. It is well with my soul.
2. Communion is meditation.
a. Study, memorizing, reading God’s Word.
b. Total confidence in God’s Word. Letting God speak to us.
c. Martin Luther- to pray well is the better half of study.
3. Communion is confession.
a. 1 John 1:9
b. This arises out of adoration and study, our sinfulness. Vs. 5 and 6
c. Psalm 66:18- If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear.
d. Must be constant confession.
e. Maintain it daily. Get specific.
4. Communion is thanksgiving.
a. Give thanks in all circumstances.
b. Thanks the Lord for how faithful he has been. Thank the Lord for what he is doing. Thank the Lord for little things.
c. Sin of ingratitude. When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed, when you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, Count your many blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
5. Communion is petition.
a. (Mat 7:7 NIV) "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.(Mat 7:8 NIV) For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
b. Child’s request for what he needs.
c. God will answer. Yes, NO, or Wait a While.
Transition: ACTS We can have contact with God in prayer. We can have communion with God in prayer. We can also have a partnership in prayer. God plus ourselves can do anything.
III. Prayer brings us into cooperation with God.
A. Intercession. Reaching out for others.
B. We are working with God to determine the future. There are some things that God wants to do, but he is waiting for us to ask him to do it.
C. Church has lost vision. We need to pray and the vision will be restored. God will help us do anything we set our minds to do and that is within His will.
D. We are joint heirs, co-heirs with Christ. We are working in cooperation with God.
E. We need to pray in cooperation with God for three specific things.
1. We need to pray for saints, other Christians.
a. They will know we are Christians by our love.
b. Spiritual growth.
c. Leaders, preacher.
d. New Christians
2. We need to pray for sinners, lost.
a. For Kings and all those in authority. Vs. 2. Nero.
b. All men to be saved.
c. (2 Pet 3:9 NIV) The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
3. We need to pray for situations. No win situations. Keep away from temptation. Good witness in all situations.
F. How do we effect these three through prayer:
1. Prayer relays human power.
a. We do business with God, we can be anywhere at anytime.
b. I knew that people were praying for me.
c. Missionaries and I can feel their prayers.
2. Prayer releases divine power.
a. Prayer does influence divine actions.
b. God says, “If they are not concerned why should I do this for them?”
c. So many things do not happen because we do not ask.
3. Prayer resists satanic power.
a. We need to bind the strong man.
b. We, in prayer, fight against principalities and powers.
c. William Cowper- Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees.
d. Samuel Chadwick- The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from praying. He fears nothing from prayer less studies, prayer less work and prayer less religion. He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but he trembles when we pray.
Transition: Vs. 1- For all men. We can work in cooperation with God. We are on God’s team especially when we pray.
A. Essential part of public worship is prayer.
B. Most important part of the Christian life is prayer.
C. Vs. 3-6- Invitation.