Colossians 1:15-23
More Than Reconciliation
INTRODUCTION: On the First Sunday of Advent, the world is asking, "Why all the fuss about Jesus?" I remember that several years ago the Falmouth Clergy Association worked hard to get the Falmouth Christmas Parade switched from a Sunday Noon start until later in the afternoon. When we met with the Chamber of Commerce, many of the merchants and members asked, "What is so important about Advent?" Others asked, "What is Advent?" Maybe, most had worked on Sundays for so long and had not gone to church for so long that they had lost touch with the Christ of Christmas. They wanted the business generated by Christmas shopping and celebrations but did not care if children, band members, float riders, spectators, etc. were missing Sunday morning worship services to line up for the parade before the streets were closed to traffic. We wanted a 2:00 P.M. start; but finally they compromised to 1:00 P.M.: And then they complained that they were losing an hour of sales. They wanted us to celebrate "Falmouth Christmas By The Sea" and ignore the Christ of Christmas.
Because of the events of September 11 and the current War on Terrorism, the House of Representatives and Senate and President have declared Tuesday, December 4, 2001 to be a "Day Of Reconciliation" for the whole nation. The Capitol Rotunda will be closed on Tuesday to all but our elected officials, who will use it to pray for God to forgive and to heal our United States of America. They will ask God to bless America. They and other leaders have encouraged churches to be open for prayers for reconciliation on Tuesday. This event reminds me of times when prophets called Israel to prayer and when George Washington and other presidents have called on Americans to pray for our country.
I had planned to preach an Advent sermon series on "Biblical Pictures of Jesus." This was to be the third message. But because of Tuesday’s importance I want to preach to you today about reconciliation and then to tell you even more about what Jesus is and will do for those who pray to, confess, worship and obey him. Jesus is more than just a reconciler. For the next few moments we will note five of the many pictures that this Scripture gives of Jesus. 1. The Image of the Invisible God. 2. The Creator. 3. The Head of the Body. 4. The Reconciler. 5. The Presenter.
Our refrigerator, dressers, end tables, book cases, etc. are covered with pictures. I am always looking for more magnets to attach pictures to the refrigerator and to the file cabinets in my office. We all love to look at the pictures of those whom we love. My wife and I have about two dozen photo albums of our married life. The greatest photo album of all time is the Bible. It gives us word pictures of Jesus, "the image of the invisible God…" If we have seen Jesus, we have seen God. "For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him…"(v.19) As Christians, we believe in the Trinity. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Do I understand the concept of the Trinity? Hardly, since I am only human and not divine. The Incarnation, the Christmas story, that we celebrate during Advent helps me to understand a bit more.
Sometimes we see pictures of ugly people. I am not talking about the people who were so ugly that when they were born, the doctor slapped their mothers instead of them. There are names that I can say and you immediately get the picture. John Wilkes Booth. Adolph Hitler. Osama bin Laden. They all bring immediate and unpleasant reactions to our minds. When we say "Jesus," we get an immediate picture of a loving Savior. A baby in a manger. A boy in the temple and carpenter shop. A loving man taking children on his knee. A kind man feeding hungry multitudes. A man forgiving an adulteress. A man who knows our weakness, yet loves us... God is a Spirit and we will never see him: But in Jesus we see all that God represents and reflects.
On Thursday, my son Steven and daughter-in-law Heather showed me an ultra sound picture of my next granddaughter. It took some effort for the technician to get the picture; but when she did they saw the baby’s profile and saw that she was a girl.(Her picture sort of reminded me of ET: But don’t tell them that I said so!) This Advent Season all of us must vow to make an effort to restudy the Christmas Story from the Holy Bible. Through the carols, decorations, cantatas, TV specials, sermons, devotionals, etc. we must get to know this God better and better. After all, He is our Heavenly Father. By the way, "An atheist has no invisible means of support." Does the invisible God support you? Oh, oh, time to go on to the next picture.
II. THE CREATOR. (v.15,16,17)
Before the creation, Jesus was. The Trinity has always existed. Do I understand this? Not completely. But my faith is in a God who has time and time again proved himself to be the Source of All Being, in the God who has created in me a new and clean heart. John 1 tells us, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men."(John 1:1-4)
He has know us since we were a speck of matter, a single egg, a fertilized egg, and on and on…
Since he created all "things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible…"(v.16) we do not need to fear evil men or Satan or evil spirits. We live in an evil filled world, but God knows all about the "thrones or powers or rulers or authorities"(v.16) and he is working in all things for our good.(Romans 8:28) He is our Refuge and our Strength. A Very Present Help in the time of trouble.(Psalm 46) It is he who drives away our fear and helps us to do the right thing. To live the life of holiness. If he made us he can fix/heal us, forgive us, encourage us, and comfort us… Daily we must pray, "deliver us from evil…"
Jesus is the Head of the church. His wisdom and power, delivered by the Holy Spirit can make us what we ought to be. Jesus is the image of God and we are to allow ourselves to be shaped into the image of Jesus Christ. The blood washed believer is a part of the church of Jesus Christ, the body of Christ. The head controls our bodies and if Jesus is controlling our minds or hearts, our church, our forever family will be blessed and effective in taking the gospel to the world and in living out the gospel in daily life. The gospels picture Jesus telling us the ideal way that his disciples should live.(Take a look at the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount or his parables.)
