Summary: Are you a leader? A mentor? Are you a disciple? A follower? God says we all need someone to be a role model in our life. Ultimately, He wants you to be one to someone else as well.

I was reading about a Pastor one Sunday that had a lady leaving out of the church that said: “Pastor, that was a model sermon.” The Pastor felt pretty good about the statement until he got home and looked up the word “model” in the dictionary and read this: “Model, a small imitation of the real thing.”

In life we need models; we need role models that can do more than give us sermons; we need people who live out the calling of being a role model.

Paul saw the importance of real mentors and role models in our lives and the church and took on that calling himself as he said to one of the churches that he helped establish in Corinth saying: “Follow my example as I follow Christ.”

He literally was saying: “Follow the leader.” Following the leader is much more than a child’s game; it is a Kingdom mandate for our growth and transformation as Christians.”

Do you have a role model? If so, who is it?


As we take our next steps as we study Paul’s letter to Pastor Titus who was establishing churches in Crete he compels him to “appoint elders” that would serve as role models and leaders in the church.

These leaders would lead the churches in love and influence.

We learn a lot about the importance of this type of influence as we see qualifications for these types of leaders. Why should our mentors and leaders meet a Biblical criterion for us to adopt them and accept their leadership in our life.

The qualifications set forth explains why. Let’s think about this deeply today as we seek out and identify the personal leaders and role models that we want to mimic and follow.

Transitional Sentence: Why should I find a godly role model to follow? It is because:

I. My Motives Matter

vs. 5-“For this reason I left you in Crete…"


Paul begins by saying: “For this reason, I left you in Crete, that you would set in order what remains to appoint elders in every city as I directed you.”

Notice the purpose Paul communicates the reason why he left Titus in Crete. He communicates: “that you would set in order what remains to appoint elders in every city as I directed you.”

There were some things that were left undone in the churches in Crete. There were things that needed to be “set in order.”

The word “order” (Ortho) is the same word from which we get our words: Orthopedics and Orthodontist.” They help set our bones in order. Whether those bones are our Teeth or our Tibia.

Paul was saying, without Godly leaders and mentors; the church is out of order. The body of Christ needed something set in order. It needed to appoint godly leaders and role models.

One of the greatest things we are to learn from godly leaders, mentors, and role models is “the why” in life.

There is a “why” in everything you do. There is a reason “why” you get up in the morning.

There is a reason “why” you come home at night. There is a reason “why” you do everything you do.

We call this “why” in our life, our motives. Motives motivate you. They get you moving.

They create goals and objectives; they even make you who you are as a human being.

Establishing and identifying people with the right motives in life is life changing. God designed us for more than a lecture; He designed us to learn from other people in life.

Jesus modeled this best. Instead of just going to work and building the Kingdom of God on His own; He called 12 disciples that He could instruct and influence. Jesus’ number one way of changing people was to model what He taught. Discipleship was and is the number one way of growing as a Christian.

Do you have anyone that is discipling you? Who is influencing you and what type of influence are they upon you.

Whoever they are; they are transferring their worldview into your life and helping shape who you are every day.

Illustration: Are you salty?

Did you know that the oceans cover 70 percent of the Earth’s surface and that about 97% of all water on earth is “salty” or “saline water.”?

There’s a lot of salty water on earth isn’t there.

Why did God fill the world with so much salt? Salt is imperative. Your body needs it. It needs salt to cleanse and heal. Years ago, I got a splinter in my foot that I could not remove. I soaked it in salt every night until it finally the salt pulled the splinter to the surface.

Salt also preserves. Meat can be dried and salted and last for all winter.

Salt also adds flavor, jest, and taste in life. It is said that salt is the most influential mineral on the planet.


The body of Christ needs salt as well. Jesus said: “You are the salt of the earth…” Matthew 5:13.

Likewise, Colossians 4:6 says: “Let your speech always be seasoned with salt…”

Salt is one of the greatest metaphors God uses to describe us. We are to be “salty.” Look at your neighbor and say: “You are one salty dude.” “Tell the girls, God likes salty girls.”

