Summary: Comparisons between King David and King Jesus


A. Meet two great kings today

1. One is David, the second King of Israel

2. The Other is Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

B. Some remarkable similarities between these two Kings

1. David was a man after God’s own heart - no other king like him

2. 62 chapters of the Bible mention his name.

3. II Sam.1-10 David’s Triumphs....Troubles (II Sam.11-20).

4. Jesus had his triumphs and troubles as well as he faced the cross.


A. David had been anointed King of Israel - I Sam.16:13

1. But until Saul died, he could not be appointed as the official King

2. During those years, Saul hunted David and tried to kill him

3. David was the coming King, waiting for his time to become King

B. Jesus was also the Coming King

1. "Where is he that is born King of the Jews?" - Matt.2:2

2. Later when He rode upon a donkey down the streets of Jerusalem, the cry was "Behold thy King cometh unto thee.." Matt.21:5

3. Israel’s King had arrived - would they receive or reject Him?


A. David was not literally crucified, but he had many troubles

1. With Himself - adultery with Bathsheba (II Sam.11-12).

2. With His family - Ammon’s immorality, Absalom’s rebellion Chs. 13-18

3. With His nation - Sheba’s revolt Chs.19-20

B. Consider the way he was treated during the time of Absalom (II Sam.15-17).

1. He was forced to flee Jerusalem for his own safety

2. As he was leaving he was cursed by Shemei

3. In that sense David was being crucified by his own people.

C. Jesus Christ endured literal crucifixion by the Roman authorities

1. He came unto his own and they received him not (John 1:12)

2. Even his own disciples forsook him in his time of need.

3. Judas betrayed him and Peter denied him three times.

4. Then he was taken before Annas, then Caiphas and finally Pilate.

5. Finally the Jews shouted "Crucify, crucify" John 19:6

6. Jesus became the crucified King - "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews"

John 19:19 - beaten, bruised and bled for our sins!


A. After the death of Saul, David was finally crowned King by his people

1. Read about this in II Sam.2:1-4

2. After many years of waiting, and wondering there was great rejoicing now the King had returned home to be crowned.

B. Think about Jesus Christ the Crowned King

1. Before His death, the Roman soldiers dressed Jesus up as a King in mockery and humiliation. John 19:1-4

2. But when Christ returned to Heaven after his resurrection, He was truly crowned as our glorious King - Acts 2:32-36

3. King of Kings and Lord of Lords - Rev.19:16; I Tim.6:15

4. When Jesus had purged our sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high - Heb.1:3


A. David enjoyed many great victories as King of Israel

1. II Sam.1-10 - eleven great military victories recorded

2. Empire growing, nation prosperous and powerful

B. Rev.19:11-16 Jesus is seen as the Conquering King

1. When he returns in glory, this is how Jesus will be.

2. II Thess.1:7-9 he will come in power with his mighty angels

3. He will come to judge the world in righteousness, conquering Satan and defeating all evil - Lake of fire Rev.20


1. Jesus is coming again - are you ready? He has overcome death, grave, and the cross. He is ready to come back again for His own.

2. Are you a part of the saved? Have you made your decision to follow the King - can you truthfully say - I WALK WITH THE KING...Is he your king today?

3. King of My life I crown thee now, thine shall the glory be...lead me to Calvary.

4. Make Jesus King of your life today, and become a part of His glorious kingdom - Acts 2:37-47