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  • Who's Running The Show?

    Contributed by Thomas Gates on Mar 27, 2001
    based on 94 ratings

    God will not be used!

    “Who’s running the show” by rev. Thomas B. Gates Text:1 Sam. 4:1-11 Explain the ark of the covenant Intro: Explain what’s happening There is a lot of things that we need to know about God, if were going to serve him in a way that’s pleasing to him. Now Israel realized that they were in more

  • Viewing The Invisible

    Contributed by Thomas Gates on Feb 10, 2001
    based on 129 ratings

    Its time that we get our eyes off the problems and view the invisible.

    “Seeing The Invisible” Text: 2Kings 6:8-19 Intro: “Seeing the invisible” Now that sounds like a paradox and maybe it is a paradox because I know that something invisible is something that you cant see. so how can we view it , or how can we see it. The key word is We. How can we see it? you more

  • You'll Never Defeat The Giant, Unless You First Conquer The Lion And Bear

    Contributed by Thomas Gates on Feb 1, 2001
    based on 234 ratings

    Sooner or later your gonna face a giant, and if you quit every time problems come then you’ll never be anything for God!

    “ You’ll never defeat the giant, unless you first conquer the lion and the bear.” Text: 1 Samuel Ch 17:32-51 Intro: Everyone here surely has heard the story of “David and Goliath.” Probably more than once. Its a pretty good book to read to our children, It teaches them that no matter what more

  • Are You Ready To Follow The Leader?

    Contributed by Thomas Gates on Nov 12, 2000
    based on 111 ratings

    The call to follow Jesus Christ, to be a disciple, and the cost of commitment.

    Are you ready to follow the leader? Rev. Thomas B. Gates Text: John 8:12 Luke 9:57-62 Intro: What does the call to follow Jesus mean to you? Is it something you have heard long ago as a little child, or is it something that you hear a fresh every day? I remember a game we all use to play more