Summary: Part of a series on prayer, this is about the price Daniel paid for stating committed to a life of prayer.



“How much will it cost me?”



Text: Daniel 6:1-11


We come to a message in our study and series of “Prayers that made a difference”, about a great man of prayer. Daniel is most recognized as the one who was thrown into the lion’s den but escaped unharmed because of God’s protection.

Let’s look at Daniel’s life but most importantly his prayer life.

I. The Person of Prayer

A. Daniel was taken into captivity & slavery at a young age. But we see a man although a slave was not in bondage in his heart. He did not give into the temptation to surrender to those that held him captive.

B. We also see because of his steadfast commitment to the God of Israel, he was greatly blessed.

1. God has often used bonds to bless.

2. How many lives would Paul not ministered to if not for the thorn in the flesh and his ability to learn to trust in God’s sufficient grace.

3. How many hymns would Fanny Crosby written if not for her blindness & her dependence on her Lord?

C. Daniel was probably about 85 years old at this time. He was greatly respected by many. He occupied the 2nd highest place in the kingdom, or what we would call the prime minister.

D. But we also see hear there were those that respect him and wanted to cause him harm

1. For Christians there are always lions waiting

2. Like Daniel, for the trusting Christian with undoubting faith, there is peace in the lion’s den.

II. The Place of Prayer.

A. You will recall there are no temples of worship in Babylon. It was a pagan land.

B. Daniel made himself a place of prayer, a private place. It was an opened window facing Jerusalem.

C. The decree was sent out that no one would worship or pray to a god other than the king of Babylon.

D. Daniel’s enemies were watching, waiting to trap him. They knew this was the only way to catch him. They probably had seen him praying there many times before.

1. Do you think Daniel thought about closing the window?

2. I have to ask this question, if someone wanted to catch us in a Godly act, or at least in prayer would they know where to go?

E. This opened window was a witness to Daniel’s faith, a testimony to his prayer life.

III. The Principle Of Prayer.

A. Maybe the secret of his prayer life can be found in verse 10, where it says, “As he usually did.”

1. Daniel knew his enemies were watching, and he would be turned. But he still prayed

2. Daniel had been doing what was right for so long he probably didn’t even think of changing of his ways. Pray was a principle with him.

B. Daniel went to his open window to pray because he had learned that the window in heaven was open and available to him.

As we look at the prayer life of Daniel, we must ask this question; Is there a cost to prayer. The answer is yes. But I can truly testify to you that prayer also pays off.