Estas Todo Lucifer!
You know, there’s a lot of people, and I mean a lot of people, that hate me because I am so darn gorgeous! Well, maybe not because of that, but a lot of people do exist on this earth that are insanely jealous of other people because they are more popular,
richer, have a talent they don’t have, or are just good looking like me! You know, and as the time passes by, they turn into big, fat, green lemons with no juice, but too many seeds! I mean, these people have a sour look on their face, and by the time you know it, they curse, hate, and most of the time, they even kill! Where did this jealousy thing come
from? Where did it start? Let’s read from Isaiah, chapter fourteen, verses twelve through fifteen. It says: “How art thou fallen from heaven, oh Lucifer, son of the morning? How art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will
sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend in the highest of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit...” Lucifer was such a beautiful angel, an angel that was created so special that everytime He would open up his wings, music like from the worship team at church would come out. Imagine and picture this as I speak, that you are walking down the hallway at your school and you stretch out your arm to point at the girl you like and music comes out. Then, she looks at you and a romantic scene begins to appear, but then, you hug her and right when you see she is about to hug you back, she never does, and you wake up. Or, you’re at Foley’s and you’re going to buy a coat for Buddy because you love him so much, and when you stretch out your arms to make sure the price isn’t too cheap, celestial music comes out. Everytime he would open his wings, songs of praises would go out to the Father. Man, Lucifer was so beautiful, but then,
there was God: Such glory and splendor that would have anyone amazed. Such beauty, such incomparable perfection. You know, and every morning that I wake up and look at myself in the mirror, I always say that the Lord really meant the scripture that says He
created man in His image. I mean, look at me, I’m sure He was just showing off! Nah, I’m just messing with you. Don’t anyone of you let that spirit of vanity fill your hearts and minds! Amen? Anyhow, Lucifer saw that all the angels would bow before God. He saw that all the talk was about God and the “jealous anointing” started to come upon him, like most people have gotten before and even now. Well, Lucifer started thinking, and as he was thinking, a little bit of smoke was coming out of his head and he said, “Well, I’m almost as good looking as Buddy. Whenever I lift my wings, I hear the Trinity Worship
Center Choir singing, starring Dawne Hill. I’m the best created angel. I think I should be worshipped, too.” He got one thirds of the spiritual warriors to back him up, you know, like when you don’t like something in the church and you get some people to go with you to complain to the pastor so that the pastor can get intimidated and please you? Well, they all went up to God and Lucifer’s like, “Hey, God, vato, aqui te traigo a mi “clicka”, vato, you know, vato, and we want you and the Seraphims, and the Cherubims, and all the Esquinas, vato, to bow down before us, vato, like, okay, vato, so techniquely and
historically, vato, get out of the throne for me, vato! What you have to say about that, G - Vato?” And, pos, you know God knows everything, He had been preparing Himself. So, He responded by saying, “Well, Luci,” and you know, he maybe even said it
scratching His head, “You are quite a challenge. NOT!!! I think you is gonna go kill some dinosaurs, vato!", and, so, God probably got up, snapped his fingers, pointed his fingers towards his eyes, and all the angels and the Esquinas went towards him,
smiled, and with fire in His eyes, He said, “Now!” and they pushed him down where he belonged! Para abajo lo mandaron a el “vato”. And his jealousy got him nowhere, but hell. Let me tell you something, once you get jealousy to reign in your heart, it’s not easy
to get rid of it. It’s a strong emotion. It naturally comes from Satan and if it comes from
the devil, it’s sin! Sin attracts demons like garbage attracts rats. If you are not eating soul food, it’s garbage, and if you are eating garbage, you are a stinky, dripping, ugly trash can that is the devil’s territory. You know, Lucifer had it made, man. Nomas por ser un jealous guy, la rego el vato! People all over the place want to be noticed, but in order for
them to be noticed, they put others down. Now, let me tell you something, if you want to be noticed, be a servant. The Lord shall turn his face from the “narizones”, but he shall raise the humbled. Trust me. Joseph was made less and was sold because they were jealous of him. What happened to him later? Genesis 39:2 says: “And the Lord was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master, the Egyptian.” The Lord prospered him and such grace and favor was found in him and he was made a boss. He went from a mocoso little boy to almost a king! Sure, other things
happened to him along the way, but he got to the top. No one ever promised you that the road to victory would be rose pedestals and splinterless stems, and if they did, they’re liars! The road to victory is hard, maybe sometimes it seems unbearing, but you can do
all things, listen to this, “all” things, not some things, but “all” things through Christ, who
strengthens you! If you are jealous of someone because he or she has something you ain’t got, just chill. Maybe they got a whole new juicy bill on the way and you don’t. You probably have something he or she doesn’t got, either. If you are getting jealous about “stuff”, if you are causing divison among your brothers and sisters, or simply don’t like something because it doesn’t invlove you, I’ve got something to tell you: “Estas todo Lucifer!” Come on, just get over it...