Christ is Coming
Today’s society is a transient people who are constantly on the move, who are constantly busy and who are constantly active. What do I mean by a transient people? A people not bound to one specific locality. Where they live their life’s and ultimately die. In the past most people were born, grew up, married and lived in the same locality all of their life’s. They lived in the same neighborhoods as their parents and grandparents and the like had lived in for generations. They associated with a close nit community of friends and family which they grew up and lived among.
People had a sense of community togetherness and the church was the central theme of their very existence. Most grew up inside of the walls of the neighborhood church. The church was not just a building to gather on Sundays but it was a way of life.
Times have changed for most of the population; the tightly bound communities are becoming a thing of the past. People are moving to the areas of the country that promise better economic opportunities. No longer does neighbor mean close friend but they are those people with whom we compete with for neighborhood status. More than likely, a move to a new area is alienation from ones roots.
People have also changed their outlook on the church. They seek those establishments that pledge their advancement in social status. The church was a place of family and friends and now has become a center of socialization for transient souls to find acceptance and gain social status.
Have we lost the meaning of why the church was first instituted? Have we come so far in worldly pursuits that Christ is no longer the emphasis of the pulpit? I think not! This will not be my ambition. With me, Christ is still in the meaning of Christian!
Jesus Christ crucified. He rose again the third day. He ascended into heaven. He is still the savior of mankind from their sins. This is still the message of the Free Methodist Church and this will be the message that we relate to a fallen world. Mark 1:15 states, “the kingdom of God is at hand; repent ye”. Our message is still a message of hope, a message of saving grace and a message of forgiveness. Our emphasis is still the salvation for the sinner and salvation for his soul.
God’s kingdom is on the horizon and his millennium is at hand. There is an urgency in our sermons because, beyond a shadow of doubt, the time is drawing near when Jesus Christ will return and return soon he will. He will take his church from this earth and into heaven. Those who are not ready for his triumphant Second Coming will be left behind. Those left behind will be judged and found wanting, in Romans 6:23 He tells us “for the punishment of sin is death”. This will be a spiritual death and alienation from Gods presence. Souls lost for an eternity of divine punishment because they chose to ignore God and His message of love. And know this, sin is death!
The earthly soul that sins will surely die, if perchance it doesn’t make the choice that God longs for it to make. God has spoken through his word and tells us, those left behind will be lost forever and in danger of hell fire. I am not a fire and brimstone nor hell and damnation preacher; however, I can only give to you those words that God relays through me, this message of life or death. I implore of you today, “choose this day whom you will serve”.
The glorious day of the Lord is approaching. Those that have not made their decision will fall victim to the Day of Judgement. Those that delay because they think time is on their side, will find the tribulation hastily descending upon them like a fiery chariot carrying God’s judgement.
Now the question is, what can one do to appease the wrath of God, to atone for ones sins, to escape the everlasting punishment that we so justly deserve? The answer is unbelievably obvious. We can do nothing! Nothing we could ever champion would atone for our sins and bridge the chasm that exists between God and us. When we realize our total helplessness then can we have the opportunity to restore that broken relationship that exists between God and us.
John 3:16 tells us, “for God so loved the world (you and me), that he gave his only begotten son, and that whosoever shall believe on his name (our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ) will receive everlasting life”. This is not a message of hopelessness but a message of prosperity, a message of love and a message of joy. When you believe on the name of Jesus Christ, the kingdom of God is in your possession. Reach out and grasp this life given to you. Your name is written in the book of life!
Christ died a horrible and terrible death on the cross for one reason and one reason only. He died for your sins and he died for my sins. He became the atonement for all of our sins. His sacrifice was and still is your gain! No more are we helpless, we have the strength of the almighty God on our side.
Wesley states, “cast yourself on the Lamb of God, with all thy sins and enter you now into the kingdom of out Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”. Do not wait! Do not tarry! Jesus longs for you to decide on the life he has for you; filled with blessings and purpose. You are in charge of your destiny. We are given a choice to choose between good and evil. We have a free will; however, if we make a bad choice it will end in disaster. God has many blessings that he holds, waiting for you to accept the salvation that he offers.
