Sermon 5-- Topic III (continued) -- The Blessing of staying awake for Christ! (Rev. 16:15)
Rev. 16:15 "Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed."
My question to you New Life? Are you ready for Jesus to return?
This question is posed to all churches today and in Rev. 2 & 3 the churches are asked the same question. The sad fact is 5 out of the 7 were not ready for Christ’s return.
We have looked at the two who were ready Smyrna, and Philadelphia. Both were wide awake!
But the other 5 were various at stages of sleeping:
1. Last week we discussed Ephesus the church who was so busy they were taking cat naps from Jesus Christ and therefore had forsaken their first love. Key point! When you get so busy doing stuff and forget your relationship with Jesus Christ, you have forsaken your first love and sinned. I challenged you at the close of last week’s message to have a date with Jesus this week.
pray that you did and please do not tell him you were too busy.
2. The next church that we will look at today is Pergamum. This church was a church who would take afternoon siesta’s from Jesus Christ.
II. Pergamum- The church who fell asleep in the afternoon’s from Jesus Christ
A. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND of the siesta ridden church.
1.The city of Pergamum.
Pergamum was the official Roman capital of Asia. It had been the capital for about 200 years. The city exerted authority over the entire area of Asia and it still was in control at the time of this writing in Revelation. Pergamum used much of its wealth to build temples devoted to idol worship. The city was litered with Statues, altars and sacred groves honoring different god’s. In the midst of the city was a 1,000 foot high hill covered with temples and altars.
2. Thomas states, " The primary local deities to whom temples had been erected were Zeus, Athena, Dionysos, and Asklepios. Zeus, the savior -god, and Athena, the victory-bearing goddess, were testimonials to the Greek spirit influence. The other two, reflecting more of an Anatolian spirit, were more dominant in the religious life of the city. Dionysis, the god of the royal family, had a mystical name "Bull." Asklepios, like Dionysos more of an animal-god, was associated with serpent (snakes). The shrine of Asklepios, who was noted as a "god of healing," attracted people from all over the world. Feeding a living serpent in the temple was the manner of practicing this worship. The sick spent the night in the darkness of the temple where nonpoisonous snakes were allowed to roam. If a person was touched by one of these snakes (i.e., by god himself), he was cured of his illness (179).
3. But despite its noted temple worship it was the earliest city to also incorporate the worship of the Roman Emperor. The first temple was erected in 29 B.C.. A second temple was added later. This city was the most intense in demanding Caesar worship. Were in other cities you were faced once a year to burn incense to Caesar here it was a daily challenge (Thomas, pg 180).
4. City was also noted for it’s 200,000 volume library and the birthplace of "parchment". The city manufactured and produced this animal skin writing material.
B. The message to this church Rev. 2:12-17
"To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: These are the words of him who has the sharp, double-edged sword. (Rev 2:12 NIV)
I know where you live--where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me, even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to death in your city--where Satan lives. (Rev 2:13 NIV) Nevertheless, I have a few things against you: You have people there who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin by eating food sacrificed to idols and by committing sexual immorality. (Rev 2:14 NIV) Likewise you also have those who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitans. (Rev 2:15 NIV) Repent therefore! Otherwise, I will soon come to you and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. (Rev 2:16 NIV)
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it. (Rev 2:17 NIV)
1. Verse 12 Jesus Christ is revealed again as the one with the double edged sword.
a. The attribute of Christ here is reiterated from 1:16 where it denotes the judicial authority of Christ. The vision combines the force of a warrior defeating his enemies in battle and pronouncing judgment on them. This is also insinuated in our text and also in Rev. 19:15,21. The key principle conveyed to the church was that Christ has the punishing power which comes from his word and His word will defeat the enemy (SATAN).
* Even at his home base or stronghold.
b. Do you remember my sermon - "THE GREAT DIVIDE"
Text: Hebrews 4:12, 13 "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."
*. How about the thesis? Christians need to realize whether they are being led by their soul (flesh) or by their spirit.
* Jesus is the one that shows the church if they are spirit led and spirit ruled or if they are soul-ruled and controlled.
* Jesus is the one with the power and authority! He will bring victory to a church that is pure in thought and attitude.
