Sermon for 8/25/2002
The Great Commission
Matthew 28:18-20
Gandhi- If it wasn’t for the Christians...
A. Sermon on the Great Commandment. A great commitment to the Great Commandment and to the Great Commission will grow a great church.
B. Now Great Commission, tied in with the Great Commandment. Why do we love? What is the purpose behind our love? From Great Commandment. Is that it?
C. Many great organizations in our community.
1. American Red Cross- humanitarian organization, helping millions of people each year prevent, prepare for, and cope with emergencies.
2. Surry Volunteer Center- Fostering an Ethic of Service in North Carolina Citizens of All Ages."
4. Altrusa- The mission of Altrusa International is to promote community service by an international network of executives and professionals in diversified career classifications.
5. Elk’s Lodge- The Elks National Foundation’s mission is “helping Elks build stronger communities.”
6. Jaycees- The Mount Airy Jaycees were established in 1954 and for the 46 years of our existence, we have been devoted to individual development and community service.
7. The Multiple Sclerosis Society- Dedicated to ending the devastating effects of Multiple Sclerosis
8. Surry Arts Council- The purpose of the Surry Arts Council is to provide opportunities for all the people of our community to experience high-quality performances and instruction in the performing and visual arts - while ensuring its continuity through financially responsible leadership.
12. Girls Scouts- It is the world’s preeminent organization dedicated solely to girls- all girls- where, in an accepting and nurturing environment, girls build character and skills for success in the real world.
13. Boy Scouts- The purpose of the Boy Scouts of America, incorporated on February 8, 1910, and chartered by Congress in 1916, is to provide an educational program for boys and young adults to build character, to train in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and to develop personal fitness.
3. Relay for Life- American Cancer Society- The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy, and service.
14. Clubs and Organizations affiliated with local schools, many others, etc.
D. These organizations are great but many times do not get to the heart of the problems.
E. Must change a person from the inside out, do good things to get their attention, not change them from the outside in. To do good things is not the end for the church, a higher purpose, a higher calling.
F. We do good works because we love God and love our fellow man. The end result- Matthew 5:16- In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
G. So that others can praise God, so that others can be Christians, so that others can know the love and peace and joy that we know through Jesus Christ. Not just to be humanitarians.
H. Ted Turner gave 1 billion dollars to the UN for children. Did he do it so that these children will become Christians? No.
I. The Great Commission and the Great Commandment have to work together.
1. One problem is that we do good works but are never bold enough to tell others about the gospel. WE have a voice but never use it.
2. Other problem is that we do not do good works; we are selfish and unchristian in our lives. WE might tell others about Jesus but we have no voice in their ears because we ruin our witness with our actions. Hypocrites.
Thesis: We should be committed to the Great Commission. All of us should be doing this. What is the Great Commission and how does this apply to my life? Matthew 28:18-20 #706
For instances:
I. Introduction
A. Jesus has risen. Appeared to the disciples over a period of 40 days, teaching them about the Kingdom of God.
B. Some of the last words to His disciples.
C. It is not just an “Oh, by the way” it appears in some form in all four gospels.
1. Mark 16:15-16- Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
2. Luke 24:46- 47- This is what is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
3. John 20:21- Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.
D. Even in the book of Acts 1:8- But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
E. Really began in Genesis 12:1-3 when God told Abraham- I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you... and all people on earth will be blessed through you.
F. The nation of Israel was to tell others about their Great God. They did not do it so God is working through the church to accomplish his Great Commission.
G. In Matthew, Go
1. As you are going.
a. Witnessing is simply telling people the difference Christ has made in your life. Sharing your love for Christ should be as easy as sharing your devotion to the Tar heels, Blue Devils, Redskins or Panthers, whatever sports team.
b. Charles Templeton- Christianity does not remove you from the world and its problems; it makes you fit to live in it, triumphantly and usefully.
2. Going intentionally.
a. Door knocking. Going to the fishing pond.
b. Missionaries going to foreign lands.