"In him all things hold together."(v.17) He not only sustains the world and cares for it in his beneficent providence, he also hold his church together.
Look at a picture in Matthew 16 as Jesus asks the disciples who they thought he was, "16:15 ’But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?’ 16 Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." 17 Jesus replied, ’Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.’"
This is an encouragement to us as individuals and to our church/congregation as we continue to grow as individuals and as a church in Him. Our architect completed the latest set of plans for our church addition this last week. If we will allow Jesus to continue to be the Head of our body, he will help us through the rest of the building program. We are all rejoicing in the recent victory of paying off our mortgage in less than ten years, instead of the usual thirty years. We rejoice in the numerical and spiritual growth he has given. If we will pray, obey, love God and man… Jesus will help us to build his church here on Cape Cod and at the same time to continue with our missional responsibilities to the rest of our country and world. Too many churches divide or split during building campaigns. Egos and selfishness tend to control those who do not remain close to Jesus. He must be our Head. He must control our brains, tongues, arms, hands, legs… What a testimony it will be to our community, to our unsaved family members and friends, when the next Advent Season’s services take part in an expanded church building! Allow him to bind us/hold us together in love!
The Bible teaches that all have sinned. That all come short of the glory of God. That all are born with original sin. Here we are told that we "were alienated from God and were enemies…" because of our "evil behavior."(v.12)
Sin separates us from the presence of God. The sinner is in rebellion to and at war with God. When Jesus died on the cross to redeem us from sin, to satisfy God’s justice, to be our substitute sacrifice… The thick veil of the temple was torn in two, from the top to the bottom, as a sign that through the complete and acceptable offering of Jesus’ blood sacrifice, we could enter into the Holy of Holies! Into a new, peaceful relationship with the Father. When we are born again from above, through faith and the grace of God, we become God’s sons. We become citizens of Heaven. Children of the Kingdom. Jesus, our Mediator, gives us peace with God and the peace of God. We are no longer enemies: But God chooses to call us "friends."
On Tuesday, Americans must not just pray for victory over terrorism and peace between nations; but for victory over sin. For personal peace with God.
Where would you or I be if it were not for Jesus interceding for us? We would be lost, dead in sin, and without hope. Jesus brings us into the family of God. Praise God for the miracles of his grace in this church body.
On Thursday night I listened for part of an hour of the over three hour NASCAR Championship Ceremony from New York City. I listened because Jeff Gordon, who unashamedly talks about his faith, was this year’s champion driver. "Number 24" is only thirty years old and yet he has won the award four times. I was glad that I tuned in to the TV show late… The presenters were boring… The guys know how to build race cars and how to race, but public speaking was not the gift of most who talked and presented the awards. Jeff won between four and five million dollars, a diamond ring and a diamond necklace for his wife and a huge trophy. He will get more product endorsements… Sound good?
Well, let me remind you that because Jesus has reconciled us to God that one day he will "present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation."(v.22) Wow! When our life here on earth is over, our Jesus will present us to the Father in Heaven. We will not need to take trophies, money, diamonds, gold, etc. Jesus is building us a place in Heaven. The Carpenter, the Creator of the Universe, is building us a place near the throne of God to which we will have an eternal deed! The glory of the Son of God and Son of Man will be so wonderful that there will be no need for the sun. The glitter Christmas lights and gifts and pageantry are no comparison to what God is preparing for those who love him.
Verse 23 reminds us that this good news, this gospel is for "every creature." Look one more time to the picture of the Angel of the Lord appearing to the Shepherds on that first Christmas. Hear the angel say, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.."(Luke 2:10-11)
It is one thing to believe. It is another to persevere in our belief. God saves us by his grace, through our faith. It is then up to us to walk in the light that he gives to each one of us. In 1 John 1:7 we read, "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all Sin."
Verse 23 warns us, "If you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel…"(v.23) we will one day claim our home in Heaven. We must diligently follow Jesus. Do not backslide. Do not falter. Do not fail. If you do, immediately repent, and confess your sin, and ask Jesus to forgive. He will. He loved us enough to leave Heaven to become a helpless baby. To live a sin free life and to die as a sacrifice for our sins. Accept and enjoy his gift of eternal life.
(Part of this sermon idea is from a devotional given by the Rev. Chuck Zink, District Superintendent of the New England District Church of the Nazarene.)