2. Verse 13-- He knows
* Were they live
* That Satan has his throne their many scholars think that this refers to the great altar of Zeus which was on the hillside over looking the city. It was a great chair, or throne, forty feet high, and any citizen could look up there at any time and see what Jesus was referring to as "Satan’s throne". Remember this city was a center of much pagan ritual, idol worship and evil.
Interesting Note! "There is a fascinating footnote of history in connection with this. In 1880’s, about 110 years ago, a German archaeologist working in the city of Pergamum removed that throne, that Satanic seat from the hillside and took it to Europe. Today it is visible yet in the Pergamum Museum in the city -- get this-- of East Berlin! For 110 years Satan’s throne has been in East Berlin. If it has any connection with the rise of Hitler, and the Nazis, I leave you to judge. But East Berlin is also where Hitler’s headquarters was located (Discovery, pastor?)
* Yet this church remained true to Christ, they did not renounce their faith in Christ even when Antipas was martyred.
# Antipas name means "Against all"
# He was one of the first martyrs in Asia under Roman persecution.
# Tradition asserts that he was roasted alive in a Brazen bull that was heated up to glowing white.
# He paid the price for being true to the doctrine of Jesus Christ.
3. Verse 14-16 -- Now the one who sees all, states, but you have an unholy union in the church. The church had married into some of the world’s pagan practices.
a. They had become tolerant of sin and false teachings in their church.
* Note -- not all believed it -- they just where indifferent to those who were preaching it. They were not dealing with false beliefs. But God’s word certainly would.
* This church would take siesta’s in the afternoon and let the false teachers teach and promote their UNTRUE teachings.
b. The teachings of Balaam -- from numbers 25
*Balaam was a false prophet who had been hired by Balak, the King of Moab, to curse Israel, but when he tried to do so he found he could not. Every time he tried to curse them, words of blessing came out of his mouth. God would not let him curse his people. So, in order to achieve the end for which he had been hired, he paid beautiful maidens from Moab and Midian to parade before the young men of Israel, tempting them into sexual immorality. Since these women were idol worshipers, they introduced idol worship to Israel. Thus corruption seeped in and enticed Israel to sin.
* The churches indifference aloud some of their own to teach that you can participate in paganism and still be Christian. Participation in idol worship was in the church. They asserted that it would not affect them spiritually. They could also practice fornication and sexual immorality and it would not affect the church and their salvation. It’s a private matter could have been their justification. They taught that it was okay to live together and not be married because god did not care. You were married any ways. It was okay to marry unbelievers who were not Christian it will not affect you.
c. The teachings of the Nicolaitians (verse 15)
*These individuals appeared to have a special relationship with God. They were in a sense gnostics and promoted their revelations above the word of God. They were ambitious for power and prestige. They lifted themselves up above others. They were quick to tell you that they had an inside tract to God and you did not. They in their pride believed they were better than others.
d. Jesus handles both theses types --one who appeals to the flesh and it’s lusts -- and one that appeals to a superior haughty religiousity . Key here you handle both false teachings with the word of God (the sword) and he cries "REPENT!"(verse 16)
* The command from Jesus Christ is clear. Jesus owns the church, and he disowns compromise! You cannot live in sin and hide in the church! He will expose you nakedness if you do! He wants his church awake not sleeping with the enemy.
4. Verse 17 - What is going to transpire for those who are awake and remain awake.
a. They will receive hidden manna - He will feed his children with the bread of heaven. They will never go hungry. Jesus said, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty." Jn. 6:35
* Ex. 16 miracle
b. The white stones
# The most satisfactory understanding of the white stone derives significance from the free doles of bread and free admission to entertainments that the people of the Roman Empire received from time to time. These were in exchange for "tickets" which often took the form of white stones. Such a white stone with one’s name on it was the basis for admission to a special feast. This practice coincides with the victor’s participation in the feast of Rev. 3:20 and 19:9. The hidden manna along with the stone points to the Messianic feast. The white stone is then, a personalized tessara, which would serve as his token of admission to this great feast (Thomas, 201).
c. New name - Not a name for you, a name for Him that is special to you. It will represent your relationship with him. So what will your stone say?