What Happened When You Received Christ?
2 Corinthians 5:17-21
Intro: How many are here know that you are saved?
(show hands)
-How many have been saved in the last year? 2,
5, 10
-So, what happened when you were saved?
-If nothing happened, I could be that you were
not really saved?
-Did you….? (Romans 10:9-10)
-Confess that Jesus was Lord? (repentance?)
-Believe in your heart that God raised
Him from the dead?
-Call upon Him. Vs. 13
-Are you different then you were before you
were saved?
-If you are genuinely saved than I believe
some very important things happened to you.
-Paul says you are a “new creature”. (New
Creation) 2 Corinthians 5:17
-Some things passed away…
-Some things have become new…
So what happened?
1. You were secured.
-Secured in Heaven
-When we talk about salvation this seems to
be the most important thing about
-People want to know that they are going to
heaven when they die.
-2 Corinthians 5:1
-John 14:1-3
-When you received Christ your
reservations were made.
-You have a home in heaven.
-Secured in God’s hand. John 10:27-30
-Secured in Salvation.
-John spent much of his epistle
(letter) telling us how secure we are in our
-1 John 2:25
-1 John 5:11-13
-1 John 5:20
You are secure in Heaven, In God’s hand, and in your salvation.
2. Your were sealed by the Holy Spirit.
-Ephesians 1:12-14
-Ephesians 4:30
-2 Corinthians 1:22
-This seal was used as a signature. (ring and wax)
-God’s seal upon your life is the indwelling
of the Holy Spirit.
-The indwelling Holy Spirit is God’s seal that
we are His.
-The moment you were saved, the Holy Spirit
moved in.
-It is not a "second work of grace".
-You do not have to pray for it.
-You do not have to do anything…God did it.
-When you were saved you became the dwelling
place of the Holy Spirit.
-1 Corinthians 3:16
-John 14:15-17
-parakletos – One who comes alongside to help
When you were saved, the indwelling Holy Spirit sealed you.
3. You were sanctified.
-2 Corinthians 5:20
-1 Corinthians 6:9-11
- o be sanctified means two things…
1. We have been made Holy.
-By His shed blood, Jesus made us holy.
-1 Peter 1:13-16
2. We have been separated out for God.
-As His own
-As His children
-For His use.
Conclusion: What happened when you were saved?
-You were made secure, in heave, in His hand,
and in your salvation.
-God through the indwelling Holy Spirit sealed
-You were sanctified.