It really is too bad that the word “salty” has been redefined in the English language to be a person of “bad influence” when God defines “salty” as a person that is a good influence.

So, find someone who is “God’s definition of salty” and on the process; why not be salty yourself for someone else.

Having good leadership in my life is vital to my spiritual growth because through their influence, my motivates are made or manipulated.

Transitional Sentence: Why should I find a godly role model to follow? It is because:

II. My Moments Matter


Paul saw this as one of the most important things in the churches He was establishing. As a matter of fact, the way Paul writes the first few verses in the letter called “Titus” proves it.

In all the other letters Paul writes in the New Testament there is a certain progression of how it is written: Paul identifies himself as the writer, acknowledges who he is writing to, and then spends time offering up thanksgiving to God for the recipients.

Paul would normally in his introduction have a “thanksgiving” statement at this point in his writings. Yet, what happens in this letter was a sense of urgency.

There was no time for passing along kind words of gratefulness for Titus; instead there was a different focus of Paul in this letter than any other that he wrote. There was work to be done.

Time was of essence.

What’s Paul in such a hurry to get done? Interesting enough, it is to provide role models and leaders in the churches.

Why was finding leadership and role models for these churches and new believers so important? Why was getting these established with stealth so critical? Why did this need to be expedited, acted on promptly, and gotten done ASAP?

The reason why is because “my moments matter.” But why do they matter?

Write this down: It is because: Leaders help lead us to the purposes of God in our life.

The Bible tells us that this life is short and eternity is too long to be wrong.

James 4:14 in the Amplified version says this: “You are merely a vapor (like a puff of smile or whisp if steam from a cooking pot) that is visible for a little while and then it vanishes away into thin air.”

Listen: Your life matters and because of this; your moments matter. Therefore, it is important that we discover the purposes of God for our life.

We just finished studying the Book of Esther and in it we learned that timing for her life was very important. In Esther 4:14 we read: “And who knows but that you came to your position for such a time as this?”

There’s an old saying that says: “If you see a turtle sitting on a fence post you, you can conclude that he did not get there by himself.”

Good and godly leaders are constantly leading but if they are not leading people in the way God wants them to go, then they are leading people against the purposes of God. Literally, they are working against the purposes of God.

Here’s a verse for you: “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21

What that means that all our best dreams and plans will vanish. The only thing that will last forever is the purposes of God.

The Bible says that you were made to last forever. You will do more on that side of eternity than this side of eternity. So, what is the purpose of life?

Life is preparation for eternity and God has put some people in your life to help prepare you for it. That’s why choosing godly mentors and leaders to influence your life is so important.

Today, someone is helping prepare you for eternity.

The question simply is: Where are your leaders leading you? All leaders have an eternal impact. One way or another.

Illustration: Sheep following sheep

In 2005 a group of 26 families from Gevas, Turkey (in eastern Turkey) shepherded their sheep together.

Nevzat Bayhem, one of the family shepherds, said that as they were grazing, one of the sheep randomly walked off a cliff falling to its death. Yet, while that was tragic, it was even more tragic that 449 other sheep followed and fell to their death, while fortunately, the rest of the sheep survived, only because the 450 sheep that fell to their death made a cushion for the rest to land on.

But, while the rest of the sheep did not die; they were all injured seriously.

The owners of the sheep said that the loss of sheep was estimated at $100,000.00 when the average GDP in the country was around $2700.00


It is interesting that one of Jesus’ favorite depictions of us as His children was that we are all like sheep that need a shepherd.

Sheep must be tended to. It is of essence that they be cared for and led.

In 2023 a sheep named Fiona wandered away from its herd and was left on its own. For two years, Fiona was stranded at the bottom of a cliff and literally close to death.

Here’s a picture of Fiona after she was rescued:

One of the biggest problems was that she needed sheered. She was weighed down by 20 pounds of wool. This is dangerous for a sheep because of over heating, vision impairment, it leads to trapped moisture and parasites that can result in death. They predicted that in Fiona’s state; her life was in jeopardy and her future unstable and her time of rescue was critical for her future.