I am not trying to scare anyone. Jesus is not trying to scare anyone. Henceforth, we have to face the facts. Our human existence does not end at the grave! Our human life is just the beginning of an endless journey that either is filled with love and life or pain and despair. The choice we make as human beings has an ever-reaching consequence that will last for an eternity.
We would all like to believe that our God is a loving God. He would never subject his creations to an everlasting judgement. If God is love why would he punish his creations in an ever-lasting banishment? What we see is the other side of God’s love. We as humans forget that God is not only love. He is also holy and he is just! God cannot violate his own integrity unlike our leaders in Washington. God cannot ignore the sin that ravages his creation; because, he is holy and without sin. God didn’t create sin. Man is the one that is rebellious and running amuck over the earth.
The wrath of God is delivered out of his love for us. The decision of eternity is left to our control. Gods love is not limited but infinite! Heaven is an eternal reward just as Hell is an eternal punishment. Those that are lost chose their direction and they will inevitably reap the result of their decision.
Gods love will never let us go even when decreeing judgement. No one has suffered more in contemplating this cost then Jesus when he died on Calvary. Jesus saw our predicament and our hopelessness and took it upon himself to pay the price of the judgement due us. Matthew tells us that “No love is greater then the love of one that lays down his life for a friend”.
Can you fathom the love that God has for us, to pay the price for his own judgement? “Whosoever believes on him, shall not perish but have everlasting life”. God so loved us that he personally paid the price for our sin so that we can obtain eternal life. God wants us to have life and to have it more abundantly.
God wants no man to face his righteous judgement. No man can ponder the thought of hell and be judgmental to those that are lost. If it were not for the grace of God, we would all be just as those that are lost. We would all be without hope! So by realizing the inevitable doom that is arising on the horizon, we need to reach out to a lost world and give them the words of life. We need to give to them, Jesus, and all that he has to offer.
You say, I am not a pastor, an evangelist, a trained lay minister. I cannot readily go to the lost and give them the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. If this is your excuse then let me ask you this question, can you honestly call yourself a Christian and not go unto the lost and give to them the words of life? What does Jesus tell us about standing in the middle, about being hot nor cold, about obedience?
Jesus doesn’t want a bunch of fence rail Christians. What does a fence rail do? A fence rail sits on the fence and does nothing but keep the cows in the corral. It doesn’t do any work, it does no chores, it produces no revenue. Without proper maintenance the rail soon decays and falls to destruction.
This is the same for Christians and Christian living. By not obediently teaching those that are lost we become ineffective dead weight to the church. We have lost the first love of our lives. You remember when you were first a Christian and how on fire you became. You wanted to save everybody you knew.
Those that are hot nor cold have neglected their spiritual responsibility to the church, their responsibility to Jesus, their responsibility to God! We will be judged by our fruits! Are there people around you that are lost; friends, neighbors, family, coworkers? If there are, could you honestly look Jesus in the face and say? “I have served you obediently”, when you haven’t given them the most important words in the world. One day soon we will be face to face with Jesus and then will we here his words, “come to me, you good and faithful servant”.
Be warned today, not by me nor by any man, but by the God almighty. One day soon we will need to give an account for our stewardship of the word of God. Romans 14:10 tells us, “we shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ”.
In the words of John Wesley, “O, who can stand before the face of the great God, even our Savior Jesus Christ!
See! See! He cometh! He maketh the clouds his chariots! He rideth upon the wings of the wind!
A devouring fire goeth before him, and after him a flame burneth! See! He sitteth on his throne, clothed with light as with a garmet, arrayed with majesty and honor! Behold, his eyes are as a flame of fire, his voice as the sound of many waters!
