Sermon for 5/13/2001
Mother’s Day
1 Timothy 3:11
There is a story about 4 preachers discussing the merits of the various translations of the Bible. One liked the KJV best because of its simple, beautiful English. Another liked the American Revised Version best because it was closer to the original Hebrew and Greek. Still another like the NIV because of its up-to-date vocabulary. The fourth minister was silent for a moment, then said, “I like my mother’s translation best.” Surprised, the other three men said they didn’t know his mother had translated the Bible. “Yes,” he replied, “She translated it into life, and it was the most convincing translation I ever saw.”
A. Today is mother’s day. We celebrate our mother’s contribution to the family, to the church and to the world.
B. We also celebrate women’s contributions to the family, to the church and to the world. For those without children, they are mothers/mentors to someone.
C. There is a big debate in the Christian world today on the role of women in the church.
D. Extremes:
1. Women can do anything. They can be elders, deacons, preachers, anything that a man can do. They do not have to be submissive in the home. “Anything you can do, I can do better.” Quote passages like (Gal 3:28 NIV) There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
2. Women can do nothing. They are to be silent at all times in the family, in the church and in the world. They are to be slaves to the man of the house. In the church they are to be silent at all times whether in a worship service or in a small intimate home Bible study. All the work in the church is to be done by the men. The women’s place is in the home, barefoot and pregnant. The women, “We are not worthy. You are our master.” Quote passages like 1 Timothy 2:11-15 to back up their points.
D. We are not going to get into deep discussion of these issues this morning. The details. Neither one of these views are correct or Biblical. The whole of Scripture, taking verses out of context. These are extremes and if we buy into these ideas we are not being temperate. Need a balance.
E. At the beginning of this year, we began to discuss the characteristics of a mature Christian. We looked at 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 and saw several characteristics of mature Christians.
F. Another characteristic of a mature Christian is that they will help their spouse to be all that they can be for Jesus Christ. Supportive.
G. 1 Timothy 3:11. # 213 in pew Bibles.
H. In this passage it is giving characteristics of mature Christians to determine if these people are fit for recognized service in the church. Called elders or deacons.
I. A woman can make or break a man. The reverse is also true. But more so the first.
J. Nan Harris, a wise and elderly woman, was shut in because of severe arthritis. I would go to visit her from time to time. I cherished the times of conversation that we had. She was over 90 years old and had been a pillar in the church, but she was now unable to attend. A few months before my wedding, I went to visit her as usual. Mrs. Harris’ husband had died several years before and her children were all raised. I knew that she could give me some helpful advise. I asked her, "In a few months, I am getting married. Do you have any good advice for me?" She thought for a few moments and said something so simple but yet so profound. "Make sure that both of you pull on the same end of the rope." I have often remembered that in my marriage. If we cannot pull on the same end of the rope, we will end up pulling against each other.
K. How can a woman help a man grow in the Lord? How can a woman be supportive of a man?
1. Reverent, grave and dignified, worthy of respect (NIV)
a. Be a person of integrity.
b. I may not agree with them all the time, but I respect them.
c. Blameless.
d. There goes a joke. No!
2. Not slanderers, malicious talkers.
a. Women fight with their words.
b. My two sisters.
c. Women can hold a grudge a lot longer than a man can.
d. Hen talks.
e. “Well, he has nice teeth.”
3. Temperate,
a. Not given to extremes.
b. Calm, peaceful.
c. When come into their presence, we feel at ease.
4. Faithful, trustworthy in all things.
a. When given a responsibility, they prove to be faithful.
b. Can count on them.
L. Goes back to earlier point, what can they be faithful, trustworthy with?
Thesis: There are three things that women can be faithful trustworthy with. They have been doing these things in this church and they have been doing them in the church across the ages. Very effective in these three areas. Thanks to Mark Copeland for this outline.
For instances:
I. Benevolence.
A. Benevolence = an inclination or tendency to do kind and charitable acts.
B. Benevolence is an important work.
1. (James 1:27 NIV) Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
2. Ministering to those who are sick, poor, imprisoned, etc., is a service rendered to the Lord Himself. Parable of the sheep and goats.
3. (1 John 3:17 NIV) If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?
C. Women are well suited for benevolence.
1. They bring a grace and a beauty of which men are normally not capable.
a. Mercy and compassion are almost second nature to women. Shepherding. Mothering.
b. Mercy showing is one of the gifts the Lord has given to His church.
2. They often possess skills through which benevolence can be rendered.
a. Making clothes, as Dorcas did for needy widows. Proverbs 31 woman. Working with flax.
b. Shopping.
c. Cooking, baby-sitting, ministering to the sick, extending hospitality, etc.
Transition: Any work that a woman does in the area of benevolence is a powerful contribution to the work and reputation of a local church!
II. Edification.
A. Edification = Intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement; enlightenment.
B. Encouragement but more than just this.
C. It involves building up the body of Christ, through the work of every member.
D. It entails following the one another’s of Scripture:
1. Love one another.
2. Devoted to one another.
3. Honor one another.
4. Live in harmony.
5. Stop passing judgement on one another.
6. Accept one another.
7. Agree with one another.
8. Serve one another.
9. Forgive one another.
10. Be kind and compassionate with one another.
11. Submit to one another.
12. Encourage one another.
13. Spur one another on to good works.
14. Offer hospitality to one another.
E. Good counselors.
F. Women can do much to edify the church.
1. Teaching others.
a. Lois and Eunice taught Timothy.
b. (Titus 2:3 NIV) Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. (Titus 2:4 NIV) Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, (Titus 2:5 NIV) to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.
c. Many people do not know how in the home anymore. Teach and show them.
2. Informal words of encouragement.
a. Men are natural producers; women are natural nurturers.
b. With so many dysfunctional families and emotional problems today, the gift of encouragement and nurturing possessed by many women is essential.
c. Remember words of encouragement for years.
d. My mother is objective. When encouraged I remember it.
e. Women, who said they couldn’t do much, they prayed for me.
f. Godly women encouraging them in their work have helped many teachers and preachers.
g. There is a special need for women to see themselves as teachers of young people and other women, and as encouragers of men in their work of preaching the gospel.
Transition: Where women are involved in the work of edification, their contribution to the work of the local church does not go unnoticed.
III. Evangelism.
A. Evangelism is an imperative work. Keep the main thing, the main thing.
1. Go and make disciples…
2. This is a work that can be done by everyone.
3. Everyone has a testimony.
B. Women can do much in the area of evangelism.
1. They can help support those who preach the gospel.
2. Women around the cross.
3. Lydia.
4. They can tell others about Christ.
a) Samaritan woman at the well.
b) Priscilla, who with her husband Aquila.
1) Provided a place for Paul to stay during his ministry at Corinth.
2) Taught Apollos at Ephesus.
3) Hosted a church at Ephesus in their home.
4) Hosted a church at Rome in their home.
5) A couple who were pulling on the same end of the rope.
So what?
A. Benevolence, edification, evangelism.
B. The true measure of a local church is not defined only by what occurs in a church service. What is done day by day, in the home, at work, in the world.
C. When godly women are active in the service of the Lord, using their unique talents and opportunities given to them…
1. Souls are saved; they are strengthened in the Lord, and cared for in times of need.
2. The Lord’s church is made stronger, and the kingdom of God is expanded in the world.
D. Release the women in the church to do great work.
E. (Rom 16:1 NIV) I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church in Cenchrea. (Rom 16:2 NIV) I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of the saints and to give her any help she may need from you, for she has been a great help to many people, including me.
F. My mother was instrumental in leading me to the Lord.
G. Many mothers are pleading for you to come to the Lord.