Fiona gained notoriety and was known as “Britain’s loneliest sheep” simply because for two years she had no shepherd.


Paul specifically was saying that the churches in Crete needed shepherds. They needed Pastors and elders that would tend to God’s flock and help care for and mentor them.

The Bible tells us in Matthew 9:36: “When He (Jesus) saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”

Without a doubt, God wants us to have Godly people and leaders in our life to care for us spiritually and help us prepare for our lives here and our lives in eternity.

Transition: Why should I find a godly role model to follow? It is because:

III. My Master Matters

Vs. 10-11- “For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, who much be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things that they should not teach for the sake of sordid gain.”


In the world there are a lot of people that can lead you in the wrong direction away from God’s purposes for a variety of reasons.

In Crete there were many people of influence that were con artist. They led people astray by their teaching so that it would line their pockets with money. The Bible identifies these deceivers as “false teachers.”

In verse 10-11: We read about them as it says: “For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers…teaching things they should not teach for the sake of sordid gain.”

In this verse Paul uncovers three reasons why someone will choose to lead people astray:

a) Pride- “empty talkers” – An adjective only used here in the New Testament. It’s a word that

describes someone fluent but shallow. They appear smart, but are really

have not truthful content.

b) Perversion – “rebellious men”- The Greek word means “uncontrolled disobedience.” It

specifically describes someone has no regard for authority.

c) Personal gain- “sordid gain”- Their motive is money. Their mouths run for money. Yet, it

doesn’t stop there. It can be for any personal gain instead of serving the

purposes of God.

Micah 2:1 describes people like this saying: “They dream up crimes while lying in bed and a soon as morning light, they take off, full of energy to put their schemes into practice.”

In your life, you are told to examine the character of the teacher and content of what you are taught. Examining and these things help us carefully chose who will mentor and shape our lives through communicating to our conscience.

Find someone who seeks to guard your heart; and can back up their beliefs with God’s Word without manipulating it. If not, anyone can be easily manipulated and moved away from God’s purposes for their life.

Illustration: Scams, scams, scams

Has anyone tried to scam you lately? I have it happen all the time. Last week my Chase card needed attention. The only thing is, I don’t have a chase card.

One of the biggest things happening in America today is “romance scams.” Law enforcement talk endlessly about people who hunt down the lonely on the internet and make all kinds of promises about showing up and marrying people.

They even have a name for what they do. They call it “pig butchering.” I was listening to a Dave Ramsey Show and a lady recently called in and her mother had 1.2 million dollars stolen from her in promises that the rich guy would pay her back when he arrived for the wedding.

The goal is to get to your wallet through your empty heart and leave both empty.


Empty talk produces empty lives.

Yet, one thing God will never do. He will never scam you; He will save you. He will not empty your heart; He will fill your soul.

Titus concludes that the church should be a place where people come to find a role model, godly leader, and mentor. As a matter of fact, Paul told Titus to appoint some so that people could easily locate them.

Godly mentors lead us to the Master; Jesus Christ.

Concluding Illustration: Clubhouse or light house

I read an article a few years ago about a church that relocated and built its new building in a large neighborhood with 250 housing units behind it.

After they moved in the Pastor had two major conversations with two individuals the first Sunday.

The first guy said: “Pastor we need to build a fence so that the kids from that neighborhood will not wander onto our property.”

The second guy said: “Pastor, we need to raise some money to build a sidewalk and steps up to our church so that the kids and their families can easily find their way to the church.”

The Pastor said: “Those conversations made me realize what a church should really be. It should not be a clubhouse for the saints; it ought to be a lighthouse for those who are seeking.”

Do you need a role model? Do you need someone to guide you to the purposes of God? That’s why the church exists. It’s a place to find people like Paul who are walking with Jesus so closely that they can point you to the Master and say: “Follow me as I follow Christ.”