Hear the lord, the judge! “Come, ye blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world”. Joyful sound! How widely different than that voice which echoes through the expanse of heaven, “depart, ye cursed into the everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels!” And who is he that can prevent or retard the full execution of either sentence?…
He wills not that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance; by repentance, to faith in a bleeding Lord; by faith, to spotless love, to the full image of God renewed in the heart, and producing all holiness of conversation. Can you doubt of this, when you remember that the Judge of all is likewise the Savior of all? Has he not bought you with his own blood, that you might not perish, but have everlasting life? O make proof of his mercy, rather than his justice; of his love, rather than the thunder of his power!
If life were a Shakespearean play and we were the actors on the set; we are neither ignorant of the drama as it unfolds nor unknowledgeable of the plot. God gave us his words in the bible through 40+ authors and foretold what will happen at the closing curtain. Jesus has been claimed the victor and Satan has been defeated.
The last curtain call is only the beginning of life everafter. Be warned! Satan has not given up! He will still deceive many and He will not quit till he is thrown into the fiery pit! Until all evil has been abolished, be wary! Be cautious! The old earth will pass away and a new earth will be established with Christ as the King! Jesus even now sits on his throne! The only unknown is who will sit on his right and who will sit on his left. The blessed will sit on the right and will be gathered into the loving arms of Jesus. The cursed will be on the left and they will be cast into the lake of fire.
Where will you sit when eternity is ushered in? DO NOT TARRY! Do not delay! Where do you sit today? If you are not sure where you will spend eternity, you need to take a deep long look into the corners of your heart and ask Jesus to fill that void of uncertainty. Jesus is waiting for you to ask; and ask you must. Ask him into your heart today, right now.
If you are not sure or uncertain of where you will spend eternity, would you please pray a sinner’s prayer with me? With all heads bowed and all eyes closed, search the very depths of your being and allow Gods light to shine within you. Please pray with me. You will never regret your decision to follow Christ.
Sinners’ Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, I believe you sent your Son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins and the sins of the world. I also believe you raised Him from the dead and that He is coming again to set up his kingdom. Therefore, today I confess my sin of rebellion to you and invite Jesus into my heart to become my Lord and Savior. The best I know how, I give myself to Him and declare that I would like to serve him as long as I live. Amen.
Our heavenly father, we thank you for your mercies to us in the past, and for your watch-care over us during this week. As we stand upon the thresh hold of a new day, we look to you for help and guidance. We need your presence every passing hour.
Make us strong to resist temptation, and give us courage in all things to do your will. Open our eyes that we may see every opportunity for serving you and serving our fellow men. Help us to live lives that are hid with Christ in God. May we daily grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Graciously forgive all that you have seen wrong in our lives. Supply all our need according to your riches in glory.
Bless us and make us a blessing to others, we ask in Christ’s name. Amen.
Sinners’ Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, I believe you sent your Son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins and the sins of the world. I also believe you raised Him from the dead and that He is coming again to set up his kingdom. Therefore, today I confess my sin of rebellion to you and invite Jesus into my heart to become my Lord and Savior. The best I know how, I give myself to Him and declare that I would like to serve him as long as I live. Amen.
I John 5
The Power that Brings the World to its Knees
1Every person who believes that Jesus is, in fact, the Messiah, is God-begotten. If we love the One who conceives the child, we’ll surely love the child who was conceived. 2The reality test on whether or not we love God’s children is this: Do we love God? Do we keep his commands? 3The proof that we love God comes when we keep his commandments and they are not at all troublesome. 4Every God-begotten person conquers the world’s ways. The conquering power that brings the world to its knees is our faith. 5The person who wins out over the world’s ways is simply the one who believes Jesus is the Son of God. . . .
The Reality, Not the Illusion
18We know that none of the God-begotten make a practice of sin – fatal sin. The God-begotten are also the God- protected. The Evil One cannot lay a hand on them. 19We know that we are held firm by God; it’s only the people of the world who continue in the grip of the Evil One. 20And we know that the Son of God came so could recognize and understand the truth of God – What a gift! – and we are living in the Truth itself, in God’s Son, Jesus Christ. This Jesus is both the True God and Real Life. 21Dear children, be on guard against all clever facsimiles.