Summary: The call to follow Jesus Christ, to be a disciple, and the cost of commitment.

Are you ready to follow the leader?

Rev. Thomas B. Gates

Text: John 8:12

Luke 9:57-62

Intro: What does the call to follow Jesus mean to you? Is it something you have heard long ago as a little child, or is it something that you hear a fresh every day? I remember a game we all use to play as little children called “follow the leader”. And as I think about

That little game, I cant help but wonder if we are still playing that game today? Folks are we just playing church? Well today we are going to look at some passages in the gospels where the call to follow

Jesus rings out loud and clear and well see a number of responses to

that call.

I. Excuses!

1. ( everybody makes excuses)

1st man: Lord I’ve got to go bury my father.

2nd man: Let me first go say goodbye to my family.

Exodus 4:13 - Moses: “send someone else to do it”

Exodus 5:1- Moses: “This is not exactly what I had in mind”

“I dont have the time today, maybe tomorrow!”

“I would follow but....”

“I know I should follow...”

-The excuses are attempts to make us feel better about our lack of followship.

Oh but the day is coming when you and I will stand before the one whose eyes are like fire (Rev. 19:12) and as he examines our hearts all the excuses we now give will not be reason enough to explain why we did not follow him.

Who are we? we are to be followers of Jesus Christ. When Jesus says follow me, he is calling for us to do just that!

2. Who are we following?

I dare you to look over at your neighbor and ask them who are they following. Are you a follower of Jesus Christ? The majority would say yes we are. If we identify ourselves as a follower, doesn’t it make sense we should be following Jesus

Oh but we are suppost to be following the “King of Kings,” the “Lord of Lords,” the “Prince of Peace,” the “Good Shepard,” the one who came to earth and died for our sins so that we might have life..!

II. Commitment-

Read Matthew 4:18-19

If Jesus where to walk up to you and say follow me, would you?

- Peter and Andrew....“And they followed him”

- Matthew... “arose and followed him.”

- Phillip.... “found Nathanael, come and see!”

Their call is our call

Jesus has called us and continues to call us to follow him.

Luke 9:23 Then he said to them all, “ if anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

The cost of commitment:

We are called to lose our lives. In Luke 9:18-27, we found our lord teaching his twelve men what he considered the true marks of a genuine disciple. The men and women who desire to follow him must:

1. Believe that he is the “Christ of God” (9:18-20)

2. Be willing to take up their cross and die daily

(9:21-23) To your hopes, to your dreams , and ambitions; and eventually should the situation call for it:

3. Be willing to lose their life for christ.

You will have to sacrifice some things.

There will be Trials and Tribulations

Test, temptations

But my lord will take you through the fire!!

But you’ve got to be committed, don’t give up!

stay strong and stay firm.

My God will deliver thee!


*Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

His deliverance is not from the fire, but its in the fire!!

- fiery trials will distinquish true believers from false ones.

Remember Lots wife