H. Baptizing.
1. Completion of salvation process and the beginning of the Christian life.
2. Commitment to fellowship and to the Church.
I. Teach.
1. Discipleship
2. Obedience to the commands of God.
II. Make Disciples of all nations, all groups, and all stripes.
A. What a wonderful day it will be in heaven when we see all of the nations and ethnic groups.
B. Making disciples is the main command of this commission. Everything else is built on this. Making disciples.
C. Alexander Campbell during the early days of the Restoration Movement wanted followers of Christ to be called disciples; Barton Stone wanted them to be called Christians. They came up with the compromise of making the name of the church, Christian church and the name of the people making up the church as disciples.
D. Disciple= One who subscribes to the teachings of a master and assists in spreading them.
E. If we are making disciples of Jesus Christ, then we will have no problem immersing them, or teaching them to obey, or even getting them to go and spread the gospel message.
F. Most churches are clubs, Country Club Christianity. More like a civic organization.
G. Everyone deserves an opportunity to accept Christ, become a disciple.
H. Like Israel, we hoard the Lord’s blessings.
I. Many churches are dying. Why? Because they are not serious about the Great Commission, the mission of the church.
J. Christ’s mission is now our mission. Luke 19:10- For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.
K. This is every Christian’s mission, not just the mission of the preacher. The notion that evangelism belongs only in the hands of the “professionals”, and that the regular members are therefore excused from any responsibility, will severely limit successful expansion of the borders of the kingdom of our Lord.
L. One of the vilest corruptions of the Civil War was the hiring of surrogate enlistees. The rich abused the blessings of wealth by hiring others to defend their nation for them. In many cases the surrogate had no choice; he was either in debt to the coward who hired him or in danger of going to prison for some crime.
M. In the Kingdom of God, there are not surrogates, I have not been hired to be the only one who goes and tells.
N. The vast majority of people do not come to Christ through a gimmick program of the church or because of a powerful speaker. Natural web networks of people are generally what bring people in.
L. Facts on how people are brought into the church: 1/2 to 1%- Evangelistic crusade; Met a special need- 1 to 2%; Visitation program- 1 to 2%; a church program- 2 to 3%; Just walked in- 2 to 3%; Sunday school- 4 to 5%; the preacher- 5 to 6%; Brought by friend or relative- 75 to 90%.
M. People come to Christ through their various extended family members.
N. How do we do it? How do we make disciples?
1. Identify your extended family.
a. Those of common kinship- relatives.
b. Those of common friendship- confidants.
c. Common associates- work and school.
2. Develop a mental profile of each extended family member.
a. background- family, attitude, concerns, jobs, hobbies.
b. Spiritual dimension.
3. Focus your efforts.
** No one can win everyone.
4. Develop a disciple-making plan.
a. Care for people- unconditionally.
b. Strengthen relationships with others.
c. Use other members of the body.
5. Work the plan.
a. Be a good listener
b. Relate to needs.
c. Identify receptive needs in people’s lives.
6. Pray regularly and specifically for each extended family member.
7. Accept accountability to others and to God.
a. Help one another in discipling process.
b. Look upon extended family member as one placed in your hands by God.
III. I cannot do this.
A. All authority in heaven and earth. Lo, I am with you to the end of the age.
B. We have great power on our side. He will give us wisdom. Do not be scared, we have the Son of God on our side.
C. With you always, Emmanuel. Will not leave us nor forsake us.
D. Have authority with us, only as we do this, make disciples.
E. Dying churches do not have authority; they do not have a sense of the presence of God, because they are not doing God’s will. Most important thing is to make disciples.
F. If we have Jesus in the boat, we will catch fish. If we never go fishing, Jesus will not give us strength.
G. Romans 8:31- What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?
H. God is with those churches and blessing those churches that are making disciples.
I. When Abraham Lincoln left Springfield for Washington to become President he said farewell to the local folk by raising his hands in benediction and saying, “Now I commend you to the God who is able to go with me ands stay with you.” As we are going, he is with us.
J. End of Matthew, not end of the story.
K. Acts is account of early church and how they made disciples.
L. Acts is not the end of the story either. Still much to be told. What will your story be like? What will the story of this church be like?
A. The Great Commission provides us with the greatest work place- the whole world!
B. The Great commission provides us with the greatest work ethic- the gospel truth!
C. The Great Commission provides us the greatest work mate- the Risen Lord!
D. Story of Nicole in England. We often underestimate our influence over others.